
The Guys Are Props Club by Ingrid Seymour

cavityfila's review

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I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.

I really enjoyed this book. It grabbed me right away. It was funny, and romantic, steamy and sweet. A nice NA combination. Its like a typical college romance with a little twist. The twist being the "guys are props club". They have these rules that are hysterical about how guys are total players, and funny enough, their observations are usually true. I feel like if I was a teenager, I would be smart to follow them. There is total heat between Sebastian and Maddie, and I was very happy they got a super sweet, if not unexpected, happy ending.

This book is not earth shattering or life changing but a cute and sweet quick read. Worth checking out.

kimching232's review

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Before I start, I would like to thank Dianne of Oops! I Read a Book Again for including me in the blog tour and for giving me the opportunity to read this amazing book.

I have to admit that before I read this book, I didn't really think much of it because I didn't know the author. The only reason I signed up for the blog tour is because I read a similar book entitled The Heartbreakers Association from Wattpad and loved that book, so I was curious how this one would turn out to be. Would it be similar to The Heartbreakers Association, or would it be worse? What didn't enter my mind was how different this is from that book, and how awesome it turned out to be.

I wouldn't do a recap anymore, for I fear that this would be too long. I'd just go straight to what I thought. At the first few parts, I found that the concept for the club is very similar to that of The Heartbreakers Association, but then as I read on, the story became its own in my opinion, and I started to admire the main character, Maddie.

Unlike the book from Wattpad, Maddie was able to let go of the past and move on, while her best friend Jessica got stuck in that stage. She actually felt guilty for pulling a Play. Also, it helps that Maddie likes kids like I do. Her being friends with Hunter, a young cancer patient, made me love her and the book all the more. She went along with him, and she really showed the characteristics that I like.

Enter Sebastian. At first he really seemed like the typical player, and he even fits their description of a player perfectly. I actually didn't believe the synopsis when it said that he's a good guy. I thought, there must be some hidden agenda here. But no, he's actually honest, a gentleman, and has everything you would want from a guy. And then he met Hunter, and I loved him from then on. He was patient with him, and I just love it when a guy is good with kids!

All in all, the book was really great. There were enough interesting and appropriate twists and turns, the pacing was amazing, and I just loved the plot! Plus, major plus points for being my first 5-star review in a looong loooong time. If you're looking for a New Adult novel that is different from the rest, I strongly suggest you check this one out. You'll be surprised by how much you'll like the book.

meganmreads's review

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I enjoyed The Guys Are Props Club. It was a great NA contemporary romance with a heroine I respected and I devoured it quickly, eager to see what would happen next. Like many NA contemporary romances, the overall plot was straightforward and somewhat predictable in the way that fans enjoy, but the I also thought there were aspects to the story that were refreshing and unique.

The G.A.P. club was interesting. Jessica and Madison started the club after having their hearts broken in high school and needed an outlet to discuss their heartbreaks and disgust of players with other girls. I was expecting Madison to be a ruthless man-hating heroine, but she surprised me by being relatively understanding, less interested in breaking hearts and more interested in having a group of friends to share things with.

Sebastian was not your typical love interest. His allure was exotic instead of being due to any kind of bad boy or tough persona. Despite his ability to dance and his major in theater, he wasn’t feminine or sensitive like I thought he’d be. He was very masculine and confident. I loved that he didn’t have baggage or issues like a lot of bad boy personas, but he still had the tough demeanor that we all love. He was also charming and sweet.

I loved that the characters in The Guys Are Props Club had their own problems and history, but it wasn’t major or crazy like a lot of New Adult characters. It helped make the characters seem more realistic and since I've been devouring tons of New Adult contemporaries, I found it refreshing that no one had horrifying secrets that are completely abnormal. It just gets to be too much after awhile.

The attraction between Sebastian and Madison was electric. I loved how they interacted with each other and found myself rooting for them from the moment they met. They were just so great together. And Sebastian made my heart melt when he took an interest in the little boy Madison cared about from the oncology ward at the hospital where she worked. It was just so sweet.

I definitely recommend The Guys Are Props Club! I was expecting a somewhat revenge filled story like that of John Tucker Must Die or Burn For Burn, but I got a totally heart wrenching contemporary romance with characters I cared about instead! It was amazing. It’s a great read, completely refreshing, and well written. I loved that it was a stand alone novel, too. I’ll definitely read more from Ingrid Seymour in the future!

Review originally published at Love, Literature, Art, and Reason book review blog.

hazelstaybookish's review

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Actual rating: 4.5 stars

Posted here

People could be categorized as such: Players and Those Who Get Played. Maddie Burch has been Played before and it was not an experience she’d like to go through again. As a member, and especially as the co-founder of The Guys Are Props Club, she’s supposed to Play guys to give them a taste of their own medicine. Sebastian- latino, hot, down-right charming and aware of all his glorious traits- is the perfect victim. Jessica, the president of The G.A.P. Club and Maddie’s roommate and best friend, is determined to Play him. Too bad for her, his ravishing green eyes are gazing at Maddie.

I must say: I loved this book!!!!! I thought the idea of this club, and the plot in general was excellent!! Despite it not being new, it felt refreshingly unique. I didn’t need much convincing to want to read this one because I was easily interested when I read the synopsis. I remember reading Elizabeth Eulberg’s The Lonely Hearts Club (YA), which had somewhat the same concept, girls bonding over broken hearts and all. I enjoyed that one and I found myself enjoying The G.A.P. Club just as much- if not, even more.

Maddie was a great protagonist. She was easy to like and was even more easily someone you’d want to root for. I admired how compassionate she was- especially with Hunter, a kid from the Pediatric Oncology ward, where Maddie worked. I have this thing for kids in books! I cannot resist their cuteness! My heart totally went to Hunter. (Sorry, Sebastian haha)

Going back to Maddie. I love how she knows what she wants in life. She’s so sure about becoming a doctor. She’s smart, kind and driven and I think she’d be perfect for the job. Maddie has such a big heart. She’s a good-natured person and you could sense that from her hesitancy to do Plays. Plays are just so incredibly wrong and I was happy that Maddie didn’t want to participate in such activities anymore. (There would be some serious issue here if she did) I loved how mature she was, especially towards Jessica.

Jessica, instead of acting like a best friend, was pretty much more of the antagonist of the story. I do believe though that she was an important element here. As much as I thought of her as a total female dog throughout the book, I came to understand her towards the end.

Last but not the least, there’s Sebastian. I’ll just nickname him Seb because we’re close like that. Kidding. Sebastian is everything a girl could ever want. He’s GORGEOUS. (I feel the need to emphasize this) I get how a girl couldn’t trust a guy as handsome as he is. But Sebastian is not all looks. He’s a great guy- sensitive AND honest. I love how he’s so straight-to-the-point and how he doesn’t mess around or play games. It’s hard not to fall in love with him- what with his witty and heartfelt words. I adored him and Maddie together! When they’re not busy being cute and funny, they’re getting all hot and steamy. (Like before, I feel the need to emphasize on HOT)

Overall, The G.A.P. Club was a fantastic read. The ending left me feeling satisfied and I thought the Playbook was totally cool, despite not agreeing with the Play idea. It was easy to predict how the story would go but it remained exciting. This was fast-paced and light but it made me laugh and swoon. If you like New Adult books- you have to pick this up right now. A perfect balance of sweet and sexy, this book is definitely one of my faves from the genre. I absolutely recommend it!

bafahl's review

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Enjoyable, easy read.

sayitcharlie's review

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“Guys were not the problem. I was the problem. Even when I found the most amazing man, a man who seemed to care about me, something about me wasn't good enough to keep him from leaving.”

Swoon-tastic read.

Review to come.

nin275's review

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While reading: I might discard it after a while. The main character is a bit of a woos who can't but obey her spoilt rich roommate aka best friend's rules. I hate such characters (The woos I mean). It's clearly obvious that the guy's interested in her. I have a feeling this is going to be way more predictable. Gonna hold on a little longer.

Update after reading: I decided to finish it against my better judgment and it turned out to be just like I'd imagined. The reason of this getting 2 stars is just because I finished it.

The protagonist Maddie is a woos, a so called strong heroine who acts otherwise. I don't even feel like reviewing this so halleluiah!

jeanz's review

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I received an e-copy of this book in exchange for my honest review and posting as part of the blog tour run by Oops I Read It Again Blog Tours
The cover features a man and a woman in a rather steamy looking clinch, which does suit a scene or three from the book. I like the font style of the title, and the way neither the title nor Authors name is infringing on the cover, which is good.
So the story is based mainly on Jessica and Madison, who have both had their hearts broken and trampled on by a guy or two. They decide to get together with other girls in the same situation, which all goes well, they get together and share their heartbreak stories. Then Jessica decides to take things further and suggest the girls make a kind of game of “playing the guys” You literally pick a guy, flirt etc, lead him on, go out with him a few times, then suddenly just dump him, hopefully breaking his heart in the process. It’s a type of revenge. There are also a set of rules, such as you can’t steal someone elses “Play” . . . . which ends up causing problems. Though Madison doesn’t wholly agree she gets swept along by the louder, domineering girl Jessica. Jessica has everything, her parents have money so she has no financial worries unlike Madison who is on a scholarship and has to budget carefully.
The girls end up breaking many of their Guys Are Props rules and end up falling out with rather disastrous consequences for Madison. Can the girls ever have the same close friendship again.
I won’t go into detail as I think if I say too much it will spoil the book. The book is well written, it’s a mixture of paces, sometimes there seems to be lots happening, other times the book seems to “drag it’s feet” somewhat. I saw the notice about the book being a 17+ so was expecting a little sexual content, but not quite as much as there was. Personally I’d say 18+ as in my opinion if it were a movie it would be 18+ Looking back now at the cover I should have realised that there would be some “spice and steam” in the book and I’m okay to an extent with that, but I thought the book was aimed at the New Adult or Older Teen market. Without the "steamy, sexually descriptive this book would have been ideal for the YA market too, and I think it would have been pretty popular too.
So did I enjoy the book? It was okay, I liked some parts better than others. I liked Madison’s interaction with Hunter the young cancer patient in the hospital she is working at. The parts I didn’t like were the in my opinion overly descriptive sexual scenes. The story really didn’t need it, more could have been left to the imagination. It's sad to say but at times I kind of felt "bored" in that I'd think oh not not another sexually related scene. Would I recommend the book? Being totally truthful here I probably wouldn’t go out of my way to recommend it. I would be more likely to warn about the content and suggest the 18+ age restriction. Would I read a Bk#2? The impression I came away with at the end of this book was that it was a standalone novel. Would I read other books by this Author? I would check the age rating on them first, then make an informed decision on the individual book. It’s not that I’m a prude, but I just think some things are best left unsaid, or done much more delicately.

ibustama's review

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I hope all New Adult readers enjoy reading this book as much as I enjoyed writing it! :)

sabbygee's review

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Check out my stop on The GAP Club Blog Tour and enter the giveaway for a KINDLE FIRE or a signed paperback!

The cover really didn't do much for me, to be honest, but boy oh boy... this book took me by surprise. I wasn't actually planning on reviewing this for the tour because I wasn't sure if I could fit it in my reading schedule. But it cleared so I decided to go ahead and give this a shot. And what do you know? I had a hard time putting it down! I slept so late even if I had a 7:30 a.m. class the next day and when I got to school, I read it during breaks. I got so hooked I didn't even have time to post status updates on Goodreads. THAT'S how gripping this story is.

The plot sounds unoriginal with play-the-player angle but before you pass judgment, let me tell you what exactly got me hooked: Sebastian. Is it so wrong that the main reason I enjoyed this book immensely is because of the love interest? I say not. You can't blame me! He's so... different. Different than most New Adult book boyfriends. Let's cover the basics first:

1. He's not just hot. He's Latino hot.
2. He's confident but in a charming way (that makes sense, right?)
3. He says all the right things.

But what makes him different? He's sensitive. And there's not a badass bone in his body. He's not your typical badass book boyfriend who actually has a heart of gold. What you see is what you get. He's into Latin dance, theater.... he serves tea to his guests. You read that right. Tea. Chamomile tea to be specific. I love all of that about Sebastian but the one thing that really endeared him to me was how fondly he spoke of his father. He truly idolized the man so he did his best to do everything his father taught him before he passed. And this is he's such a gentleman even to girls who come on too strong (*coughs* Jessica *coughs*). Sebastian gave me butterflies - I'm not kidding. You wouldn't be able to help the inevitable squealing and gushing.

So that's Sebastian. What about the main character, Maddie? Well, I love her too! I know I went on and on about Sebastian but that doesn't mean he overshadowed Maddie. Not at all. Maddie is a great character all throughout the book. She had a crappy past (something totally unexpected, by the way. Brownie points for that!) that gave her trust issues when it comes to guys. That's also the reason why she agreed to create the GAP Club with Jessica. I loved Maddie's back story and seeing how she overcame all the heartache. Aside from that, I enjoyed reading chapters where Maddie bonded with a ten year old cancer patient named Hunter. Those parts really made me smile because Hunter was such a darling and Maddie was so sweet to him. It showed a whole other part of Maddie that made her an even more lovable character.

The romance from the time Sebastian started flirting to them finally getting together was both sweet and hot. I couldn't get enough of these two! Maddie and Sebastian's chemistry was so amazing you'd fall in love with both of them. That's how great they are together. That's how addicting this book is.

I enjoyed the overall flow of the story. With this kind of plot the conflict is predictable but the way everything unraveled was surprisingly good. I just hate it when conflicts that are so easy to resolve happen for the sake of adding speed bumps to a story. Fortunately that didn't happen here. Everything... made sense. In the end, I think this book deserves 5 pink stars. It has a good plot, memorable characters, a steamy romance and just the right amount of conflict. It's a quick read that will have you reading nonstop and will most definitely leave you with a Sebastian hangover.

(I received a copy of this book for the tour. This did not, in any way, influence my opinion of the book.)