
Gnome on the Range by Jennifer Zane

mawmom's review

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a good mix of mystery and romance

lynn_the_greyhound_mum's review

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This was a lighthearted fun book. The heroine got into trouble without even trying, glad he ended up with Ty, well once he got his head out of is arse and stopped telling her he didn't want a relationship.

brandiwyne4018's review

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Weird title for a funny, engaging book. Loved it.

wildflowerz76's review

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This book has an identity crisis first of all. So, the title (Gnome on the Range) is stupid and the cover looks like a homicidal gnome is going to be stalking the plains. However, evidently since I "bought" this book, they changed the cover to a stock photo of a guy and a girl in an embrace, looking longingly into each other's eyes and changed the title to the super bland, "Waiting." It's not updated here, but it is on Amazon and Shelfari.

The story is silly, but readable. I can buy that someone would look at a phial of viscous material and say, "That looks like sperm." I can't buy that they'd look at the phial and say, "That looks like cow sperm." Seriously? The villian is over-the-top. You expect him to twirl his mustache and cackle. The heroine is TSTL and the hero's just annoying. Yet, still I read. It kept me engaged when it shouldn't have so it earned back a star just for that reason. Still, not reading any more of these.

wilovebooks's review

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Laugh-out-loud funny. Nice mix of humor, suspense, and spicy romance.

sunshineariel's review

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This was a fun, light read - the plot took a few unexpected turns, and ended just as happily as you would expect from this kind of romance/mystery/adventure story.

lenoreo's review

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Fun, adventurous mystery story with a bit of sweet romance on the side. I was definitely entertained. I'm not super drawn to these kinds of stories, so I think others might enjoy it more than me. I enjoyed the sass and crazy characters (Goldie). Ty was pretty much awesome. Jane occasionally got on my nerves....I guess I just didn't always understand her and her motivations. And sometimes her internal dialogue just didn't work for me (too corny?? Not sure). I'm also not a big fan of overly descriptive writing, so that didn't work for me (ie - author described the appearance of every house they visited). Personal taste thing.