
Land of Bones by Glenn Rolfe

oddly's review

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I tend to go through phases with short stories where I'll read tons and tons of collections, and then almost none at all, and I feel the start of short story obsession coming on.

I believe wholeheartedly that short stories are windows to the inner workings of a writer—in the gross, fascinating way that the Body Worlds exhibits are unbelievably cool and also utterly strange and morbid once you remember you are surrounded by dead people.

Short stories have to be tightly woven—getting right to the heart of who the characters are and what their motivations might be, what the setting of the story is, and the general thrust of the plot without all the long-windedness of creating backstories and flashbacks and interludes and asides that can be afforded to novels.

Short stories also need a good hook. There has to be something almost immediately that makes the reader invested, makes them want to keep reading. So there are a lot of balls to keep in the air when writing short fiction.

Land of Bones is the first book I’ve tried by Glenn Rolfe and he definitely has quite an imagination. The stories in this book all seem to be unpacking some kind of loss and deal with grief, anger, and how people react when faced with traumatic situations.

Though the content of the stories varies widely from tinges of the supernatural, to strange monsters, to a coming of age piece, to a vampire story—it really shows a wide range of interest and versatility. But interestingly, all the stories seem to hinge on the same emotional resonance, that feeling of loss and pain.

The emotion in the book comes from a real place, which makes them resonate with the reader. At the conclusion of the stories, I was often left thinking, what would I have done if I were put in that situation? How would I have handled it? I think one thing that could have made the stories stronger was if the characters could have delivered that emotional punch rather than leaving it up to the narrative. The stories basically all concluded with plot (and some were driven solely by it), more of a "telling" feature rather than a "showing" one, and for me, that really blunted the connection to the characters and their plights.

I read a hard copy of this book, so perhaps there are updates in the e-book version, but there are a lot of spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors throughout. For me, that is an automatic one-star reduction. I can definitely overlook a typo here or there, but multiple errors on the same page is something that an editor would catch. I think this book needed another solid round of proofreading to correct things like all the misplaced commas, helping understanding of possessive apostrophes, and even just simple agreement of subject and verb. These things really do matter, and when they are wrong it is so disruptive to reading.

Overall, I enjoyed this collection and I think it shows a lot of promise. There are so many interesting ideas here, but they did feel a little underdeveloped at times as though the stories were just waiting to really be fleshed out all the way.

My thanks to the author for generously providing me a copy of this book to read and review.

thebookdad's review against another edition

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LAND OF BONES is a collection of stories that explores a ton of terrifying themes. Reader's will find themselves in the deathly clutches of a sexy rock and roll serial killer, escaping a horde of zombies, walking the creeky halls of a haunted house and looking for some way to fashion a stake to slay a bloodthirsty vampire. This book has a frightening story to satisfy any horror fans unique taste.

Once again, Glenn Rolfe proves how amazingly entertaining and fun the horror genre can be. My favorite story included in the book happens to be the longest one and it is called TOO MUCH OF A DEAD THING. It is a tale of survival horror during the zombie outbreak which I thought could have easily been lengthened into a novel or novella. I would definitely jump at the opportunity to read a zombie story by Rolfe if I ever get the chance. The author has this fantastic ability to write these vividly descriptive scenes. I just find his work very immersive.

Glenn Rolfe crafted a wildly imaginitive and entertaining collection of horror stories that will leave reader's wanting more. More terror, more dread, more Rolfe! The audio narration for this collection is pretty incredible. I highly recommend this book to any fan of horror fiction but I am especially impressed with large cast of narrators that brought these stories to life. Glenn Rolfe is one of my favorite voices in the #HorrorCommunity. In the immortal words of the radest reviewer in horror, Zakk Madness. "GET ROLFED!"

LAND OF BONES by Glenn Rolfe



joshuamarsella's review against another edition

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Another killer collection from the mind of Glenn Rolfe!

I flew through this collection! Land of Bones is a collection of short stories and one novella that takes you to some very dark places! My favorite stories of the bunch were The Ghosts of Spears Corner because I’m a sucker for a good ghost story! I also loved The Fixer which is a dire warning about making deals with a higher power and I loved the dark turn it took! My third favorite was not a horror story at all; The Rooster is a beautiful tribute to brother that will leave you in tears. The entire collection was excellent and I would recommend it to anyone that enjoys horror anthologies! You can’t go wrong with Rolfe!

exorcismofemilyreed's review

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"She loved damage. She loved scars. She loved anything beautiful and broken."

Land of Bones is an enjoyable dark fiction / horror book of short stories. This was the first I've read from Glenn Rolfe, and I was pretty happy with the book. This was not a perfect collection for me - I didn't love all of the stories, but I did appreciate the book as a whole.

Two of the stories in the collection have really stuck with me - The Ghost on Spears Corner & Fire. As I said before, I liked multiple stories, but these were the standouts for me. The Ghost on Spears Corner was a creepy coming-of-age story. I enjoyed this one so much that I hope there is a full novel around this story one day. I would be all over it. My other favorite story, Fire, goes down a heavy & painful route, and I was so intrigued by the story. Disaster/survival horror is not usually my favorite, but this story was so well done & I was hooked the entire way through.

The other stories I really liked were The Land of Bones, Simon, Not Kansas Anymore, Welcome to Paradise, and Too Much of a Dead Thing. There's a good variety of different stories in here, and I believe any lover of dark fiction would find something to enjoy.

My big complaint is that I wish there would have been page numbers. I like to be able to flip back to things & write down quotes, and it's difficult to do that without page numbers.

This was a great introduction to Glenn Rolfe's work, and I'm looking forward to reading more!

odbookreviews's review against another edition

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I received a complimentary copy of this book as a judge in the Indie Horror Book Awards 2018.

A fun horror anthology with a variety of monsters, some new and some a twist on the familiar. I devoured this read quickly and enjoyed every minute of it. Each story is like a dark little mystery that unveils itself in new and shocking ways. If you like short story anthologies and horror you can’t pass this one up.

“Her gaze landed on the bone fragment poking from the ruined earth.”

This book was very well written, it was shown not told. I was constantly intrigued wondering what would happen next. I really enjoyed all of the short stories. My favorite was probably the one about the demon fighting urban shaman, Lee Buhl, a follow-up to the author’s novel The Haunted Halls. It was full of action and terror and it felt like it would have come from a longer book, but was packed into so few pages flawlessly. The story Simon about a little girl’s not so imaginary worm friend will make me never look at earthworms the same way again. This book has a mix of dangers including ghouls, vampiresque creatures, psychopaths, alien-like monsters, and even natural disaster. Some stories feature intense action, and others chilling suspense. Overall a fun read that I would recommend and I would definitely read more by the author.

“A late afternoon breeze clattered the dangling skeletal fingers of a nearby tree, wind chimes of the damned. Darkness rose from the depths. The earth stopped cold as he slid the key into place.”

I have no notable issues with this book.

Parent’s Guide:
Though not in every story some contain violence, horror/blood/gore, or sex. I would recommend for mature readers.