
Never Apologize by Kiarra M. Taylor

saderena's review

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Momma don’t take no shhhhhh

I purposely waited for the second in the duet to drop before picking this up. All the great things heard about this book was spot on. I absolutely loved this book and can’t wait to dive into the second. It was fast past and heartfelt. The best kind of character are those driven by a passion so deep, they’ll do anything in it’s name. And that’s exactly what Kristiana does for her daughters. Bad ass-ery at it’s finest. Good job, Kiarra M. Taylor!

amandaleigh518's review

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I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This book was a quick, fast paced read. The story line was great. For the most part, I liked Kristiana a lot. There was one instance where I got irritated with her but I won't say what it was because I don't want to spoil anything. The characters were good, the story line was good. While I connected with the story line, I had a hard time *really* connecting to it, if that makes sense. I wanted to feel everything more but it was more like just reading the words for me. I didn't get wrapped up in it. I wish the way it was written was more impactful.

The ending has me wondering if there will be more. Good story, good characters, it just fell a little flat for me.