
Machinery of Desire: The Complete Collection by Cari Silverwood

rihoward's review

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5+Holy titfire Stars

I read all of these books as individual books and fell in love with every single one of the characters.
Sci-fi is not my general go-to when I am picking out a book to read. However, if this author writes it I will read it because she is that good. She creates a world that even though it is futuristic it FEELS real. There are few authors that are even in the same league as her when it comes to world-building. I have included my individual reviews of each book in this series.

Acquired Possession
5 holy hell stars

What the hell did I just read and more importantly why the hell did I like it so much? This book is twisted and dark. There are scenes that might cause triggers. I'm not usually a big fan on the sci-fi type stuff unless it is the Omegaverse that another author introduced me to recently. Until now. I will read this and this author on this theme as much as I can. Mako. I vacillated between hating him and loving him. Emery. I love her all the way through.

I cannot wait for the next book. Now I'm off to up my therapy sessions. Somehow, I think this author is going to make me need it.

Claimed Possession
4 stars

A great addition to the first book. While I didn't enjoy this one as much as the first one (I didn't connect with the characters as well) I still liked exploring this world. I especially liked the twist in the ending.

Branded Possession
5 Stars
Holy Crikey. Where do I even begin? I am so invested in this world and its link to Aerthe. This is by far my favorite of the series which says a lot considering that I have gobbled up the first two books in the series.

This author piques my interest. I want to crawl inside her head or be a fly on the wall and watch how she works. Her world-building truly is some of the best that I have ever read. I am in awe. If I close my eyes I can picture everything as if it was something that I would encounter daily. That is a remarkable feat considering they are far from things in this world.

This story was about Gio and Ryke. And what a story it was. Gio was a strong feisty woman. This author knows how to make strong characters, Ryke. Good lord, he was deliciousness. Dominating but not as hardened as he thought. he had a weakness and that was Gio. the chemistry and pull between these two characters were palpable. It was hotter than A billy goat's ass in a pepper patch. This author can write steam so well that it could run a locomotive engine. Yet, what probably impresses me the most with this author is her ability to make me want to become more adventurous (not on a new world mind you but she sparks me to be open.)

This is a long book ( I am not sure that this author knows how to write short ones --which I love!) I highly recommend this series and especially this book. Outstanding.

Exquisite Possession
5 World-Building and Kink at its Best Stars

This book is a continuation of the Machinery of Desire series and continues the story only this time JI and Fern are the main characters. The previous stories MUST be read in order for this amazing book to be understood.

JI has had a pivotal part through this series but this time he is no longer a Mechling but is now inhabiting a human body. I loved watching this turnabout with him as he struggles to discover his new body and urges. Throughout the series, Fern has been an underlying character and a motivator. Her plight was not at all pleasant. It was interesting to watch JI come to terms with his baser urges in regards to how he felt in regards to Fern. I really appreciated the author in creating a BDSM relationship even in this unusual setting and keeping it authentic. He truly wanted to know where the line was between pleasure and pain.

This author is exceptional at world-building. Truly one of the best in the industry today. Even though this is Sci-Fi, and everything is not of this world, she still portrays it in a way that I can envision it as if it was in my own house. I LOVE this. It adds a certain quality to it that it makes it more authentic. I am not going to get into the storyline itself because it needs to be read for itself and to not have any spoilers. What I will say though is that if I thought Ryke (previous character) was kinky then I was wrong because sweet holiest of titfires, he has NOTHING on JI on the kink side. This author can write some BDSM kink like no one else. I have no idea where she gets some of these ideas from but I just got to say that I hope she never loses them because they were EVERYTHING. I discovered turn-ons that I didn't even know I had.

That being said, Ryke is still my main man from this series (although JI is REALLY close) and this conclusion is everything I could have wanted in this series. I loved getting glimpses of the previous characters in some shape or form and having all my questions answered. I am sad to see this story end but at the same time, I look forward to whatever devious and kinky (always kinky) story that this author will write in the future. I am hoping more Mesmers (and know she is rolling her eyes at this) but it cannot hurt to ask! (

Fated Possession (novella)
4.5 Stars
This is a great novel about Sassik and Blue. It follows along with the Machinery of Desire world. While this is a novella it seems like a full story. There was humor, there was steam, there was a little mystery as you tried to discover who certain characters were. The ending was vague in it left it open for you to decide if it was happily ever after or not. Knowing this authors work, I can say that not everything is as it seems. If you haven't read the first two books (both standalones) then I would highly recommend that you do that as the world is phenomenal.

triciacoker's review

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1. Acquired Possession is our introduction to this series, introducing us to Aerthe and the Mekkers, to Emery, and a society unlike anything we might now. It drops us right into the story and slowly reveals more and more details as things progress, letting us learn about this world almost as blindly as Emery and her friends do. There is science fiction, there is bdsm, and so much more. Some things are triggers, and some are downright sexy or intriguing, but all in all it is a gripping start to a unique series.
2. Claimed Possession gives us a glimpse into the other side of life, with Sawyer, brother to Emnery's friend, Fern. We see how human males are treated, and we see how even the women of Aerthe may submit if the situation warrants it. After Sawyer saves Aribelle, despite what she has done to him, he will make sure she repays that debt, and we, the readers, are given every rewarding second. While good, and definiely building on the world we met in book 1, it didn't draw me as much as some of the others. I still recommend anyone reads this, as we are given pieces in each book to build the story and plot of a whole landscape.
3. Branded Possession is the story of Gio, the woman who sought to save humanity, and keep more humans from becoming the property of the Mekkers. Given to the King's Lawgiver for torture and breaking, she just might break him instead. Gio was an interesting character and the depth of Ryke caught me.
4. Exquisite Possession is the final book in a sci fi series so unique and exciting I'm a bit sad to read the last pages. The story of Fern and JI offer so many different emotions, so much heat and conflict and depth it just shows once again how wonderful an author Cari Silverwood is. Ever since the intriguing set up of Acquired Possession I've been caught by these books, in such an interesting alternate reality setting. Even the supporting characters are engaging! I've always enjoyed dark romance and erotic books in science fiction or fantasy settings but Cari hits it out of the park with this series.
Fair warning, read these in order or you will miss large chunks or backstory and parts will not make much sense. Also it contains dark erotic scenes, rough kinky situations so, if you can't handle that, this book and the rest in the series are not for you.
For everyone else - grab book 1 and hold on for a wild, wonderful ride.