
Vita activa oder Vom tätigen Leben by Hannah Arendt

rantingsandravings's review against another edition

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informative reflective medium-paced


kelciilou's review against another edition

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this made me feel stupid.

aethenea's review against another edition

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I finished approximately 75 % of the book for one of my university courses and I don't really plan to finish it.

xavierbonilla's review against another edition

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This is a great work of Arendt because it details much of her philosophy. Namely, the vita activa and vita contemplativa. It also details the differences between work, labor, and action. Yet, the book feels a bit lost in some parts. It’s a staple of her philosophy but not her best work.

books_ergo_sum's review against another edition

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informative reflective slow-paced


Hannah Arendt, reading us for filth.

Underneath all the philosophy blah blah in here, this was just Hannah Arendt spilling some piping hot tea 💅

Because when you get to the end of this book and she says:
”the modern age—which began with such an unprecedented and promising outburst of human activity—may end in the deadliest, most sterile passivity history has ever known.” 

She’s not wrong. And she has the densest 300+ pages on the history of ideas from antiquity to the 20th century to prove it. 

It was interesting to think how much she was going against the grain in 1958 to argue that our work culture and technological advances undermine human agency and political freedom (the first pages of Bowling Alone, for example, cite a few 1958 articles showing how optimistic people were about politics and civic engagement at the time) but nowadays we just read this like… 😅😅 yeahhh.

On the one hand, the method in here was cool. She looked at Western history, isolated a few different modes of human activity (like politics or labour) and explained how different historical periods prioritized some modes over others, surprisingly randomly. And how, at least according to most of human history, the mode of activity our culture is currently prioritizing (labour) is the worst one.

Very cool. Very well researched. 

But—almost unreadable. Unfortunately for us, German philosophy had a ‘no thesis statements’ trend for a while there. I think it was supposed to be about philosophical integrity? Like, let the details speak for themselves; don’t make sensationalist arguments like those dirty stinky French philosophers…

But honestly, it was just annoying. If I have to read your philosophy book twice in order to suss out its unstated arguments, let’s call a spade a spade and say its format sucks.

davidturo's review against another edition

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No podría decir que es un mal libro. Contiene ideas interesantes sobre el comportamiento humano. El problema es que es un libro poco o nada agradecido con el lector, ya que es un libro muy complicado, en el cual la mayoría de personas tendrán que realizar un esfuerzo para ser capaces de terminarlo.

valerio18's review against another edition

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"L'azione, in quanto attività, ci contraddistingue come uomini, presupponendo lo spazio della libertà politica e dell'essere-in-comune".

Questo saggio di Hannah Arendt è un racconto della condizione umana, e di come essa si presenti all'uomo in 3 modi diversi (lavoro, opera e azione). Il testo è ricco di note e di diverse digressioni filosofiche che aprono spazio a nuove letture e a conoscenze approfondite.

Mentre i capitoli sull'opera e sul lavoro possono risultare un po' più ostici, è negli ultimi due capitoli del testo che la Arendt lancia il suo profondo messaggio di amore per il discorso, l'azione politica e il pensiero; da custodire in questi tempi bui.

rksutt's review against another edition

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A profound and generative book. Arendt, writing in the mid-twentieth century was already anticipating the issues of automation and AI that are growing concerns. This is a book that helps show how those realities are born from antecedents long in the past. While sharp in her analysis, Arendt also offers a glimmer of hope that human action and thought, though in danger, are still possible sources of reversal and renewal. The forward by Danielle Allen is worth reading for its own sake. I'll be reading more of her work, as well as more Arendt soon.

shc's review against another edition

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THE HUMAN CONDITION by Hannah Arendt (1959)

mnieto's review against another edition

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Too dense without the need of it.