
Enchaine-moi, by Sophie Jordan

geleeregina's review against another edition

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I devoured this book! It grabbed me from the beginning and kept me highly entertained. The hero is super hot, and the heroine was likeable. I liked their insecurities, but I loved his protectiveness. Their chemistry was OFF the CHARTS! I had some issues with plot and had to suspend belief for a bit, but the love scenes were smoking.

The narrator was new to me, but OH MY he made the book! Christian Fox is shooting to the top of my fav list. *fans self* I will devour book 2 on audio when it comes out for nothing else but to hear Mr. Fox's rough growl in my ear.

naduah82's review against another edition

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Originally posted @ Miranda's Book Blog

I don't recall ever reading a romance with an ex-con before. That being said, I was a little timid going into this one. However, I should have known that the author, Sophie Jordan wouldn't disappoint. I had literally just finished reading a Regency Romance by her and since I loved it so much I needed more stories by her. Well, I guess it's no surprise that I UNQUESTIONABLY LOVED THIS ONE!! Also, I shouldn't have been surprised since readers are calling this one Prison Break with a romance and Happily Ever After!

The chemistry between Briar and Knox was hot! There are quite a few smexy scenes between Briar & Knox, Sophie pulled them off without feeling like they were too much, everything fit into the story perfectly and felt completely authentic.

Knox definitely goes through an adjustment period since he's been locked up for eight years. I'll admit, there a few times he would have scared the crap outta me but everything he does, he does with honorable intentions and there is a scene in the end where he most certainly proves himself to Briar. Briar's sister doesn't like Knox, she wants Briar to be with someone 'normal' and 'safe' and she ends up getting over that and tells Briar she should be with Knox pretty quickly. Now I believe she would have ended up coming to that conclusion eventually, once she got to know Knox better. However, I think she may have come to that conclusion a little too soon, considering how much she displayed her dislike of Knox initially.

One of my favorite things about this book were the side characters. Reid's book is next and I'm looking forward to it but my most-anticipated book I'm looking forward to is North's (Knox's brother)!

anabelsbrother's review against another edition

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The plot sounded kind of similar to Cara McKenna's Hard Time (love love love that book) so that's why I picked this up. Not too crazy about the whole self-sabotaging thing Knox loved to do (WHY WON'T YOU LET YOURSELF BE HAPPY MAN), but I love his relationship with his brother as well as his aunt and uncle. I love the name Briar, but it took me a while to warm up to the person.

Overall, I enjoyed the story; would have rated this higher had I been more invested in the characters.

Speaking of, the next book sounds exciting because REID. He's in this like 2 scenes or something but I'm still intrigued. However, the whole plot sounds a bit...hmm.

tatahababa's review against another edition

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Did this have issues plot and character-wise? Yes. Did they need to go back to that traumatic day and at least talk for a few minutes about it before getting physical? Absolutely.

Did I still enjoy the absolute hell out of this and the audiobook narrator? Yes, Yes, Yes.

loverofromance's review against another edition

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This review was originally posted on Addicted To Romance


Briar is a nurse that when asked to volunteer at the prison since they were short staffed, she never realized what she was getting herself into....or the man that was sexy and dangerous and scary as hell and she wanted him, heaven help her. Knox is a inmate who has been in prison for eight years, doing everything he can to be tough and a survivor and helping his brother stay on top of the ladder. What Knox doesn't expect is to find himself so protective over Briar, a woman who is timid and reserved but shows the depth of her strength in the way she stands up to him. Knox knows that Briar is way too good for him, too good and innocent but he is drawn to her in a way he can't explain and is willing to fight for her. Knox and Briar will learn that love has no bounds, and it leaps up on you when you least expect it to...but will they be able to find a happy ever after despite how different they are from each other.....

The Hero

Knox did what he had to when his cousin was attacked and both he and his younger brother found themselves in prison. Knox only regrets the pain that he caused his family from his actions and for putting his brother North in the system. But Knox has learned not to dwell on the past but to focus on the future and to stay alive. Staying alive in prison is not easy by any means, and with his brother's help they have learned to be tough as steel and not let anything or anyone put a kink in their armor. Now Knox was quite the hero and not what I expected but was quite thrilling at times.
He wasn’t that good or honorable. He wasn’t that strong. If she wanted to play with a wolf, then that’s what she would get.

His character is full of mystery in many ways, he is very alpha but not with a woman he loves. I really liked how protective he was of Briar but also didn't override her.

The Heroine

Briar (weird name but I like that its unique and different) never imagined that she would end up volunteering at a prison as a nurse. Not exactly the kind of atmosphere she would prefer to find herself in. In fact, Briar regrets it the moment she arrives...until she meets inmate Knox. The type of man she has no idea how to deal with, and is out of her league. But Briar is a woman that doesn't back down from a challenge no matter how intimidating that challenge may be. What I really liked about Briar is though she seems a bit timid in the beginning, she definitely has hidden depths. And I really liked seeing how strong and courageous her character turns out to be.

Plot and Story Line

I have no idea why I haven't picked this series up because right now I feel like *banging my head against the wall*. It was quite idiotic to delay reading this book, and I think the biggest reason was the mixed reviews I found on these books. But honestly I LOVED this one ladies and gents....just LOVED it so dang much. I have just realized how talented Sophie Jordan is and she has come out with a bang with this new genre and series of books. Now Jordan has always been a personal favorite of mine, for years I have respected and fallen in love with her books. But All Chained Up was different and thrilling and unique and had a blast with it!!! Now a romance that develops in prison.....never read a book like this one before and I soaked it all up like a sponge. Honestly I couldn't get enough of it. I really liked seeing these two together and the way their relationship builds. At first they treat it like a fling, but their connection to each other has always run deeper than just sex since they first met. I enjoyed the way they work through some hurdles in their relationship and what Knox does for Briar at the end was priceless and I love the way they are willing to sacrifice for each other.
" I lose you." His voice choked up a little then. "I would never heal from that. I can't lose you, Briar."

They both mistakes and it just made the story seem so much more realistic and our characters human and easy to relate with. And we got a bit of a teaser for book 2, and honestly I can't wait for Noah's book.

The Cover

Sexy and HOT!!!! Love that they put in the dragon tattoo.

Overall View

All Chained Up is a sexy and fired up romance that will curl your toes and keep your hungering for more!!! A WINNER OF A READ!

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whiskeyinthejar's review against another edition

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****Full Review****

3.5 stars

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Briar Davis grew up with a violent father, so when her boss asks for volunteers to help him at Devil's Rock, a prison, her hand doesn't immediately shoot up. When no one else volunteers, though, she thinks about the promotion she wants and how she doesn't want to be afraid anymore and suddenly she's passing through maximum security gates. Briar’s first day she meets Knox Callaghan, ripped, sexy, intense, and a convict. Knox has been in Devil's Rock for eight years serving out a murder sentence, his brother and he paid a visit to their cousin's rapist that ended badly for everyone. One look into Nurse Davis' eyes and he finds himself wanting things he knows a convict like him will never have. Even the eight years and bars, however, can't fully change the man and Knox saves Briar from sharing his cousin's fate. Suddenly, Knox and Briar have an opportunity they never thought possible, if only both are strong enough to take it.
The first in a new series, Ms. Jordan starts off with a bang. The beginning tension between Briar and Knox with the forbidden aspect, Briar's physical fear, and Knox's emotional brick wall was fantastic, I flew through the pages. They only have a couple meetings in the beginning but those moments pack quite the punch. Their interactions are drawn out but in a needful way, we see Briar's trepidation around Knox, how his brick wall cracks around her, and how they both can't help poking and reaching out to one another because of the draw they feel. The first 40% reminded me of Michael and Sara (Knox is a little darker than Michael) from the tv show Prison Break and I can see fans of the show really enjoying this part.
After Knox rescues Briar from some inmates, his second parole hearing is moved up and he is released, switching the gears of the story. Now we have Briar and Knox free to act on the feelings they had to try and suppress in the prison. The sexual chemistry that was apparent in the beginning carries over to this second part but almost to the determent of the overall story. We get a lot of sexual situations, they are done really well, drawn out with words that evoke feelings and steam but it became our couple’s whole relationship. Knox and Briar don't so much grow together, as they bang together. There are glimpses of emotional strife with Knox not feeling he is good enough for Briar and dealing with society's perceptions of ex-convicts and Briar convincing herself and her sister that she is not ending up like her mother and self-destructing with a violent man. Heavy topics that if flushed out better definitely could have added a deeper level to their relationship and the story.
Secondary characters flittered in and around the story with Knox's brother North having to survive in prison without him, Briar's sister providing a minor villain role, Briar's neighborhood gal pal that could be future heroine bait, Knox's aunt and uncle humanizing him more, and Reid. Reid ran a powerful gang in prison that Knox and his brother were welcomed into and protected them. Towards the end of the story and interjected in a somewhat awkward way, we get a lead in to Reid's future story as he escapes, makes his way back home, and finds his old gang has kidnapped the President of the United State's daughter. I think this would have worked better as an epilogue, finishing out Knox and Briar's story first, but either way, I can't wait to read it.
Briar's self-imposed sheltered personality and life and Knox's anger, determination not to mess up his life again, and stoicism, made them intriguing characters to read about while their sexual chemistry made it fun and hot. Their sexual relationship was written in a way that would at times remind me of Victoria Dahl and Cara McKenna's writing, which I greatly enjoyed. While at times the emotional aspect peeked through the sexual angst, the second half was missing it a lot. As an introduction to the Devil's Rock series though, All Chained Up has me excited for future characters and books.

nyxshadow's review against another edition

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It was ok.
J'avais craint le pire et finalement ça passe assez bien. Mais je n'ai pas été assez séduite pour lire la suite néanmoins.

mvertel's review against another edition

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3.5 stars

I was skeptical at first but liked it more and more as I read.

jenn08's review against another edition

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I loved this... was it But the chemistry was good and it has me intrigued to read the rest of the series.

quinn_0611's review against another edition

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I think that most romance novel readers have certain kinds of heroes they love best. Whether it’s the Duke, the Pirate, the Highlander, the Billionaire, the Marine, the Cop, the Bad Boy, the Handyman (seriously, handymen are the best!). I certainly have my favorites. All Chained Up by Sophie Jordan has a pretty unique hero, who happens to be a felon and in prison. When I first read the blurb, I immediately thought “nope, this book is not for me.” But then I started reading and I couldn’t stop. I still think the whole premise is crazy, but I couldn’t put All Chained Up down.

The hero in this book is Knox (seriously that name, though!) who is in prison for murder. And he really did commit murder. Like for real, he is a murderer. And although we get back story, and understand what happened, he still committed murder when he was 20. That’s not my kind of hero, that’s for sure. I actually had to sort of put it out of my mind while I was reading it. What I really did love about Knox was how much he cared about and wanted to protect Briar. But, he's still a murderer. And I just had such a hard time getting past that.

Briar is a nurse and she volunteers at Devil’s Rock Maximum Security prison because they don’t have a doctor on staff at the moment. And that is how she meets Knox. Briar is pretty much scared out of her mind while she is there (a perfectly normal reaction), but she is doing her best. And then, something awful happens, and Knox basically saves her. And then, Knox is released on parole because of his good deed.

And then lots and lots of romance happens. Actually, I would say lots and lots of sex happens. Obviously there are all sorts of complications, and some of it I just rolled my eyes at. As I mentioned, Knox wants to protect Briar, and he doesn’t feel he is good enough for her because, you know, he’s a murderer (I'm not sure I can say that enough). I did really like how much Knox wanted to protect Briar. But, at the same time, sometimes he would go too far, and I would want to tell him to calm the hell down.

All Chained Up was definitely a bit much, and not really my kind of romance novel. A criminal as the hero of the novel was a bit much for me, and the only way I could read this was by actually putting it out of my mind. Which was difficult but it was brought up all the time. However, I simply couldn’t put All Chained Up down, so I'm not really sure what that says about me.This review was originally posted on Quinn's Book Nook