
Dark Mission: The Secret History of NASA by Richard C. Hoagland

crowyhead's review

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Richard C. Hoagland is a real piece of work. The guy believes that the "Face on Mars" is a sculpture (despite all evidence to the contrary) and that it's surrounded by a ruined Martian city. He believes there are the remains of crystaline ruins on the Moon, and the reason the astronauts don't remember seeing them is that they've been brainwashed. Furthermore, the Real Truth about ancient alien civilizations is being suppressed by NASA, which is under the control of some kind of mystery cult. Masons are involved somewhere in there, as is the Kennedy asassination. He's the master of misinterpreting photographs, which makes the whole thing kind of entertaining: a fuzzy blob in the background of a moonscape because a castle suspended by cables, high above the lunar surface. Non-color-corrected photos of Mars that seem to show green blotches (due to the way the images are processed) are proof that there is plant life on Mars.

Have I mentioned that Hoagland refers to himself in the third person for the entire book? And that the Sun is a hyperspacial gateway? (that one isn't really explained particularly well...)

At any rate, I'd give this zero stars for scientific accuracy, four stars for entertainment value -- I figure it averages out to two...