
Sconed to Death by Lynn Cahoon

thisandthatwithkaren's review against another edition

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This was my first Cat Latimer mystery , and I found I could read as a stand-alone no problem. I'm a fan of Lynn Cahoon books and this series is no exception. As soon as I finished I purchased the rest of the series.

It's filled with wonderful characters, I especially enjoyed the friendship between Cat and Shauna as well as with her uncle Pete. The characters were well developed and I liked the pretext/setting of a writers retreat.

The plot was well developed full of twists and turns, few red herrings couldn't put it down. I did think I knew whodunit but then second guessed myself but I kept returning to my original suspect. This in no way took away from the mystery.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book and highly recommend go all my cozy loving friends.

I requested and received a Advanced Readers Copy from Kensington and NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

peggyemi's review against another edition

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This is the 5th book in the Cat Latimer Mystery series and a welcome addition. When finish one of these books I always feel that I have been entertained and challenged to figure out the identity of the killer. Cat is a fun character that I enjoy revisiting. The fact that she is a writer givers her a natural curiosity that lends itself to her ammeter sleuthing. She is loyal and will put herself in the middle of an investigation when someone she knows is a suspect. I don't consider Cat headstrong or foolish in her sleuthing, but she does manage to find herself in trouble more often than not. The secondary characters - Shauna, Seth and Uncle Pete make a return appearance and round out the story. They try to balance Cat's enthusiasm for investigating. I like that each new book has different attendees at a writers retreat. It allows for a rotating cast of secondary characters that add something different to each story. There were plenty of suspects to choose from in this case and while the identity of the killer was not a surprise when revealed it was enjoyable watching Cat and company try to come of with a primary suspect and motive.

This is a very enjoyable series and I look forward to more to come. I voluntarily read an advanced review copy provided to me by the publisher, Kensington, through Netgalley.

meezcarrie's review against another edition

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It’s clear the author loves these characters & therefore they feel like dear friends to us too every we open the pages of a new book in the series. In Sconed to Death I feel like we get different aspects to each of these main characters (Cat, Shauna, Seth, Uncle Pete), giving them even more dimension than we’ve seen so far in the series.

The mystery is, as always, well plotted and while I was right again in guessing whodunit I wasn’t completely sure this time. I felt like all the suspects were equally plausible, and I wouldn’t have been surprised at being wrong when the villain was finally revealed. This again kept my sleuthing radar at full attention during the entire read, and I felt at times like I was following close behind Cat & peeking over her shoulder as she put clues together.

The nods & winks to the cozy mystery genre & its authors (thanks to the current group of retreaters) made this story even more delightful than it already was. This might be my favorite group of retreat-goers so far, simply because they collectively write in this genre so the scenes with them felt like an appreciation of cozy mysteries and the reasons we love them.

Bottom Line: Sconed to Death will have you heading to the nearest source of delicious scones to eat while you read, as well as hunting down some yummy apples for snacking & baking & caramel apple waffles. (YUM! My mouth is watering again.) So yeah fair warning – don’t read this book hungry or you’ll be in trouble haha! Tensions are running high in several different areas in this mystery, and the well-crafted plot will keep you guessing at every turn. Based on the way this book ended, I’m even more looking forward to book #6 than I already was!

(I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book)

first seen at Reading Is My SuperPower

karen_the_baroness's review against another edition

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I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy from the Great Escapes Book Tours. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Why would anyone want to kill the chef?

Sconed to Death by Lynn Cahoon is a fun whodunit set in the small town Colorado. The characters are so well developed and formed a beautiful little family.

Cat Latimer

Cat is a former college professor, turned full-time writer with a side hustle that hosts writing retreats in her large Victorian home.

I like that Cat tries to keep her nose out of the investigation into the famous chef’s death. However, come on, she is the sleuth here, so sticking her nose in other people’s business is what she does. I also liked that she is herself and she is comfortable in her skin. Here is the kicker, my favorite thing is that she listens but doesn’t give unsolicited advice (except to Shauna).

Cat is a great character and sleuth. I couldn’t find anything that I disliked about her.


The mystery was exceptionally well plotted, and the clues were there, but you didn’t know if Cat was on the right track until the climax of course. I suspected the culprit but for some reason wouldn’t commit. I guess I should have gone with my gut.

Things I Like

  • The members of the writers’ group were fabulous with the constant game of how to kill people.

  • The group were great friends and were able to complete lots of work during their retreat.

  • Cat’s relationship with her Uncle Pete is honest and loving.

  • Seth and Cat are a cute couple.

  • The college librarian gave Cat passwords and then told her that her Uncle was going to be disappointed.

  • Snow and the dwarfs.

Sconed to Death CR4 Stars for Sconed to Death by Lynn Cahoon

 My rating for Sconed to Death by Lynn Cahoon is four stars. The mystery and the story were entertaining, and the characters are funny and believable. There is more going on that just a murder, and that is honestly what makes this book so good. 

I recommend this book to all Cozy fans. 

Other Books in the Series

A Story to Kill by Lynn Cahoon Fatality by Firelight by Lynn Cahoon Of Murder and Men by Lynn Cahoon Slay in Character by Lynn Cahoon A Field Guide to Homicide by Lynn Cahoon  

Coming in January of 2020

Tour Schedule

June 6 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – REVIEW

June 6 – Ascroft, eh? – AUTHOR INTERVIEW

June 6 – Brooke Blogs – SPOTLIGHT

June 7 – Cinnamon, Sugar, and a Little Bit of Murder – REVIEW, RECIPE


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June 8 – Carla Loves To Read – REVIEW, EXCERPT

June 8 – fundinmental – SPOTLIGHT

June 8 – MJB Reviewers – AUTHOR INTERVIEW

June 9 – LibriAmoriMiei – REVIEW

June 9 – Baroness’ Book Trove – REVIEW

June 9 – Lisa Ks Book Reviews – REVIEW, AUTHOR INTERVIEW

June 10 – Literary Gold – REVIEW

June 10 – The Pulp and Mystery Shelf – SPOTLIGHT

June 10 – My Reading Journeys – REVIEW

June 11 – Books a Plenty Book Reviews – REVIEW

June 11 – A Wytch’s Book Review Blog – REVIEW, CHARACTER INTERVIEW

June 11 – Ruff Drafts – GUEST POST

June 12 – The Avid Reader – REVIEW

June 12 – Island Confidential – SPOTLIGHT

June 12 – StoreyBook Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

June 13 – I’m All About Books – CHARACTER GUEST POST

June 13 – Celticlady’s Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

June 13 – A Holland Reads – SPOTLIGHT

June 14 – Laura’s Interests – REVIEW

June 14 – Elizabeth McKenna – Author – SPOTLIGHT

June 14 – Readeropolis – SPOTLIGHT
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Prize: (1) Print ARC - Sconed to Death (A Cat Latimer Mystery) by Lynn Cahoon

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Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed this review of Sconed To Death by Lynn Cahoon. Make sure you enter this excellent giveaway and check out the other stops.

Until the next time,

Karen Signature

Happy Reading!

This review was originally posted on Baroness' Book Trove

melmo2610's review against another edition

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A solid installment in the Cat Latimer series. I really enjoy the premise of the Writing Retreat-I think it would be so much fun to go to one of those! This one was especially fun since it was a cozy writers mystery group that was were the guests this go around. They added a fun element to the book. The mystery was a good one with enough twists and turns to keep me guessing. Looking forward to the next story!

I received this book from NetGalley and was not required to post a positive review. All thoughts are my own.

randombookgrl's review against another edition

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When a local bakery owner accuses Cat's best friend Shauna of stealing recipes, no one takes it seriously until the local health inspector pays an unexpected visit soon after. Although he says that he's following up on an "anonymous" complaint, there's little doubt in Cat & Shauna's mind as to who is behind the sudden visit. Cat finds herself appointed to be the peacemaker, but her trip to Dee Dee's bakery is soon overshadowed by the discovery of a dead body on the bakery floor. That body turns out to be none other celebrity chef Greyson Finn and the question of why he was in the bakery turns quickly to, who wanted him dead? Now Cat has her hands full between running her current writer's retreat, worrying about Shauna's upcoming trip to NY, and trying to figure out a murder without incurring the wrath of her police-chef uncle...

I enjoyed this book. Besides the mystery itself, which had me bouncing back and forth between suspects, I liked the interplay involving the writer's retreat and the characters within that group. I actually would kind of like a follow-up book based on them, that how much I enjoyed them and how well they were written! And a recipe at the end? Definitely always a bonus for me!

Although this is book 5, I had not read any of the previous titles in this series. It wasn't too bad, though, as enough character information was given so that I didn't feel completely lost. I am looking forward to going back and reading the previous books, to find out more about these interesting characters!

Thank you to Kensington Publishing via NetGalley for the opportunity to red and review this book.

morticia32's review against another edition

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Book 5 in the series.

I am absolutely loving this series. Of course, I might be a wee bit biased, since it takes place in my home state, Colorado!

This book kept me hooked from the beginning, and was a fun, fast read. I loved the retreat characters this time around, and of course the recurring characters, Cat, Shauna, Seth and Uncle Pete, are always good to see again.

My only complaint is that the whodunit was relatively easy to figure out, since the author set her up as the villain immediately.

*I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book given to me by the publisher, via NetGalley.*

gothicvamperstein's review against another edition

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The mystery is well written, with a good pace and a few twists and turns to make it more interestig. I also liked several of the characters and the dynamics between them.

ssejig's review against another edition

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A new month, a new group of writers at the Aspen Hills Warm Springs Resort. This time, it's a group of mystery writers from Chicago. Also recurring? A murder. A celebrity chef is found dead in the local bakery. The bakery of a woman who is absolutely steamed that Cat's business partner, Shauna, is not only serving baked goods at the resort, she's planning a cookbook. So Cat and Shauna are having to deal with the attentions of the local health inspector when he gets repeated calls about Shauna's kitchen.
Even though her sheriff uncle warns her away, Cat can't help but doing some investigating on her own.
The mystery in this book is... loosely held together. We don't really get to spend any time learning anything about either the killer or the kill-ee. The entire story is incidental to learning more about the writers in Cat's group. Other than bringing an old friend back into Cat's life which kicks off a realization about her life with her ex-husband, the murder really wasn't needed at all in this book.

wordnerd's review against another edition

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I received a copy of Sconed to Death as part of a goodreads giveaway. I am very pissed off after finishing this book.. Why? Because I found out this one is book # 5. I've missed out on parts 1-4 of this series.. Well, the only thing to do now is go and hunt them down.

In all seriousness. If you're looking for a good cozy mystery, I mean great cozy mystery, this is the one for you. I'll be checking out the other books in this series and other books by this author post-haste.