
The Queen Geek Social Club by Laura Preble

kstookley's review

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This book should have been really hecking gay and it wasn't. It disappointed my closeted-even-to-myself-self way back in like 2007 and continues to disappoint the obnoxiously gay butterfly I have become now

amlagunas's review

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Wow. I loved this book. seriously. i think every girl should read it. okay so its totally unrealistic, but wasn't that cinderella's claim to fame? I kinda think that maybe guys should read a book like this so they actually know what girls are all about. well maybe not...
anywho.. id recommend it to any girl (not really any girl but you know what i mean).

aldersons's review

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I couldn't even finish this book. Like others have said, the characters seemed flat and lifeless, and the best part of the book was the robot.

I didn't buy that Shelby was a geek, either.

carmby's review

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The ending was so rushed--I would have loved more of the dance and was bummed the bet ended so quickly . Shelby (?) was a brat. The robot was weird and annoying.

shaegeeksout's review

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This was a standard YA Romance full of tropes. My favorite part about this book was the exploration of when an introvert becomes an extrovert, and what they go through emotionally.

stetstudionoah's review

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I did a YouTube Review on this book which you can find at the following link. []

Trigger Warnings:
Death Mention
Nazi Mention
Sexual Assault

My Notes
pg. 3- Nice, let's start out with some sexual assault
-there seems to be a lot of pop culture references, even just a few pages in.
pg. 7+8- Doing that damned describe your clothes and body thing.
-also, boob fixation
pg. 9- she admits that she thinks she's better than everyone else, iirc that was the whole lesson of the book (Note: Now that I've read the whole book I can say it was not the lesson, it was briefly mentioned by another character but never examined by anyone)
-looking for friends, she seems stuck up
pg. 10- Her first thought about the new girl is 'what a poser' & she links this to her being tall. Why??
-The only people who like to read for fun. feels like a callout to 'real' geek girls like is common for guys
pg. 15- oh of course 'lesbo' is used as an insult
pg. 22- oh joy, cultural appropriation
pg. 26- Let the girl have three pieces of pie robot!
pg. 28- I'm getting a lot of 'I'm not like other girls' vibes from hating shopping
pg. 29- we get it, you like MST2K
-Plan 9 from Outer Space terrified me as a tween
-There is a distracting amount of Shelby talking directly to the reader
pg. 301-31- This fatphobia is gross
pg. 39- C'mon y'all you can like shopping and still be geeks, I promise.
pg. 43- mall = 'huge concrete monument to stupidity'
pg. 44- Every time she says 'in my opinion' I assume it's also the author's
pg. 52-55- pretending to be an inspector to get free food sounds like a crime.
-don't be an ass to service workers
-all the teens in this book seem to be exaggerations/stereotypes
pg. 59- 'what if all of the geeks got together to use their powers for good' have you ever heard of the internet? I know it's 2006 but there are chat rooms and websites and stuff.
-she keeps mentioning how her school is unlike any other. We get it, you're rich.

This is where I stopped taking notes and just focused on finishing the book.

jetamors's review

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I really didn't care for this one. The main characters didn't seem particularly geeky, and their treatment of the more "popular" girls was, frankly, bullying.