
Father Figure by James J. Cudney

darquedreamer's review against another edition

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Father Figure is powerful, emotional, and breath taking! With a hard-hitting story line, and amazingly dynamic characters, this one is sure to impress! For those who love stories of struggle, heartache, and overcoming obstacles, you need to pick this one up!

Oh my word, I loved this one so much! This may be the fastest that I have ever finished a 400+ page book because it was so damn good! I was pulled in from page one and gripped until the very end!

The story was told from two different character perspectives, in two different time periods. We learned of Amalia's struggles with growing up with an abusive, super religious, mother in the 80's. We learned of Brianna's struggles, almost 20 years in the future, of finding herself and her own sexuality all while trying to search for the father she never met. And, we saw how each of these strong, brave girls battled their obstacles and tried to grow and overcome social and moral issues.

This was an incredibly powerful story. So much of it was unpredictable, and gave those "ohhhh," moments. James found so many ways to leave bread crumbs in the story that foreshadowed upcoming events without making those events lack luster or unsurprising. There was never a dull moment, but at the same time, the story was never too overwhelming for me. Everything felt perfectly placed.

The subject matter, though definitely not overly graphic, is meant for mature audiences, and those who don't have strong triggers (which is never a bad thing, just something to consider). It was a heartbreaking story of abuse, confusion and experimentation with budding sexuality, rape, and loss. It was how Jay went about these issues that made the story so powerful and emotional, and worth the read. He approached these issues with sensitivity, and brought them to light as reoccurring issues that still need to be discussed and taken seriously, but he also made something beautiful come out of these issues and created a story that could touch hearts and lives.

As I read this, I pictured an amazing Lifetime movie in my head. I could see everything so clearly, and the characters, and story, really came to life. There was sarcasm, wit, humor, passion, heartache, loss, love, and friendship. It has been a while since a book has left me this hungover! If you love hard hitting fiction, and don't have triggers from the above mentioned content, then I'd highly recommend this book! It was one of the best I have read in quite a while, and I can tell it's going to stick with me!

Thank you to the author for providing me with this free e-copy in exchange for my honest review!

thebookreader2's review against another edition

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acton's review

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Thank you, James Cudney, for sharing your novel with us! I enjoyed your work this weekend, and am grateful for your generosity. Before I started reading, I did not read the summary or any reviews. I was surprised to find this an interesting blend of mystery, romance, and coming of age story...

Father Figure is a true page turner, and the deft pacing kept me turning pages until I'd arrived at the end of this long novel. It is set up cleverly, with the narrative bouncing back and forth both in time and speaker. It is up to the reader to figure out the relationship between the two. This is the first mystery for the reader to figure out, which isn't hard, but afterwards, there are many twists and turns in this novel, and most of them not at all predictable, in my opinion.

We learn about Amalia's sad and difficult early life, which I thought was an homage to Stephen King's Carrie, and get to contrast this with Brianna's childhood. The way their two stories progress before intertwining is fascinating.

In my opinion, the dialogue sometimes hampered the story--it seemed, at times, unrealistically wordy and too prepared. This was the case especially with Brianna. I confess: sometimes, I wanted her to shut up. Also, there were a couple of coincidences that seemed incredible and not necessary to the novel.

There is a lot going on in these pages! It's an ambitious undertaking and the end product is engrossing, even as it reaches a bit too far and explains too much. (I'm a fan of nuance.)

Bravo, James, this is a riveting story line! (And I loved how Brianna got her name, by the way.)

Thank you for the good read.

marjma2014's review against another edition

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Father figure starts of dramatically and continues with many sad and disturbing revelations until the heart-warming conclusion.

This is a tale full of heart with dual stories of Amalia and Brianna working side-by-side to reveal intricate connections that are truly remarkable to read.

I was particularly drawn to the sad narrative of Amalia and her life in Mississipi Brant with her controlling mother Janet and spineless father Peter who loves Amalia but can't stand up to Janet. Yet Amalia loves him nevertheless.

Brianna doesn't want to stay in New York and goes to Woodland to study. Her mother Molly is not pleased. It seems that both Brianna and Amalia want to escape their home towns to discover themselves and explore new possibilities.

Amalia's story becomes more and more engaging as I continued to read about her poor, unfortunate life and the dreadful things that happen to her and her family.

There are many lighter moments too. I enjoyed the character of Brianna and her best friend Shanelle and the uncertainties conveyed about Brianna's uncertainty about her sexuality and her life in general, as she has never had that all important guiding father figure.

But 'blood,' fathers are not necessarily flawless, or kind, and might even be wicked people. This tale explores fatherhood in all its shades and how secrets held can cause terrible shocking worries, and conflict.

Throughout the narrative one overarching question remains: fatherhood and the care freely given or withheld by those who should love you. This is conveyed in both the story of Brianna who doesn't know who her father is and Amalia who does but is estranged from him due to circumstances and misfortune.

It's a exceptionally clever story and the way James Cudney links the two women's lives in an amazing reveal is brilliant.

There are exciting, witty, and heartfelt as well as shocking passages with disturbing content which might be triggering for some women. It's a long story but well worth sticking with it to discover the revelations of who Brianna's father is and what happened to Amalia

Definitely a favourite of mine.
I listened to in audiobook. Narrator did a great job too.

valerielong's review against another edition

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Review coming soon!

constantine2020's review against another edition

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Rating: 4.0/5.0

Beautifully written. We follow the story of two girls from different times reading them alternatively. Amalia's story happened in the 1980s while Brianna's story in the 2000s. Amelia Graeme lives in rural Mississippi with a loving dad but a very cruel mother. All she wants is to escape from her abusive mother and leave for college and live her own life. There she explores her sexuality but no matter what she does, her mother's vicious and abusive words are always playing in her head. She goes through lots of hardships. Brianna's personality is different, she is more independent as she was raised by her single mother, but still, she struggles to understand her own sexuality and to find her own father. The two stories beautifully connect together at later chapters but I don't want to say more so nothing will be spoiled.

In the earlier chapters, I loved Amalia's story more as it had her abusive mother too which made more action to it. I felt sorry for Amalia and rooted for her, Brianna did not need the reader to root for her earlier but the mystery that surrounded her father makes the reader hooked to her story too.

There are many issues that the book tackles like parent abuse, sexuality, love etc. I love when a novel is complex and deal with lots of stuff. This one had all that I wanted. The writing is excellent, easy and beautiful. Yes, sometimes I felt that the stories had many coincidences but still that did not take from it anything. I would love to thank the author James J. Cudney for providing me with a free copy of this book in return for an unbiased honest review. I give this book a solid 4 stars out of 5.

mayu's review against another edition

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Father Figure gripped me right from that very first page when a glimpse of a future event was shown. With each passing page the story became more and more captivating, pulling me right into the worlds of the two girls, two worlds too different yet somewhat similar.

This book made me feel every possible emotion, sometimes I felt happy, sometimes I felt sad, sometimes I felt angry, sometimes I felt confused. It has been such a long time since any book made me feel so many emotions.

I was able to connect with the characters so well. More often than none I found myself comparing their emotions with emotions I had faced. Obviously I didn’t have a abusive mother or didn’t have secrets kept from me…. But still I was able to connect with them so well.

This whole book is filled with suspense and so many, so many twists and turns. From the very first page to the end, with every turn of a couple of pages there was a new twist ready to strike me and blow my mind off.

Father Figure kept me at the edge of my seat throughout, with its mystery, and with the whirlwind of emotions that the two 18 yr old characters faced. I think everyone should go and give this book a read…. This book is just too awesome….

candacerobinsonauthor's review against another edition

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I've been seeing both of Cudney's books floating around on Goodreads in my feed for a while now, and I have been wanting to read both of them. I decided to start with his latest one, Father Figure, and I wasn't sure what was going to go down in it. But boy, this book was a twisty, emotional, and awesome adventure!

Let me start by saying I loved the alternating perspectives between 1984 and 2004. First, I love the 80's and second I was 19 in 2004 and loved that year! This story is  very character driven and as I've mentioned before, those are my absolute favorite kinds of books.

Let's start with Amalia! Oh man, this girl... I loved this character. Not every girl in life is born a fighter. A lot of times a way a person is raised can have a huge impact on who they become. Amalia had one of the worst kind of mothers possible. After a tragedy with her father, circumstances lead Amalia on a journey where sometimes she doesn't know what she wants—sometimes she is needy, sometimes she wants to find the one goodness she had in life, her father, in someone else. Through all the events, she really grew as a character. And some of the events were downright awful.

Brianna reminded me of several of my friends in high school. Sometimes you just aren't sure of what you want, be it sexuality, a career, life in general. When you're young and even as an adult things aren't always clear. This leads Brianna to also want to find out about her missing father which sets her on a path that leads to all kinds of twists and turns. I'm going to be honest here, I'm quite good at guessing twists, but I did not see these coming.

Father Figure is well written and an addictive novel filled with a bottle full of emotions. I can't wait to read Cudney's other book!

gemmaflanagan's review against another edition

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This is my first book by this author and I will certainly be reading more by him.
I really enjoyed this read, I found the characters so rich and full they came to life .
I found the writing style enjoyable and easy to keep track.
The twists and turns kept me gripped and up late unable to put it down.
The best book I've read this year.

I will certainly be recommending this book to everyone.

booksteacupnreviews's review against another edition

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You can read all my review on Blog - Books Teacup and Reviews

Father Figure was dramatic, suspenseful contemporary fiction telling the story of Amalia and Brianna with lots of twist and turns. It was about coming of age, complex relationships and secrets, and uncovering the mystery of past.


Amalia’s life was difficult at Graeme family home with her abusive mother who unleashed hell whenever she saw Amalia around and tongue tied father who loved and adored his daughter but never dared to go against his wife. Escaping town for college was only solution of her tyrant mother.

I felt sad for Amalia. No one deserves such mother. Because of her mother’s constricting ruthless nature and father’s ignorance, Amalia faced the world she was never prepared for. When she went to Woodland college things started to turn opposite of what she thought. Amalia’s shyness, lack of confidence and her unfortunate fate of finding less friendly people kept her alone and aloof back at home and even at the college. Even though life threw the worst in her path she chose to do right and I loved that in her. She developed into amazing, caring and loving woman even after all that happened to her.

Brianna was 18-year-old brilliant, fierce girl but had many flaws. She was afraid to take major life decisions. She was gay but was afraid to admit it. She thought reason behind her unassertive uncertain nature was not knowing anything about her father and family apart from her mother.

I didn’t like her approach with her mother and was handling her problems immaturely. I didn’t like the way she ignored her mother’s emotions when they started discussing the father issue. I also didn’t appreciate the way she kept giving importance to a person who wasn’t present in her life and ignoring and hurting those who were there and loved her all her life. But as she dig more into mother’s past, she ended up regretting her behavior and understood her mother’s situation and emotions. Her development was slow but was satisfactory in the end. I felt frustrated at some points but I was glad by the end.

Shanelle was Brianna’s best friend and also lover. Though she was pushy and controlling, she brought out best in Brianna and helped her in all the way like true lover.

what i liked

I liked the cover based on the stories in the book in which both protagonist chose the path that is leading them away from home and family because of too controlling constricting environment of home. Writing was brilliant. It was even more captivating than author’s debut novel. I felt anger, sadness and heartbreak of the character to the core. Author poured all kind of emotions through the story of Amalia and Brianna.

Book was told in two timeline, 1984 and 2004 in third person narrative from Amalia and Brianna’s perspective alternatively; two life story that seamlessly merge into one. This was quiet dramatic and poignant story.

As soon as I started reading Amalia’s story, I knew I had to be prepared for something shocking and heart breaking. It hooked me from the very beginning. I wanted to know what will happen with Amalia, whether she would able to spend her life out of the cruel clutches of her mother and find happiness in the arm of love she was craving for or will it turn out worst nightmare possible. It was jaw dropping life mystery to uncover.

As I read more in Brianna’s story, I was eager to find out whether she would give in to her feelings for Shanelle or would do something stupid in ignorance, who her father was, and what happened in Molly’s past that she kept her hidden all her life.

The stark similarity of Amalia and Brianna’s life was shocking. They both fell for more than one person and went all the way to determine what they exactly want in life. Loneliness, no one to share their deepest secret and desires, fear, indecisiveness, absence of father and in yearning to have a father figure in life, led both Amalia and Brianna to tragic consequences. But thankfully Brianna was saved from the tragedy that Amalia faced because of her mother.

Loved the way author portrayed tensed mother-daughter relationship and Brianna’s uncertain relationship with Shannel. Loved the message from the book on- being yourself, blood never defines who you are, leaving the past in past by grabbing the chance of future and move on in life. Being loved by someone and having a friend in life to share ups and downs is a great feeling and one should cherish it rather than running after a person who is not present in life.

Twist and turns in the book were surprising. Climax was engaging and very uncertain with some more shocking revelations. End was great and I liked the way things worked out between characters.

Overall, it was engaging, emotional, suspenseful and insightful contemporary family drama that I recommend to all fiction lover. If you haven’t read it yet just grab it without second thought.

*** Note: I won e-copy of the book in giveaways. ***