
Dangerous Alliance by Kyra Davis

aboutthatstory's review

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Loved this so much - amazing conclusion! This is such a fantastic story with so much going on. While book one left me with a ton of questions, this book gave me all my answers and then some. I am thrilled with the ending!

I love that there was still the revenge aspect happening but it was also an emotional journey for Andoncia as she worked through her anger and what has driven her for so many years, I really felt that growth she was experiencing and sympathized for her. She was just so much more vulnerable in this and I was right there with her, absorbed in everything. She was still diabolical with her plotting and I freaking loved it! Her and Lander are so incredible together, they have such great chemistry and a strong connection but they also had their ups and downs as well as secrets. I loved that added aspect of suspense. There were times I loved Lander, he was so sweet and carrying, but there were also times when I was not happy with him at all (though in the end I loved him again). I was just so wrapped up in all of it and couldn't put it down.

There are just so many twists and turns with the other players. Such a crazy world of power and greed that they all lived in. Jessica was a piece of work and her and Travis made me cringe. I really liked Micah in book one but even more so in this. Even though he's scary he adds an element of humor.

As many emotional times as there were there were actually a lot of humorous parts. I love Andoncia and her dry humor. When she was doing something devious and others didn't know it, it was awesome and just made me feel like I was a part of her scheming.

This was just an excellent story. Great conclusion with intriguing characters that was hot, sensual, and romantic. Loved all the ins and outs with the bits of mystery and intensity. Fantastic ending! Loved the epilogue as well and their version of a happily ever after.

Complimentary copy received for honest review.

ashliesydel's review

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Oh how love can make us weak. I felt like Bell's entire personality changed in this second book. In Deceptive Innocence she was so bad ass with a touch of insecurity. But in this book she was VERY insecure and showed weakness. I felt like she was defeated and tired of the fight.

I read the first book in three parts. Which in my opinion was more exciting because of the cliff hangers. I wish they had sold the second book with that option. I don't know if there just weren't as many cliff hangers or if I was reading too quickly to catch them but it just was not as exciting.

I thought that Bell and Lander would have a Bonnie and Clyde essence about them. But she pretty much let him take the lead and I'm not sure how I feel about that.

Despite backing away from her original scheme she still managed to be manipulative and create havoc. I was very proud of her for letting go of all the hate and pain she had been harboring and focusing on living.

I liked the ending and was shocked by the unexpected character who made justice possible. My only complaint is I thought this was suppose to be a trilogy. I don't know where I read it. Maybe I misread but when we were handed the ending all wrapped up in a bow I was left feeling a little hallow.

I'm sorry I've seen enough mob movies to believe that the threat just disappeared. I feel like there should be a third book to address Micah's involvement. I am now questioning if her mom really committed suicide of if that was a prison hit. I don't' know if I have an over active imagination or Kyra left room for speculation on purpose.

Either way I did enjoy this book immensely. Bell and Lander are still one of the hottest couples of the year. And in comparison to 50 Shades since everyone seems to ask me how does it compare I leave you with this.

Christian Grey is a BOY that plays with Toys... Lander Gable is a MAN who uses his HANDS....

rosepetals1984's review

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Initial reaction: A satisfying end to the duology. I love the blend of mystery, crime, and sensuality this book had, with well developed characters.

Full review:

Another retro review, this time for a series I finished in May of 2019. Man, this read was overdue for me to pick up and well worth the time. I've mentioned before that I love Kyra Davis's writing - her eye to details, the complexity of her characters, the intimate sensuality of the writing, both with the sexual scenes and outside of that. It was quite a while ago that I was able to pick up "Just One Night" and one of the serial installations of the first book of the "Pure Sin" duology from NetGalley, which ultimately led me to read those books in full outside of their serials. I'm not sure why it took me so long to pick up "Dangerous Alliance", but I'm glad that I was able to read where I left off with no problems.

When we last left Bell/Adoncia, she was on a invested quest for revenge against the Gable family, established as a femme fatale of sorts in the first book. Her mother's death and forced downfall at the hands of the Gable family is her prime motivation for going after them. Particularly the cold hearted Travis, who Bell has in her sights to take down once and for all, from within the family. Travis's wife Jessica is just another player in the larger game set in Bell's larger manipulations, though she is a more complicated foe than she looks. However, Bell doesn't expect to feel what she feels for Travis's brother, Lander, nor does she realize that he discovers her true motivations aside from her hidden identity - a major point left from the previous story. Their sensual chemistry is molten hot lava bomb steamy (I promise I'm not exaggerating - it doesn't hold back). What Bell doesn't know is that Lander is an unexpected ally willing to take down his family as well, and the two form an unlikely alliance.

This book kept me on my toes. As flawed and vulnerable as Bell was in many moments of this series, especially in this book, I was rooting for her. She's a strongly constructed character who has a clear goal, complex motivations, distinct internal and external conflicts that are layered. I really enjoyed watching the side characters in this novel as well, watching them to see what they would do and if certain pieces where Bell dropped the ball would be discovered by the people she was going after. It keeps you on your toes for the overarching mystery, suspense, and romantic elements. In the end, I was satisfied with how Bell and Lander's story concluded - few unexpected twists in tow - and I'm happy that I own this series and can reread it again in my personal library.

Overall score: 4/5 stars.