
Illuminae, by Jay Kristoff, Amie Kaufman

szenekfanni's review against another edition

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I feel in love with this book as soon as I saw a few pages from it. This book is not written like usual, but contains only documents, text messages, audio transcript, etc. It was such an interesting book! I also liked the story but the way it was presented is so unique that all the things that would be considered "cliché sci-fi stuff" felt new. Not the first time reading about a crazy AI, a deadly zombie plauge or your "everyday teenager" saving the day, but still I enjoyed every minute of it. You can feel the amount of work that was put in this book, not just in the writing but every visual aspect on almost every page! A great book, I look forward to reading the sequels!

chantalwiegand's review against another edition

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The first sci-fi book I liked. I loved the writing style and the story. I can’t wait to read the other books

sren15's review against another edition

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Este libro me ha tomado por sorpresa completamente y de las mejores formas posibles. Vamos, yo esperaba que fuese algo interesante pero al leerlo, con el formato más original y fascinante que tiene y la historia en sí es tan WOW que ni te da tiempo de procesar todo porque ya acabas el libro. Mira que es bastante largo, pero de verdad, es de ponerse a leerlo y se acaba antes de que te das cuenta. Tengo muchísimas ganas de leer la continuación aunque por lo que leí no creo que está tan relacionado con los personajes de este libro pero bueno, ya veremos. Realmente recomiendo este libro, es increíble.

malaynachang's review against another edition

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I had such high hopes for this book, judging from all of the reviews I read.

It fell flat, but I didn't hate it.

It was a 600-page short read that I somehow managed to take FOREVER reading. I tried reading 50 pages per day but it didn't exactly work out, as I'm also reading other stuff for school and for personal enjoyment.

There were some high points of this book but as a whole, it was confusing and almost a little tepid in the reading world. I really enjoyed reading parts of it, such as the chat lines or the audio transcripts, but the whole thing with Aidan was confusing and I honestly didn't really understand it.

The characters didn't seem as developed but that's obviously because there really are barely any words in the book that are composed in long paragraphs like usual books. This book was a compilation of a ton of random things, transcripts, audio, pictures, AIDAN's brain, etc.

A ton of things happened in this book. It started off with an almost "flashback" of something small and then it escalated into the more serious things. We learn that Kady and Ezra have just broken up because of complications in their relationship but on that day, their home planet, Kerenza, gets bombed or blown up and Kady and Ezra end up on different ships that are both being followed by the Lincoln.

Along the way, some sickness called Phobos manages to infect the crew and members of the Alexander, the ship Ezra is on. Also, their AI AIDAN goes crazy?

I liked the whole plot line of it but something about it didn't just click with me. I am interested in continuing the series but I expected more from the book overall. It's mostly because I'm not a sci-fi kind of a girl, probably.

I would recommend this book to readers who like sci-fi and unique formatting.

Main Character: Kady
Sidekick(s): Ezra, AIDAN, etc
Villain(s): Phobos, AIDAN, etc
Sci Fi Elements: This was set in the future and was very science-fiction related.

missyglee's review against another edition

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4.5 stars. I bought this book for Connor, thinking he would like it, but I became intrigued by it after reading about it in an article of best YA books you don’t know (I think). I placed the audiobook on hold at the library and when I got it and started listening, I almost returned it - solely based on the voice in the intro. But I gave it a shot and I’m so glad I did.

The book is made up of “file” - interview transcripts, video transcripts, emails, IMs, etc. the audiobook is performed by a full cast and it adds so much to the different characters and “file types”.

The story itself is a crazy science fiction suspense/thriller mixed with a YA love story. The main characters are definitely teens - which made the story a little more fun and light than it might have been with adults.

I’ve placed (audio) book #2 on hold and after hearing snippets of #1, both my son and my husband are eyeing the hard copy of the book with interest. Go mama!!

tilmanjakob_alias_tilly's review against another edition

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This book literally confused the hell out of me. I´m not kidding. About more than half of the time I spend with this book, I had simply no idea what was even going on. This was mostly due to the execution of its unique format. Let me just say, that in the beginning I thought that this format would be something I absolutely love and I still think that at least its look is really nice. But that was mostly everything I liked about it, sad but true.
Nearly every time where a new weird diagram, chat history or something else was introduced, I was still wondering what happened before. Maybe it would have been a good idea to use only one special format to make it a bit more easy to follow but for me there were far too many. At first I thought, that the beginning was supposed to be confusing and that I would get more explanation when the story goes on but unfortunately that wasn´t the case at all.
Apart from the format, I also had a very difficult time to sympathize with the two main characters. Both of them, especially the girl, were these typical YA characters which I´m honestly really tired of reading about. At first they are just whiny and annoying teenagers who are mostly thinking about their broken relationship even in dangerous situations and then suddenly they are the heroes of the story. I also just don´t think that the book gives enough information about the backstory their relationship to make me as a reader really care for it.
However, I don´t want to rant on and on but I can honestly say that this book was not my cup of tea at all. Of course, that does not mean that it´s necessarily bad for everyone. I actually know a lot of people here on Goodreads who love this book what is perfectly okay but I can´t ignore the fact that it confused and annoyed me more than it entertained me.
1.5 of 5 stars

nnozturkxn's review against another edition

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5⭐️ I wish i could give more stars because wow... just wow. I have never read anything like this before, it was perfect. I literally couldn’t stop reading. The ending was just perfect and I am at a loss for words but the sequel is already on his way and I can’t wait to read it

readwithchey's review against another edition

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Holy. Shit.
The beginning. The middle. The ending.
It was ALL amazing.
I loved everything about this book. It was so unique and action packed and romantic and scary and just so well written and well thought out. I was nervous about the layout of the story, I had originally tried to start it last month when I rented it as an ebook from my local library but was disappointed when I realized that I wouldn't be able to read it as intended that way. I was stoked when I found it at the library on post and by that time I was DYING to read it. While I was initially nervous about how I would be able to pay full attention when the plot points were outlined in documents I was surprised by how much I liked it. It was so different from just the same old first or second person POV I had been reading and I really liked it. The length seemed very long but it flies by once you're hooked, and trust me, you get HOOKED. As stated above, this book is amazing and I would totally recommend!

montecrito's review against another edition

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when i finished this, i spent 10 minutes laid on bead, book embraced in my arms looking at the void. that's enough saying of how much i loved this book.

first of all, thank you to jay kristoff he won't cease to amaze me with his vision of the world and the way he chooses to deliver it and share it with us: i'm simply obsessed with his work, i can't help but feel it's made for me. and when amie kaufman comes along, boom, perfection itself.

1. the format: loved it, loved it, loved it. at first i was suspicious i wouldn't be able to follow the story or get lost in all the editing and details but didn't happen yehaw. it was so unique and fun

2. characters: i won't develop this idea much because a. i always comment the same about jay kristoff's characters basically that they're perfect b. i would rather wait to finish the whole trilogy. but, as for kady, i need to point out the vibe i got from her, same with mia corvere from nevernight: they're both placed at the very beginning as capable, no one stands a single doubt on their habilities for a moment. there's more overcoming in their characters than just women discovering and embracing their faculties previously hidden because they were underminned, and i love to see it because it's different from everything i use to read and very, very needed and important imo. wish i had discovered these characters when i was younger tho.

3. my sci-fi lover ass: i'm actually a fake sci-fi lover because sadly i haven't read that much sci-fi but this book reminded me my roots. i enjoyed every concept and item that comes from it, and also loved AIDAN's development, the way he interacts with kady. truly an AI classic that never gets old /if it's well built/. so yeah this was like fresh air and i can't wait to keep exploring this world.

marinelibrareads's review against another edition

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Au début je détestais ce livre.
C'est pour ça que je l'aime autant maintenant... Il réveille toute l'humanité et l'amour qui sommeillent en vous, vous donne envie de vous battre, de vivre à nouveau pour le monde... c'est magnifique...