
Under His Skin by Stacey O'Neale

jlove731's review

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Under His Skin is a super sexy romance with a fast-paced plot and I just loved it. Entangled never lets me down, and this one is no exception!

There's so many elements thrown into this story that make it so loveable. Firstly, I love that our protagonist, Bells, is such a sweetheart. It's nice for once to see a girl so kind who actually gets everything she ever wanted. On top of that, she bakes! Score for the yumminess!

On the other side, we have always got to have our sexy hunks and Kaden is no exception to that. Not only is he one of the best friends you could have, he's also got the body and looks to drool over. Oh and not to forget, he's got two good-looking hunk brothers, too. With our main fella, I adore how committed he is to Bells. Gotta love a swoon-worthy sweetheart.

Overall I thought this book was a super cute story with a side of fantasy and siracha! Yes, siracha...because it's more than just spicy. The only reason I knocked it a star was because I thought a few parts seemed rushed, otherwise I would definitely suggest checking this one out!

alexperc_92's review

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I really liked the YA series by Stacey O'Neale! And I didn't miss the chance to get the ARC from her new series!

The story is about a baker Annabelle who happens to be in love with Kaden. What she doesn't know is that Kaden is an alien who also is hidding in plain view from the humans. As their relationship grows it will be harder to keep away from each other.

The story was fast-paced and sweet. I liked the possibility of creating an even wider world building and I really want to read the rest of the stories of the other brothers! :)

chllybrd's review

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Bakery owner Annabelle is extremely attracted to her best friend Kaden, but she doesn't realize that he is just as attracted to her and when he finally gives into his attraction, her world as she knew it can never be the same. Although I enjoyed UNDER HIS SKIN, there were a few points in the book that just didn't quite hold my attention and I found things to be a bit too predictable.

I found Annabelle to be extremely sweet, but she isn't a pushover. She wants Kaden, but doesn't put up with his crap. Kaden refuses to put Annabelle in danger by having a relationship with her, but he doesn't give her the option and then goes and gives in before again pulling back. There was a LOT of hot and cold going on. Watching him be super stubborn where their "relationship" was concerned was frustrating. I wanted to push him towards her and say "Just do it already" many times. With the super hot cover I really expected the romance in UNDER HIS SKIN to be super steamy. That is not the case and in fact there really isn't any steam at all. Still a paranormal romance, but it's more on the sweet side.

There isn't a ton of action in UNDER HIS SKIN, but there is a bit that gets you excited. I enjoyed the alien storyline, it was well executed. Kaden's brothers were fun and provided some nice entertainment. I might just have to read the next book to get some more of them. If you are looking for something light and quick, UNDER HIS SKIN, will provide you an easy read.

* This book was provided free of charge from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

storieswithsoul's review

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Absolutely loved this book! Great plot and brilliantly written. Whole alien aspect made it all the more mysterious and intriguing. I liked the romance and I loved the mystery surrounding it. Also all characters are awesome and I'd definitely love to read more about them. I hope that's a possibility.

zareena's review

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Eh, I found the whole book kind of cliche and both Annabelle and Kaden annoyed me :/

theestherhadassah's review

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Kaden is quite the character. The cover does his description justice. Annabelle is sensible, I suppose, up until you realize how attracted she is to Kaden, who is an E.T. Right from the start, you learn that they both have feelings for each other, more than best friends should. And then things get steamy, like a lot. Also, you get attached to their relationship, and when the road gets bumpy, it hits home.

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coraotf's review

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Kaden broken her heart one too many times for my liking, but I’m interested to see if his brother and her best friend end up together. Also, extra star for Annabelle saving herself at the end.

malissac's review

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I was so excited when I was given the opportunity to review this book. I fell in love with Stacey O'Neale after reading her Young Adult series, Mortal Enchantment and was thrilled to find out that she would be trying her had at Adult Romance and even more so when I discovered it would be a story revolving around 3 alien brothers. YES!

This is the story of three brothers who had to flee their home planet as it destructs around them. They have lost their planet, their people, their families and have to learn to assimilate into a new culture when they land on earth. All three Chase brothers have found their own human personality, Kaden, is the 'Patriarch' of the family. He's the oldest, the worrier, the rule keeper (which will lead him into quite the conundrum), he is the base of the family. Hayden is a typical middle child in that he isn't the focus in this book. While he play s a pivotal role we hear and see very little of him. He's the science geek, the quiet brother working behind the scenes. Then there is Camden, youngest brother, wild child, rule breaker, cad about town.

Annabelle Sparks is the owner of Yummy Bakery is a busy as ever after winning Cupcake Wars and bringing attention to her small Germantown, MD bakery. Every thing in her professional life is falling in place, but in her person life she's floundering. She secretly has feelings for Kaden, who she has been friends with for over a year. She's always found him attractive but afraid of loosing his friendship that has come to mean so much to her she's tried to keep those feelings tamped down, somewhat unsuccessfully. She's tired of being alone though and if Kaden won't step up to the game and ask her out, despite the simmering heat between them she'll have to push dreams of him aside and start looking for love in other places. With the help of her best friend Hilary, she sets out to find a date and maybe, if Hilary has her way, spur Kaden into action.

I loved all the characters in this story and Stacey does a really fantastic job of fleshing them out and bringing life to them. I felt like I could easily be friends with this group of people, even Hilary and Camden who can be a bit of an overwhelming presence at times. They are both larger than life and I can't wait for their story, it's going to be wild.

I was reminded of Jennifer L. Armentrout's Lux series as I read this, so if you are a fan of that series you will enjoy this sexier 'adult' read. I thoroughly enjoyed the action and suspense and of course the romance. I am glad to say that while this would be placed into a Sci-Fi category, it won't overwhelm you with facts, Stacey gives us just enough detail about the alien planet and people to help us understand the story, but not so much that it drowns out the rest of the story, mainly the building romance between Kaden and Annabelle. I can't say much about this with out giving out spoiler-y info, but I love that we get to see how the loss of their home planet and 'presumably' all of their people has affected the boys and the story. It is clear that we will be seeing more of the FBI and perhaps more aliens, i.e. more intrigue.

This is a pretty quick read, one that you will not want to put down, one that you will fall in love with as you learn more and more about the Chase brothers. This is a fantastic read for any Sci-Fi fan that is looking for a bit more romance in their read, it's perfect for Contemporary Romance Fans, NA fans, Adult Romance, and Paranormal Romance fans. I know like me, once you read this book you will be so ready for the next ones. I have to say I am already disappointed that this is likely a trilogy, because I think I could keep getting lost in this world for quite some time!


alexandra_92's review

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I really liked the YA series by Stacey O'Neale! And I didn't miss the chance to get the ARC from her new series!

The story is about a baker Annabelle who happens to be in love with Kaden. What she doesn't know is that Kaden is an alien who also is hidding in plain view from the humans. As their relationship grows it will be harder to keep away from each other.

The story was fast-paced and sweet. I liked the possibility of creating an even wider world building and I really want to read the rest of the stories of the other brothers! :)

fromjesstoyou's review

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DNF ... sorry I read up to half way through and I had to drop it as my attention wasn't really being held.