
Two Thousand Years by M. Dalto

sorina7's review

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A great start to what promises to be an amazing series.
It starts a little slow, but the narrative pick up along the way, making it a dinamic read.
Recommended to any fantasy lover in need of the good book.

littlefoot10's review

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This novel is hard for me to rate. There were many things that I enjoyed about this story but also things that I felt either didn't fit well into the plot or just happened too fast?

I guess the pacing was weird for me. A lot happened but at the same time a lot didn't happen. I'm sure that doesn't make sense at all.

What I enjoyed was the prophecy and girl being swept away into another world and a destiny. I enjoyed the dynamics of twin brothers; being at the heart of the story as destined to rule and one looking for his own path to greatness.

However, some of Alex's reactions to situations just do not makes sense. When I read a novel I try and put myself in that position and gauge if that is something I would do or anyone else. When she is first kidnapped to the Empire, she is more concerned about how the Crown Prince smells...than like trying to escape. There are more examples that could be provided.

I felt The Crown Prince, didn't get flushed out enough as a character. Yes, he is bound to duty and his upbringing and belief in the prophecy...but overall who is. What makes him Alex love him. What makes the people of the Empire look up to him. What makes him tick. That is what I wanted more of. I wanted more of his actual character besides his good looks and sexy smirk.

Am I terrible for kinda digging Reylor? I mean not his evil sadistic side that was shown most of the novel. But the idea of him trying to create his own future and being punished for it. The idea of being the Lord Stewart and how that affected his entire childhood, being second to Treyan. I am hoping we see more character growth for him in the following novels. I don't think he is as evil as this novel portrayed him to be. However, most if not all of his actions within this novel were completely disgusting and I felt really didn't need to be taken to where they went.

I will definitely continue with this series because I want to see what is going to happen to Lexan. I want each of the character to go and really just learn more about them. I am excited to learn more about the Empire too, and see more of it than just the Palace. Oh and more of the Borderlands...where Reylor created his own Empire. I think his series has a lot of potential, and I am excited to see it grow!

ladyknightmeg's review

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Two Thousand Years is the kind of book that you pick up and binge read all at once. This is a dark fantasy full of romance, adventure, and heartbreak. It's New Adult - but I do think that mature YA readers would enjoy it as well!

The Empire is a beautifully crafted world - M. Dalto gives us enough world building to see the beauty (and the darkness) of this alternate universe, without using excessive detail.

The characters are phenomenal, and the villain is one of those that you probably won't be on the side of (or maybe you will), but you will definitely see what makes him tick.

Two Thousand Years was one of my FAVORITE books on Wattpad, and it totally deserved to be picked up by a publisher! I'm so glad that it did, because the published, polished version is even better.

queensflame's review

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I have a more concise review on my blog:

I DNF'd this one at about 60%. So all of my thoughts and opinions are based on the 60% that I read, so keep that in mind. More on why I DNF'd later on in the review under spoilers.

This was a book I had on my TBR for a while ever since I saw the cover float around on twitter. I was excited to read it, and I was given the opportunity to read a free copy in exchange for a review. However, I was unfortunately a bit disappointed.

I won't say that I don't think this book has potential. I think it very much could be a really amazing fantasy series, but it's missing key information in at least the 60% of the book. Essentially what happens in this book, is that this crown prince of either an alternate dimension or world (which is not made clear) goes into "our" world and rescues/kidnaps Alex, who coincidentally is the Empress of their Realm. Sounds interesting right?

It is. But...we never get any information AT ALL. About this realm. What's it called? How does it exist? Why does it exist? What is the history behind this world? Basically the only scrap of info we are given is a prophecy that this world follows. Twin boys are born to the empress (always twin boys, to note). One becomes crown prince, the other his advisor of sorts. When the time comes, the crown prince has visions of his empress and when needed, he goes into the "real world" and brings her to their world. They marry and bring peace and prosperity or something. It doesn't really make much sense because we're never really explained why this prophecy exists. Basically it's given to us with no history no explanation. There's also some kind of magic system, but, again. We're not given any information. The world building lacks, very badly, and the only thing really driving the plot is the character interactions. So if you're looking for character driven plot with not much background, here you go.

The rest of this review will be put in spoilers because they ARE spoilers for the plot. Proceed at your own risk. Also TRIGGER WARNINGS FOR SEXUAL ASSAULT! Please if you're sensitive to rape/sexual assault stop reading the review now or just don't read the spoiler below. I also think that the whole book itself should have TW for rape/sexual assault and my explanation is below (AGAIN. It's a spoiler).

SpoilerSo I DNF'd this book around 60%, and ended up skipping ahead to see if what I read really happened. There is a scene, Alex is kidnapped by the bad guy Reylor. He's her love interests twin brother. He wants her to be with him (literally not really explained other than "I saw her first"). At one point, he forces himself on her rather inappropriately while she's in bed, rips her clothes off, and it's written as she's been raped. The character is led to believe she was raped, as was I. Which threw me into a fit of shaking and crying because it was absolutely horrible, the way the character reacted and everything. I skipped ahead to make sure, because there hadn't been any trigger warnings prior to me going into this book, nor were there any reviews stating this happened. I found out she wasn't raped, he merely cursed her babies that she was pregnant with from her love interest. [EDIT: Someone confirmed that it was rape so!!! Lovely!!!] I don't really see why you would even THINK to write someone getting cursed as if it was rape, and make her think she was raped. It's just...honest to god so messed up. I stopped the book right there because I just couldn't handle something like that in a book, and it really set me off. That night I couldn't sleep because of my anxiety over this. I'm not a sexual assault survivor nor do I really know anyone who's been through that, so I can't imagine if someone who can be triggered by a scene like that read this book. I wanted to include this in my review because I think it's important to know these things. It honestly skewered my view of the whole book. If I had known I'd never have picked this up for review.

Yeah so. The book has potential, lacks world building, is a character driven story, and I definitely would advise TW for rape and sexual assault because there is a scene that can be taken that way and it definitely wasn't okay in my opinion. I thank the author for providing me with a free copy for review.

lisamariepe's review

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I’d been on a fantasy/YA kick this year, having read through a couple of promising titles (A Court of Thorns and Roses, Three Dark Crowns) without connecting with them very much and Two Thousand Years absolutely astonished me by how much it stood out from the others.

TTY started out lightly, with a kidnapping and the lead character’s hyper-speed acceptance of her new reality, but once you get about a good third of the way in the story takes off and really blew me away. It’s filled with nuance and what seems like only light character-building on the surface, but as you get deeper into the narrative you realize there is more than meets the eye maybe for ALL of the main characters. The story gets D A R K and goes to places I did not expect it to, and I love how courageous the writing is in the second half. It gets very real and very raw concerning things that happen to the heroine, and her sense of betrayal and horror are very real.

I can’t wait to see what happens next and though I didn’t plan on picking up book 2 or ACOTAR or of TDC sadly, I cannot wait for the novellas and book 2 of the Empire saga.

chloelouisejones's review

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I couldn't put the book down! It jumps right in from the very start and the story develops quickly but keeps you intrigued. I've moved on to the novellas already while I'm waiting for book 2!

The 3 main characters are strong and I love the relationships between them. I feel like there did need to be more main characters involved with the storyline that we have a connection to, we don't know much/anything about any of the characters apart from their names...

Negatives: there are some typos, rape was included in the storyline but in an almost blasé way...

a_potter_nerd's review

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*TRIGGER WARNING* This book does contain a rape scene.

For anyone that has triggers, this book may not be for you. There is a mildly graphic rape scene about halfway through. If you do have triggers and still find you want to read this book, read it with a friend, have someone on standby to talk too, reach out. You are not alone.

I received this as an eARC to read for free in exchange for my honest review. Thank you to The Parliament House and M. Dalto for giving me access.

Where do I begin? This book was absolutely amazing and I am so happy that I don’t have to wait for the next book!

Dalto does an amazing job at world building, balancing the story, and keeping you interested to the very end.

And speaking of the end…WHAT JUST HAPPENED??? Are they just….Is he really…what is going to happen?!! I need answers and I need them now.

It is a fast paced read, but in a way that you aren’t confused as to what’s going on. The only complaint I have is how quickly the lovers trope happened.

“Oh I hate you for —” Turn page, “Get in my pants.”

But hey, it honestly works for this story.

booksavvyreviews's review against another edition

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What does this book have? Political intrigue, soul mates, magic, romance, and Boston. Okay, well, the latter might not matter to you, but it does to me! ;)

To begin with, the characters each have their own personalities; they leaped off the page for me. Alex, in particular, represents both a strong female character and also a typical masshole—which I adore. While it begins in Boston, MA it swiftly transports us to another realm where we meet more characters and get to feel the grittiness of the world. Reylor is a mystery and the antagonist, Treyan is the protag who you find yourself rooting for—unless you're me, I think... ;)

As the plot unfolds there was something that I do think would trigger some—some sexual abuse—although Dalto didn't glorify it by any means, I do believe it is worth mentioning. The story moved along quickly and I felt there wasn't a good place to stop which made me turn the pages all the faster because I needed answers!

All around this is a great read.

Book Savvy Reviews

bookly68's review against another edition

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I have to start off my review by saying “Bravo, Bravo [a: M. Dalto|17495218|M. Dalto|]” this is a wonderful start to what could be an amazing series!!! I CANNOT WAIT FOR THE NEXT BOOK!!!

I am still swooning over Treyan and Alexstrayna!!! The way the prophecy brought them together. They instinctively felt right with each other, and their attraction to each other felt natural and right. The prophecy was right, they belonged together. I loved that. Although Alex was very headstrong, but i guess she would have to be. After all, she would be Empress...right?

The character growth in this story is so believable, especially with the main characters. But even some of the side characters growth, it’s just so well written. Then you have Treyan’s twin brother, Reylor, he is written so well. But he is written in such a way he still has me wondering what truly goes on in his heart and his head. The dialogue is just so well written that it helps give these characters the depth they need.

If you enjoy fantasy and swoon worthy romance....LOOK NO FURTHER!! I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS!! Definitely giving it 5++ Stars!!! 💙💙💙🖤❤️

rlh1994's review against another edition

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I really wanted this book to get interesting, but by about 60/70% I just couldn't wait for it to be over.

The plot and story had a chance to be great, but towards the end felt very rushed with the pacing all over the place, with no real feel of where in time we actually were anymore. There was a load of great mysteries; what was the war 2000 years ago? What does the mark of the empress mean? How does magic even work in this world? None of them ever answered or explained.

As others have mentioned this could have done with a few more proof reads. On the surface there were mistakes and extra words that take you out of the already non-engaging story, and beyond that there's some inconsistencies within the story (it took them all day to get to the nearest village from the castle but later in the book they can get to the empires border in under a day???). Even the *spoiler* ending was a massive plot hole - it had only been a day in the "otherworld" but a year in the empire, yet earlier Treyan said he had been looking for her for at least a year! So that would mean he was gone from that world for over 300 years. Even the "interesting" ending to set up the next book took me completely out of it due to this error.

By the end it was clear that there was going to be no answers to the interesting points setup earlier in the book and it just become a slog to get through, so I cannot in good conscience recommend this book.