devansbooklife's review against another edition

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I loved the way this book was laid out. It really takes you through the entire process and makes you see what each step meant to the victims. Everyone should read this, so that we won't let such a tragedy happen again

txcoach25's review

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challenging dark emotional informative reflective sad medium-paced


This book provides a rather unique perspective of the Holocaust as it blends historical information and time periods with a wide variety of testimonials, some of which will cause a reader to stop and contemplate what they just read and the unimaginable horrors that were enacted on humans by humans.

ievastrazdina's review against another edition

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Mani joprojām nebeidz pārsteigt, ka katrā grāmatā par holokaustu uzzinu ko jaunu un šokējošu - šoreiz visšokējošāk bija lasīt par ieslodzītajiem, kurus piespieda strādāt krematorijās - kur ieslodzītie nereti dedzināja savus tuviniekus, tika izstrādāta īpaša tehnika, lai līķi labāk degtu - kalsnos krāva apakšā un tuklos virsū, lai tauki palīdzētu degt miesai, briesmīgā degošas miesas smaka un pēc aptuveni trim mēnešiem teju visi šie cietumnieki tika sadedzināti paši, jo darbs noveda viņus pie prāta sajukuma. Un visam pa virsu - vai zināji, ka Nacistiskajā Vācijā tika ražotas ziepes ar nosaukumu RIF (angliski RIP - rest in peace)? Jā, tieši tik prātam neaptverami - vācieši mājaimniecībā izmantoja ziepes, kas ražotas no nāves nometnēs sadedzināto žīdu taukiem.

Grāmatā apkopoti vairāku holokausta izdzīvojušo stāsti par laika posmu 1933 - 1945 gadam. Grāmata ir labs izzinošs materiāls, ja nav lasīts par holokaustu - no tā pirmajām izpausmēm līdz ieslodzīto atbrīvošanai un pat par sekām uz turpmāko dzīvi. Taču tā kā es par holokaustu esmu lasījusi gana daudz - es mocījos ar šo grāmatu un galvenais iemesls ir grāmatas formāts - cilvēkstāsti tajā ir sadrumstaloti un ir grūti izsekot katra cilvēka dzīves stāstam (taisnības labad jāsaka, ka grāmatas beigās ir norādītas visas lapas, kur rakstīts par katru konkrēto cilvēku, bet tas nav tas). Man patīk izzināt cilvēka stāstu no sākuma līdz beigām un tāda sadrumstalotība man traucēja.

Es šo grāmatu nevaru vērtēt ar zvaigznēm - jo kā gan es varu novērtēt šo cilvēku pārdzīvoto?

biancarose88's review against another edition

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I found this book incredibly enlightening. The stories of people who lived through the holocaust ranged from heartbreaking to unbelievable. It was riveting to read about the methods that different people employed to survive this shocking time in history. I feel that this a book that should be read by as many people as possible in order to ensure that we can attempt to prevent history from repeating itself.

lmn9812's review against another edition

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Heartbreaking, moving, horrible and yet necessary to read.

aniabooks's review against another edition

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Heartbreaking but so important. I'm not sure the format of the book is the best one possible - perhaps it would be better to read each person's story uninterrupted. Instead, they are presented as loose paragraphs or short excerpts, grouoed by theme or similar experience, e.g. forgiveness, life in the ghetto, persecutions etc. This book contains stories of many great individuals, among others, Lili Stern-Pohlmann. Presenting the individual statements in this form does really allow to show the variety of experiences and the victims' reactions to them. It's a very valuable source, maybe not from an academic point of view, but from the human, personal one.

jessnicks's review against another edition

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emotional sad medium-paced


senecaroll's review against another edition

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Very Sad, skimmed it.

welldonesir's review against another edition

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challenging dark emotional informative inspiring sad


seddso's review against another edition

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Simple, and stunning - this will stay with me