
Twirled Bond by Emma Hart

smbmar's review

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Emma does it again

I absolutely love this series. First Noelle is badass. Then Drake is awesome. And Nonna reminds me sooooo much of my great-grandmother, I swear Emma has channeled her. I can't believe there is only two more books left. But maybe I can actually get something accomplished when I'm reading a book.

kara_hildebrand's review against another edition

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Twirled Bond is book 5 in the Holly Woods Files series and just when I think I can't love these characters more, Emma throws more humor, more sexiness and more suspense in the mix. You don't just become attached to the main characters, you love them all. Noelle and Drake of course, and her brothers, parents, staff, Bek, Jason and the list goes on and on. Noelle and Drake have been living together for six months and so far so good. Bek is dating Jason but can't seem to commit because she can't stop thinking about Brody(and Noelle isn't getting involved. Nope, no way). Nonna is on a marriage rampage and Drake and Noelle are at the top of her list. Drake's mom has some big news and they just discovered a skeleton that's been buried for more than 10 years. When it's a possibility the remains are a high school friend of Noelle's, she's brought in on the case. It's more emotional than she thought. Discoveries are made and the details of the case are weighing on everyone. Even through the sadness and witness interviews, Drake and Noelle find time to love each other. Oh, they still fight, but it's more love than hate. It's about the shoe closet she wants and his clothes on the floor. The heat is still top notch and the emotional love is rising. Will Nonna's pushing cause Noelle to shut down? Will this case be too much for Noelle and Drake to handle? I love this couple. They are one of my favorite couples of all time. I just know when I open a Holly Wood Files book I'm in for a literary treat! I can't wait for Bek's story! Psst…I still can't pick between Brody and Jason :).

"I love every crazy part of you, bella."
"I hate when you do that."
"Do what?"
"Call me bella. You know I can't stay mad at you when you say that."
Slowly he grins. "I know."

Drake's my safe place. If he were coordinates on my map, he'd be zero zero, zero zero. He'd be the center of it all, the only place where there is nothing but him.

rohina_sharma's review against another edition

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Wow. Wow. Wow. Simply wow!

description I’m a lot unstable, but in all the right ways. It’s part of the reason why you love me.

To say Drake and Noelle are my all time favourite couple... Well, that is just the understatement of the year!

I don't know how Emma does it, but once again she delivered another jaw dropping book in the Holly Woods Files Series and I can't even begin to tell you how engrossed I was in this book. The queen of opening lines striked again! The book opens to a bone-chilling chapter and it got me hooked from the very first word. The premise that Hart built from just the Prologue was so mysterious, dark and to a point screamed about something heinous even before it was mentioned.

I devoured each word, sentence and pages. I just could not put it down!

Twirled Bond delivers the mystery, intrigue and love ten-fold. There were moments I was shocked at the revelations relating to the case. There were moments I was smiling because of the sheer amazing-ness of the characters. There were moments I literally held my breath because there so much love! And as is the case with this series , I tried to guess who the killer was and you know what... I did get it right! I mean, I feel so accomplished in getting the killer right and that too in the first guess!

Emma, as in the previous books, didn't leave any breadcrumbs that could easily lead to the killer. There was not a single thing that pointed towards the killer because any evidence that DID point to him was tampered by the victim itself. You see... If you want to guess who the killer is, that is exactly what you will have to do. You have to guess or better yet go with your instinct.

description Droelle is like the ultimate relationship goal. If you were on Instagram, you’d even have your own hashtag and everything. Even Twitter would feature you on one of those stupid at-relationship-underscore-goals accounts.

The book hasn't come far only in terms of its plot and the mystery but also in the relationships of the Bond family. Every relationship, every character has matured so much since the first book. Especially Drake and Noelle and Nonna and Noelle.

Drake and Noelle are my absolute favorite of the Hart's couples and to watch them grow together and see such a different side of their relationship that was full of understanding and love. *sigh* It made my heart so happy. I just simply love everything about Drake and Noelle and what their relationship stands for. The banter, the love, the understanding, the chemistry and throw in the real-ness of their relationship it is pretty damn perfect. With these two I always want more, no matter what.

And Nonna! OMG! Nonna and Noelle, I can't even. Their relationship was at it's best!

Twirled Bond was absolutely fantastic from start to finish. It is just so well thought out and planned, theories after theories, my head was spinning!

This book is PERFECT and if Emma had planned to end this right here, I would not have minded but given the fact that I am sucker of anything Holly Woods Files... I want it all! And the last two chapters and that ending?! That ending was everything and so much more!

description It’s in my job description. Noelle Bond, private investigator extraordinaire, cupcake lover, shoe whore, and Drake Nash’s pain in the ass.

5+ Stars!

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*ARC gifted by author in exchange for an honest review*

slc333's review against another edition

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3.5 star. Noelle & Drake are cute together. Noelle is back to solving crimes with intuitive leaps. Would have like more of Noelle's family craziness but was glad to see her put her foot down when Nonna oversteps.

amandakoz's review against another edition

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This was definitely my favorite case in the series and I really enjoyed the personal side. Drake and Noelle have progessed a lot at this point in the series and I enjoy reading about how their problems change with where they are in their relationship. I love how they still can push each others buttons, but still are so right for each other. I loved that the case was different from the other ones and it kept me on my toes. I didn't figure out what happened ahead of time and was suprised a few times. I really am enjoying the bek, brody, and jason triangle. I am super excited to read bek's book!!

nicspears's review against another edition

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Perfect!! Perfect, perfect, perfect!!!

The ending....I had the biggest grin I could've possibly mustered at this time of night. I couldn't have been happier.

The storyline, enthralling just like the previous books and so full of emotion.

I found myself trying to uncover the details answers right along side Noelle, Drake and the rest of the gang.

It is a series that I love and one which has always left me with wanting more.

Just amazing!!

tracy81's review against another edition

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This is by far been my favourite book in this series so far as much as I've loved the books leading up to this one I've just fallen in love with twirled and felt every emotion whilst reading it this story's spans several years and what happened to a missing little girl every parents worst nightmare with a sad outcome which I thought Emma wrote beautifully and was a bit more serious than the other books but it did have the antics of droelle and nonnna and gio thrown in which brought back the laughter and fun.

Another fantastic book by the writing machine that is Emma hart !!

bookbae96's review against another edition

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For a small town, Holly Woods, TX, has seen its fair share of crime. Lucky for the good folks of the town that Noelle Bond and Drake Nash are around to set things to rights. When the latest whodunit is a case that hits very close to home for Noelle, she's not stopping until the she has the answers she needs, and the town can rest easy again.

Let me start by saying that I love Emma Hart's books. Sassy heroines, sexy badass men, and plots that do not disappoint. That being said, I am somehow a newcomer to Emma's Holly Woods books. How can this be? How did I miss these? I've got some catching up to do.

Noelle is awesome. Super Sass x gazillion, this is one lady that can hold her own, whether she's dealing with the bad guys, with Drake, her nemesis-turned-lover, or her Nonna, one heck of an old school Italian grandma, who's not afraid to let Noelle know what she thinks of her living arrangements and life choices. Noelle, formerly of the Dallas, TX, police department, is doing what she does best, which is using her intuition and her connections to help solve crimes in her hometown. When an unidentified body turns out to be the answer to a decades old cold case, Noelle is on it, working alongside Drake and her brothers over at the Holly Woods P.D.

There is plenty of suspense, and Emma's red herrings will help to keep the reader guessing up until the end. What I really enjoyed about TWIRLED BOND, though, is the characters and their relationships that Emma does such a wonderful job of fleshing out. Even in just reading this one installment, it's evident that Noelle is changing, and, although I wouldn't use the word softening, per se, she's open to things that she apparently hadn't been earlier on. And Drake, mmmm, Drake. I love him for many reasons, but mostly because he sees Noelle for who and what she is, and, rather than trying to change her, loves her because of it. Even for all of their back-and-forth, he really is her biggest fan, and the perfect yang to her yin.

The supporting characters, especially Noelle's brothers and her Nonna, make every scene funnier, and lend lots of charm to the story, making it that much more readable. Having started this series, I have got to go back and catch up, and I am also looking forward to reading BURNING BOND, Bek's story. TWIRLED BOND is 4.5-stars worth of sass, steam, and suspense, and I couldn't recommend it more.

***ARC generously provided for an honest review.***

nightreads's review against another edition

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*Update: I got the arc of Burning Bond yesterday and now that I just finished rereading this one I'm so ready for Beks story!!!

So so good!!! I can't wait for Bek's story and then Noelle's again. But waiting until the end of the year for them is not going to be fun. Review will be posted soon!

bookgyrl's review

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I just love Noelle and Drake! And the family and Holly Woods. OK it is maybe not always quite believable (Drake is a homicide detective in a town with hardly any murders and Noelle just solves any case. haha) but it just works for me! Had a stupid smile at the end of the book :-)

Just waiting for the book about Bek and her 2 hotties.