
The Adulterers by Lawrence Block

blandsoldier's review

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Lawrence Block’s Collection of Classic Erotica has proven time and again to be a wonderful assortment of books. Some of the titles are solid crime fiction stories masquerading as erotica while others are predicated on sex, though neither become graphic and remain tightly written, well told stories. The Adulterers is a bit a both. To sum up the plot, a couple without a sex life travel to Mexico for one last try at finding a remedy to their lacking passion passion, knowing that if they can’t, the marriage is not one either need be a part of. From there, they run into a host of issues from illegal sex shows to drug traffickers to murder. Though it is not detrimentally graphic, it is not a book for those who avoid stories involving sexual assault commerce predicated on selling women.

Block’s gift for writing is obvious in even his earliest works, and this is no exception. That he was able to write erotica that not only succeeds as a narrative that never succumbs to pornography is astounding and, as he is accustomed to do, tells his story with a clear consumable prose that is beyond inviting. Over used are phrases like “page turner” and “hard to put down”, which are both apt, but Block has shown again and again that is work sticks with the reader, and when you are not turning pages and failing to put it down, you will be excited to get back to reading. The Adulterers, surely, is memorable and engrossing, easy digestible and wholly satisfying. It is not Block’s best, to be fair, but it does not need to in order to be well worth your time. It reads like classic pulp and, if you’re into that, The Adulterers will more than scratch the itch and stick with you after you’re finished.

I listened to The Adulterers as an audiobook and for those who enjoy listening,
Theo Holland is a solid narrator. From my experiences listening to several of his books, he reliably falls into a rhythm which is easy to get lost in, and the Adulterers is no exception.