
Crypt Suzette by Maya Corrigan

karen_the_baroness's review against another edition

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I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy from the Great Escapes Book Tours. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Food and books, what a great way to spend Halloween.

Crypt Suzette by Maya Corrigan is marvelously written story with mystery, family, friendship, a hint of love and lots of food. And would make a fabulous Halloween read if you are looking for one.

Val Deniston

Val is our sleuth and main character. She is very inquisitive, yet, friendly and she has a knack for cooking, Val runs a café at the fitness center and does catering on the side. I like that Val isn’t willing to let something go easily. She tries to get to the bottom of things with her Granddad’s assistance, of course. I also like that she takes care of her Granddad in a very respectful way.


Suzette is a beautiful young woman, and sadly, she is the victim. She is living with Val and her Granddad until she saves enough money for an apartment. Suzette didn’t have a great life as her father left when she was young, and her mother had issues with Suzette.

However, Suzette was a hard worker, and she had dreams of being a writer which she was working at achieving. She was also an advocate for those who were wrong. I like Suzette and could see us being friends.


I enjoyed the way that Val and her Granddad worked together to find out who killed Suzette. The clues were hidden very well and didn’t pick up on them at first. However, I did guess who did it, and my guess was correct.

4 Stars for Crypt Suzette by Maya Corrigan

My rating for Crypt Suzette by Maya Corrigan is four stars. I truly enjoyed reading about Val and her Granddad’s adventures and look forward to the next installment. There are a few recipes, including one for Crypt Suzettes.

Other Books in the Series

By Cook or by Crook by Maya Corrigan 1 Scam Chowder by Maya Corrigan 2 Final Fondue by Maya Corrigan 3 The Tell-Tale-Tarte by Maya Corrigan 4The Tell-Tale-Tarte by Maya Corrigan 4The Tell-Tale-Tarte by Maya Corrigan 4The Tell-Tale-Tarte by Maya Corrigan 4The Tell-Tale-Tarte by Maya Corrigan 4The Tell-Tale-Tarte by Maya Corrigan 4The Tell-Tale-Tarte by Maya Corrigan 4The Tell-Tale-Tarte by Maya Corrigan 4The Tell-Tale-Tarte by Maya Corrigan 4The Tell-Tale-Tarte by Maya Corrigan 4 S'More Murders by Maya Corrigan 5  


Prize: (1) Paperback Copy - Crypt Suzette (A Five-Ingredient Mystery) by Maya Corrigan (U.S. Only)

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Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed this review of Crypt Suzette by Maya Corrigan. Check out the other stops and giveaway if you have time.

Until the next time,

Karen Signature

Happy Reading!

This review was originally posted on Baroness' Book Trove

betcei's review against another edition

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When a young woman is killed due to hit and run, was it an accident or murder? Val the local caterer works with her grandfather and friends to solve the mystery and bring justice to the town.

tamsterdam_reads's review against another edition

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Val Deniston is back at it again. When her grandpa's tenant, Suzette Cripps mysteriously is killed by a hit-and-run car, Val undoes her apron strings and picks up her detective instincts again to help solve it. Along with her grandpa who takes on the new position of ghost hunter, along with his previous roles as a private investigator and cooking journalist for the local newspaper, they set off to get to the bottom of who, what, where and why Suzette was murdered.

A charming novel to get you right into the upcoming autumn and Halloween spirit with a lighthearted mystery to help solve. As an added bonus, some delicious recipes are shared at the end. If you're looking for a light murder mystery story, the Val Deniston series are the ones to delve into.

I kept looking forward to picking up this book to continue going on the adventure right along with the no-nonsense, but amiable Val and her fun-loving grandpa. It helped me take a break from reality as the story was thoroughly entertaining with its quirky characters in a lovely setting. Although the mystery was almost obvious toward the last quarter of the story, you still were left to be unsure as new revelations come to play. The way Val eventually figured out who the murder was seemed a bit too far-fetched, but it didn’t deter from enjoying the story.

managedbybooks's review against another edition

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Val Deniston is catering the debut of Bayport's newest bookstore--but the death of a customer is about to draw her into a real-life murder mystery ...

Suzette Cripps has been occupying a spare bedroom at Val's granddad's house while she takes classes in this Maryland Eastern Shore town--but she's always seemed a little secretive and fearful, and any talk about her past is a closed book.

After winning the costume contest at the Halloween-themed bookstore party, Suzette is mowed down by a hit-and-run driver--and Val and her grandfather start to wonder whether it was really an accident or if someone was after Suzette. Granddad is a little distracted by his new enterprise as a ghost-buster, but as Val talks to Suzette's coworkers and fellow creative writing students, she grows more convinced that the dead woman's demons weren't imaginary--and that she needs to rip the mask off a killer ...

This was a good mystery best read around Halloween.

*Book received from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*

brittbookstea's review against another edition

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So so good! I love a good murder mystery. Especially little ones like this.
It was full of suspense and that who done it vibe. I love trying to figure out who the killer is, and still was shook at who it was.
I also love that it takes place during Halloween, spooky season. Perfect read for October!
The writing is done so well, and I love the main character as well as the side characters. Not to mention a lot of it takes place in a bookstore surrounded by spooky sweet treats.
If you haven’t read it, definitely recommend reading it in October for spooky season.

strangebrewreviews's review against another edition

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I received an advanced review copy for free from NetGalley

Val Deniston is catering a special event celebrating the opening of the book store, Title Wave. The opening coincides with Bayport's annual Spooktacular Halloween event. As part of the opening celebration, the bookstore will be hosting a Costume Party. Suzette Cripps, who rents a room from Val's grandfather, is one of the contestants and also a member of a creative writing group, called the Fictionistas. For the contest, Suzette dressed up as Moaning Myrtle from the Harry Potter books. The bookstore owner's brother, Bram, declares Suzette the winner and awards her a gift certificate to buy books.

Unfortunately, Suzette never gets an opportunity to use the Gift Certificate, as she is found dead the next morning on the peninsula road, an apparent hit-and-run victim. The leader of the writer's group, Gillian Holroyrd, sent Val some pages of the book Suzette was writing and asked her to attend the next meeting of the Fictionistas, which will be a tribute to Suzette. As Val reads the pages and starts thinking about Suzette's activities, she realizes that Suzette was scared of something or somebody. Talking with people who knew Suzette confirms this and Val starts seriously doubting that Suzette's death was accidental.

Was it really an accident or was Suzette murdered? Who would want her dead? Why? Can Val and her grandfather figure out the mystery?

Maya Corrigan has developed a very involved mystery that will keep readers guessing clear through to the end. There are plenty of suspects, red herrings, and finger-pointing, along with the usual twists and turns of a good mystery to keep the reader involved.

gothicvamperstein's review against another edition

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This was a really fun Halloween-themed cosy mystery which kept me guessing until the end. I loved the setting, especially the bookstore with the black cat and the relationship between Val and her grandfather.

thesassybookworm's review against another edition

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description The main reason I pick up these

annarella's review against another edition

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A gripping and fun to read cozy mystery, a page turner I read in a setting.
It's the second I read in this series and I really liked it.
The fast paced and well crafted plot, the well written and likeable cast of characters and the lovely setting are the main reason for appreciating this book.
The mystery was great and it kept me guessing.
I look forward to reading the next instalment in this series.
Highly recommended!
Many thanks to Kensington Books and Netgalley for this ARC, all opinions are mine.

brittsmith's review

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So so good! I love a good murder mystery. Especially little ones like this.
It was full of suspense and that who done it vibe. I love trying to figure out who the killer is, and still was shook at who it was.
I also love that it takes place during Halloween, spooky season. Perfect read for October!
The writing is done so well, and I love the main character as well as the side characters. Not to mention a lot of it takes place in a bookstore surrounded by spooky sweet treats.
If you haven’t read it, definitely recommend reading it in October for spooky season.