
Sankta Psyko by Marika Otte, Johan Theorin

bananibear's review against another edition

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Spännande men ryckig historia

merraluuna's review against another edition

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I was excited (because I love all the weirdness about Asylums and that genre) but also very skeptical. The book was very easy to get into and was pretty good. It is about Jan who just starts working in a nursery within the asylums' premises. There's a tunnel from the nursery to the asylum so that the kids are able to be in touch with their parent, who is locked up. Jan also has his reasons to be there and to work there, as he has a secret of his own. It's not a chronological written, which more or less means, that you have flashbacks into Jans childhood and the events that happened there. You can start guessing pretty soon why he was so eager in getting the job at this particular place (but will you guess correct?) but yet the author doesn't give you too much so the guessing and speculating continues pretty much all the way to the end of the book, which was very good, because I have read to many book in which reasons/murders/clues/what-ever is way to obvious. The ending really got me - a very nice twist!!!
The writing style was also very nice - I would call this book a real "page-turner" as I simply had to finish it as quickly as possible. The flashbacks didn't annoy me either... I would highly recommend this book to readers that also liked Dean Koontz, Stieg Larsson and Richard Montenari!

lancefestivalen's review against another edition

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Det kittlar ändå tanken lite att en förskollärare som heter Jan läser en bok om en förskollärare som heter Jag. Men kittlande eller ej, det räcker inte särskilt långt när det gäller en bok som är dåligt skriven, utspelar sig i en lite lagom amerikaniserad småstad på västkusten och där författarens skildring av förskolan visar en okunskap mer skrämmande än boken i sig - och så var det säkert inte tänkt. Att storyn dessutom är rörig och ologisk bidrar inte särskilt mycket.

Hade det inte handlat om en förskollärare som heter Jan hade jag aldrig öppnat boken.

kaisersozee's review against another edition

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A real thriller!! So glad I found this!!
More than 5 stars!!

leafblade's review against another edition

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Un muy buen libro. Aunque tarda mucho en llegar a la acción. Pero los personajes están muy bien desarrollados y evolucionan bien en la historia. El último capítulo fue todo una sorpresa. Lo recomiendo totalmente.

First of all, I don't know if this book has been translated into english. It is polish or something like that (original name "Sankta Psyco"). That said, it's a very good book. But it takes it some time to get to the action. The characters have a good development and are quite deep. The last chapter was a surprise. I totally recommend this book.

luciearan's review against another edition

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Skrýš není mojí první knihou od J. Theorina, ale zatím se mi zdá, jako nejslabší. Autor psát umí a čtivost se knize rozhodně nedá upřít, ale tentokrát mi přišlo, že příběh, i když dobře vymyšlený, měl slabší místa, která mě nebavila (a osobně myslím, že jejich vynechání by ani děj nijak neovlivnilo). Další věcí, která mi neseděla, byla postava Jana. Dokážu pochopit, že ne každý je silná osobnost a nebo se dokáže vyrovnat s šikanou bez toho, aby ho to zasáhlo. On ale zůstal pevně přimknutý k minulosti, bez větší snahy posunout se někam dál, či sám. Je mi jasné, že to byl úmysl, ale já postavy tohoto typu nemám ráda. Za mě, je tato kniha prostě průměrná a já se raději zase rychle vrátím k autorově sérii Ostrov Öland, která mi rozhodně seděla víc.

sil_the_lobster's review against another edition

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Well, the raving reviews on the back cover say you'll want to leave your lights on after reading this, and it's as scary as any Stephen King novel. Well, you may continue sleeping with our lights out, and there's nothing scary at all about the story of Jan.

It's a slow read, as many Scandinavian stories are, and it will unfold the tragic + melancholic life story of a young man who got bullied at school and who never fully recovered from the experience. It's the story of some unwise choices, of stupid things done for the (from his POV) right reasons, of somebody withdrawing himself within himself while trying to maintain a regular facade.

The book didn't scare me and it will not stick with me for life, but it was a good read and I certainly didn't regret picking it up.

krobart's review against another edition

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See my review here:

trolle69's review against another edition

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eroga's review against another edition

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Just wow, finished it in two days, stayed up way too late last night reading...highly recommended