
Curse of the Phoenix Bundle by Rachel Firasek

jasmyn9's review

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The Last Rising:
This book was a great quick read. Ice has been doing penance for Osiris for two millennia for a crime that she doesn't understand, and she's getting really sick and tired of it. Her last trip ended in a fiery plane crash after saving a man named Turner, and to her amazement her next assignment puts her right back into Turner's life. Ice is determined not to let Turner into her heart, but finds it becomes harder and harder to deny their attraction is just physical. Turner is determined to prove to Ice that he is the right guy for her.

The characters had a surprising amount of growth and development for such a short book, and it was great to watch has Ice and Turner each taught the other important lessons on life and love. The book ends with quite a twist that I had no idea was coming and set me up to read the next book, The Last Awakening.

The Last Awakening:
The thing I like most about this series is that even though the stories are short, they jump right into the action and carry you along right until the very end. Arabella is a fiesty voodoo priestess, or at least she was. Something went wrong with a spell one day and she ended up serving as one of Osiris's phoenixes until she learns her lesson. While serving as a phoenix may sound glamorous, it's actually quite the opposite. Having to die over and over again in the place of others wears thin quickly. Then one day Ari saves Greyson and everything changes. Ari is willing to risk her soul to try and help him fight his inner demons (which are pretty nasty), but she is only given a week to do it.

Now, Greyson is ex-military, and has carried around guilt from his time in the service for years. When Ari shows up and tries to show him that he has nothing to be guilty about, he runs the opposite way at first, not realizing just how much he needs her. As Ari tries to help Greyson, she realizes that she needs his help as well, and fast. Osiris has given her a time frame to save Greyson and it's quickly approaching when she finds out that everything she knew about her past was wrong. Facing this will push both of them to their emotional limits.

I really liked Ari in the first book of the series, The Last Rising, and was excited to see her starring in her own. I've become attached to the characters and couldn’t wait to read the third book.

The Last Beginning:
The last book in the Curse of the Phoenix series really brough it all together with a fantastic ending. Osiris has finally admitted (at least to himself) that Sadie is something special and different - but when she heats up, literally, with fire coursing through her body he has no clue what is going on. Their relationship goes through several stages as they try to find a cure to whatever has happened, but Osiris may still be too arrogant and make a mistake that could lose her forever.

Each of the phoenixes has had a very unique and special touch to their character and their happily ever afters. In my opinion, each one got a little better throughout the whole series. Sadie's ending is epic in many ways. Osiris was still too much of a jerk for me to really like him a whole lot though. He's an arrogant man, that thinks that because he is a god, he has the right to do whatever he wants.

This was a very good series - lots of fun with some great characters.

*This book was received in exchange for an honest review*

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renpuspita's review

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Curse of the Phoenix is anthology from Rachel Firasek, contain 3 novella about women who cursed as a phoenix by Egyptian Underworld God, Osiris and must die to save a soul then born again just to die. Like a time loop, but imagine if one of them have 2000 years of time loop, die and birth and die again. Not pretty.

The first novella is The Last Rising. Told the story of Phoenix Ice or some people will recognize her real name, Isis. So Ice lost her son once time ago and her ex-husband Osiris punished her by being a phoenix then disappear and nowhere to seen. One time Ice know that she will die but she meet a hot Texan named Turner Alcott and turn that Turner's soul is the soul that she must save. Turner survive from the plane-wreck but the image of Ice still haunt him. And to Ice's horror, her next assigment met her with Turner again and his son, Brodie. Turner want Ice for himself, somehow know her but his mind is vague. Yet, Ice still not forgive herself and can't explain her condition as phoenix constantly ignore Turner even she slowly fall for Brodie. Yet, when her next soul-to-be-saved called her, Ice know that she's not ready to leave the child and the man she already loved with.

I have a mix feeling about The Last Rising, and mine will be an unpopular opinion. Ice and Turner kinda girrated my nerves and their banter make may headache worse. Their tug war make me bored with Ice constantly "I want you but I don't want too". The story also feel flat and nothing big happen, especially if you prefer some action. If I can sum this novella, it just Ice being sorry for herself, Ice blaming herself, Ice try to ignore her feeling to Turner even she desire him and Ice babysitting Brodie. For the first novella, The Last Rising is not a good start for a new series to start. Ms Firasek writing feel juvenile and I think this novella is her debut. Even the premise of the Phoenix and Egypt deities is interesting.

I give The Last Rising 2 stars

The second novella is the Last Awakening is about Arabella or Ari, the phoenix that once was voodoo priestess. Osiris release her phoenix soul and promise her magic but Arabella must save Greyson, a vet that haunted by his past in the war. Together they try to heal each other wound, since Arabella too haunted by her horrible past, she once killed her loved ones and people in the village by her own magic. She also do not have idea what to do with her magic because it been dormant for a long time. While a sinister presence will threat anything that Ari hold dear.

I love The Last Awakening and imho, the best novella in this bundle. Ms Firasek writing improve a lot, a huge difference with its previous. I can feel Ari and Grey's pain, how they succumb to the grief and sorrow because what they did in the past and how they found each other in love. This novella also have more action and more plot. Ari's past also explained well compare to another two novella and I love Ari and Grey's relationship. Since there's no "I'm not worthy for you" ala Ice, I can said that Ari and Grey is the best couple from all the phoenixes

I give The Last Awakening : 4 stars

The Last Beginning is the last novella and also wrapped up the story about the phoenixes. Now it's Sadie's turn and readers will know what reason behind her turning. Not like Ice that grief over her child death and torture her people, not like Ari that haunted by her magic that go wrong and kill her entire village, Sadie's turn of reason is Osiris doing. More like Osiris selfish desire that want Sadie to be with him for eternity. Now Sadie is being danger because her body constantly release fire and she become weak. Osiris will do anything to ensure Sadie's safety and condition because the Egyptian God of the Underworld finally realize that his feeling to Sadie is.. love.

I'm so disappointed with this Novella, because Osiris is a big asshole. I can't accept his decision to change Sadie, since Sadie was innocent and not like both Ice and Ari. While I admire Sadie's strength, I'm seriously pissed off with Osiris. Glad that Ice (aka Isis) left him, because Osiris do not deserve either Ice or Sadie to loved him. The conclusion is a little bit "deus ex machina" and I think Sadie forgive Osiris too easily. I want Osiris to grovel, for many many centuries. Heck, he's not even hero material. Sadie deserve a better man :(

I give The Last Beginning : 2.5 stars

To sum it up, I give this bundle 3 stars. There a novella that I love, that I didn't like and just okay for me. But at last, Ms Firasek did well for her story about phoenixes, Egypt myth, redemption, forgiveness and love.

Thanks for Entangled for provide the copy for honest review

shell74's review

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Actual rating: 4.5 stars

Curse of the Phoenix is a collection of three stories, centering around a trio of women who are each a Phoenix--a being who helps save souls destined to keep living. This is one of the more creative and complex fantasy/paranormal stories I have read for some time. I thought Rachel Firasek did a great job creating characters that were flawed, passionate, and who were struggling with their own serious, but relatable, issues daily. Their tales are definitely gritty, showing a dark side to life, but to me this only made it seem all that more realistic. realistic as we can get when we're talking about mythical creatures such as a Phoenix.

Each book in this anthology showcased one of the trio of Phoenixes: Ice, Arabella, and Sadie, although they all made an appearance in each story. Book one, The Last Rising, focused on Ice helping single father Turner and his son Brodie. She was a tough lady, but Turner tried to charm her with his controlling demeanor. I wasn't sure if I would like him, given his pushy tendencies, but Ice liked that side of him and it really did work for their situation. I thought their romance was a source of hope, especially for Arabella and Sadie to see that their sacrifices were worth something.

Book two, The Last Awakening, was probably my favorite out of the three. There was just something about the connection Arabella and Greyson had that made me really root for them to make a go of it. They both carried a lot of guilt from their pasts as survivors of horrific events. So they truly understood what emotions were warring inside and knew how to be there for each other. Plus, I loved how Grey got such a kick out of Ari's creole accent and language. It made the love scenes quite interesting...

Book three, The Last Beginning, was just as interesting as the previous stories, and answered my questions about Sadie and Osiris's relationship. They were quite the intriguing pair. He wanted nothing more than to claim her as his own, and she felt completely manipulated by him even though she couldn't stop her attraction to him. It was almost like an opposites attract feel to their romance which led to a lot of very sensual tension and sexy banter.

Overall, I truly enjoyed the Curse of the Phoenix anthology. It was easy to get wrapped up in the emotions and actions of all characters involved. I would highly recommend this if you're looking for something that will hold your attention and take you on a fantastical journey.

amym84's review

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Originally posted at Vampire Book Club

In order to pay penance for their past sins, the god Osiris has charged Ice, Arabella, and Sadie with saving the souls of those who would die, sacrificing themselves in their place. Then, like a Phoenix, they rise and go through the process over and over again. Always dying in horrible ways, just to wake up in their palace in the sky to be given a new assignment. They’ve been doing this for centuries, some longer than others, and it doesn’t seem like Osiris is anywhere close to letting them off the hook until they’ve learned from their mistakes. The Phoenixes are none too pleased with the arrogant god whose lately been MIA.

I thought Curse of the Phoenix was definitely something better read in a bundle because I don’t know if I would have continued the series had I only read the first book. The first book deals with Ice’s story and it also introduces the characters and world to the readers. Ice’s story, at times, felt very disjointed. Her name “Ice” should say it all right there. Her icy personality was difficult to get around. There’s a reason for it, obviously, but I honestly didn’t have much interest.

What Ice’s story did really well was give readers a glimpse of the other Phoenixes. This is what made me continue reading. For me, Arabella, with her warmer personality, was a better story of redemption. The premise for all the Phoenixes is the same; what is different between them is how and why they were made into a Phoenix and how they finally realize the true pathway to move on.

I would say that the god Osiris is actually the most compelling character in the series. He’s talked about as being their prison guard of sorts, yet we don’t actually meet him until Arabella’s book where his air of mystery is challenged when we learn he may have a soft spot for his Phoenixes.

The buildup of the series is clearly leading to Osiris’s story, and if you’re doing the math that only leaves one Phoenix left to share it with him. For me, Sadie’s story was the best of the bunch. I feel like Rachel Firasek really found her stride with this one, and I would have loved for it to be full length. While I feel like we were given enough of a look at Sadie’s past life, you can definitely tell where some things were cut short in order to accommodate the novella length. This too can be said for the other two books in the series as well.

Something also to note is the fact that this series centers a lot on Egyptian mythology. Firasek took a little bit of liberty in figuring that many readers are already familiar with the mythology. Not as versed in Ancient Egypt as I should be, oftentimes I found the references confusing (that is until I looked it up on Wikipedia). I would have liked a bit more info, but again I think things like this get cut in cases of novellas.

I’m glad I stuck with the series and I think this could be a great summer read. Each story is quickly paced; you can definitely finish this in a lazy afternoon. Plus, as of writing this review, the bundle is a pretty good deal compared to buying separately!