
Amber Smoke by Kristin Cast

forsakenfates's review against another edition

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So this book. I do not know what I was expecting going into this, but I am not really sure it matched the expectations. I am not a fan by any means of the House of Night Series. Eventually I want to read them all, but I am in no rush. For me, the downfall to that series is its length and mediocre writing. This book reminded me of the same things that irk me when it comes to HoN.

The writing in this book left much to be desired. There is nothing spectacular about it and the plot and characters are not exciting enough to make up for it. I cannot pinpoint exactly what it is about the writing style that does not work for me, but I just know it is not my cup of tea.

As for the actual story and characters. I did not fall in love with any of the characters. Alek and Eva have this ridiculous insta-love stemmed from fate and destiny, but we do not even see any of that romance. It was such a strange concept for me. We have them talking about love and needing each other after only spending like an hour together. I was expecting this book to be a paranormal romance and what I got was set up of a journey with a whole lot of destiny and backstory.

Speaking of backstory, the one thing I really enjoyed with this book is the level of backstory we got on the Furies and why Alek and Eva have to save Tartarus. I also enjoyed the sisters fussing over Alek. As for plot this whole book was a drawn out forty-eight hours or so. Parts that were supposed to be suspensful and thrilling left me indifferent. I was not pulled into this story and what was happening. Typically when a character is being threatened and hurting you want to see them get better and have that small voice in the back of your head that questions if they will really make it out of this okay. I did not feel any of these thoughts or feelings at any point in this book. I just did not have a connection with the characters that comes with experiencing the story.

I have the sequel Scarlet Rain also checked out from the library, but I am not sure I even want to continue with this series at this point. But on the other hand, these are short books, so it is not a huge time commitment to read them. However, I am not at all invested in this story. I am a little curious to see what happens to Tartarus but I am not entirely motivated to continue.

jmoose09's review against another edition

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The first thing that caught my attention to this book was the cover. I thought it was absolutely beautiful. Then a little while in I realized it was written by Kristen Cast, co-author of the House of Night series. (Yes, I realize now that it states this on the cover, but I didnt pay that much attention.) Once I realized this it set my bar high since the books from that series that I have finished I loved, but I was very disappointed when that bar was never met.

At first I really didn't think I was going to like this one. All I could think is it is going to be a boring Hercules novel. And it kinda seemed like that's what it was. But at some point in turns into a murder mystery and caught my attention. Then here comes some romance. It really threw me for a loop. This book was not anything like I was expecting. The writing style was not my favorite, but it was bearable. I was not a fan of jumping back and forth between 3 perspectives. Two, ok, I can usually handle but three seemed to be too much and too busy for me. It also made the book seem really rushed. It kept my attention to the end and I didn't just give up, like I have on other and like I have read many did with this book.

When I would be reading about the sisters perspectives, or Alek when they were in Tartarus, I found myself to become disinterested during those portions. Something about the setting just really didnt get me. It was almost like enough time was not spent there for it being such an important part of the plot. I definitely was more interested in the parts that took place in "our realm", which was actually kind of disappointing. I really enjoy getting into stories that take place in a different time or unusual setting but it felt like the ball was really dropped with me in this aspect.

Finally we get to what seemed like the real story, of Eva and Alek but then it ends. All of a sudden. That part I really did not like. It was like they just ran out of room and quit. Or needed to just stop there so they could continue it into another book. I felt like it was short and needed to continue. I have not decided yet whether or not I will read the second in the series. As much as I want to find out what has happened to Eva and Alek, I am afraid of whether I will like the next one to read it all the way through. I wish more of the book had been about Alek and Eva trying to discover their importance to each other and what they needed to do to save their perspective worlds. Maybe book two, will do this. I have read a few reviews on it and am not sure how I feel about it.

Then we come to the epilogue. Is it just me or was that I completely different story all by itself. It made absolutely no sense to me. I almost with I hadn't read it and just left it at the end of the last chapter.

Overall I really enjoyed the story line and the characters but there were some things about the writing that I would have changed.

malicex18's review against another edition

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I liked it but it was not on fire. I really liked the chemistry between Alek and Bridget. The mythology was on FLEEK

maggie56's review against another edition

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Book one, promise no spoilers.....but it abruptly ended so now onto book two!!!

greylandreviews's review against another edition

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1 stars

This book had potential but, then it got hit by a bus then that same bus backed over it and then set on fire.
And I wasted one of my Hoopla borrowing books on it.

kaitlainebell's review against another edition

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This really wasn't for me. I most likely won't be finishing the series

rdorka's review against another edition

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The main male character is sooo stupid that I can't finish this book. I got until chapter 13. Also it is so slow that it makes it boring.

merlin_reads's review against another edition

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 I was really excited for this book going in - I was sold on the mythology when I met the author at a signing. But alas, it was not meant to be.

First we have Eva who is some descendant of the Oracle who needs to die to come into her powers. Then there's Alek, son of the furies (well, really only one but calls all of them mother), who's destiny is to...mate with Eva? I was really unclear on what his purpose was. I just knew it had something to do with saving Eva and then saving the souls of the damned prison. I don't know. Nothing was really clear. And therein lies the first problem. I didn't understand why Eva was so important to Alek. I get why to the "Underworld" of sorts, but if I was supposed to believe in a love story or even friendship between Alek and Eva, that was all lost.

Then there were the characters themselves. Eva was extremely naive. I mean, who leaves their car in a not good part of town, nowhere near a street light and unlocked? And her only reason for trusting Alek was he was protective... please. But Alek was no better. He read like a caveman. The only thing missing were the grunts. And don't even get me started on the crappy police work.

Another thing that was unbelievable was how easy everyone accepted the news that there was an underworld and demons and oracles and all that. Come on now.

I get that fantasy fiction stretches the realm of possibilities, but it needs to make sense and at least appear believable in this world. And I felt that this wasn't. 

writingwwolves's review against another edition

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beasleymomtwo's review against another edition

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**I received this copy from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review**

This was a interesting read, paranormal with a mystery twist that I still don't know what it all means. The story was great, the characters were well developed and just enough mystery to keep you guessing what will happen next. Great cliffhanger ending, I want the next book like now.