
The Sandwalk Adventures: An Adventure in Evolution in Five Chapters by Jay Hosler

reasie's review

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Charles Darwin explains his theories to a mite living in his left eyebrow.

No, really. And somehow it ends up being the cutest little heartwarming story about life, myths, and truth. I greatly enjoyed this little graphic novel.

bookdingo's review

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There's hardly anyone more fascinating than Charles Darwin...unless you count the mites that live in his eyebrows.

bmatzke's review

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This'd be a great book to teach kids about Darwin! Silly and simple but really fun.

plaidbrarian's review

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Bizarre premise - Charles Darwin, in the twilight of his years, talks about the nature of things with an eyebrow mite who thinks he's a god - but a really wonderful book. Lots of discussion about the natures of science and relgion, where they meet, where they part company, and how perception can mean the difference between reality and myth. And impressively, it manages to do all that without being insulting to either side of the argument (though its pretty clear that Hosler, a science teacher, falls clearly on Darwin's side). It's cute, it's laugh-out-loud funny, and you may just learn something, too.

magnetgrrl's review

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Sandwalk is a comic that dramatizes an ongoing conversation about evolution between Charles Darwin and a mite living in his left eyebrow. It's funny and interesting and fairly light. Jay Hosler is an entymologist by day, so he really knows his science, but he also has a clear writing style that allows his subject matter to remain conversational and humorous. The artwork is clean, in black and white, with thin but well-balanced lines and inks. It's a short and fun read. Clan Apis - Hosler's other graphic novel about the lives of bees - is much better, in my opinion, but it's more of an emotional story, whereas this is more like an interesting thought experiment illustrated on paper. "What if Darwin himself could explain evolutionary biology to you?" Well, now he can... and you only have to identify with a cute, smarmy skin mite.

Oh, and these books would be *fabulous* additions to a classroom. They are totally kid-friendly and easy enough to read without pandering in the least. Hosler is supposedly developing other comics about science specifically for teaching under a grant from the Natinoal Science Foundation.