
The Forgotten Ones by Laura Howard

willowfairglow's review

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I have never really not liked a book. but i just couldn't get into it.

bookswritingandmore's review

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I wanted to like this book so bad. When I got it from NetGalley I was beyond psyched. I finished this book in a day in a half. It's a short read about a girl who thinks her mom is a schizophrenic. She grows up wirh her grandparent's taking care of her and her mom and all she wants is to be able to look after her mom herself. The premise was a great one, but the author didn't develop the characters enough for the reader to really care what happens next. Inevitably the story for farfetched and annoying.

rmoon28's review

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The Forgotten Ones is a light and entertaining read about a girl named Allison. Her mother is schizophrenic and her ultimate plan is to take care of her so that her grandparents won’t have to. Allison blames herself for her mother being schizophrenic because she was normal before her mother gave birth to her. Allison starts noticing strange things and all of a sudden her father comes and informs her that he will do anything he can to cure her mother.

The first part of the book was more a contemporary romance. We learn that Allison has always been in love with Ethan since they were children. Ethan also has feelings for Allison, but she has been keeping him at arm’s length, like everyone else in her life. I still don’t really understand why Allison kept pushing him away before she found out about her Fae heritage. I think the excuse was a poor one.

I thought Allison had some great qualities about her. She was brave in wanting to take care of her mother and trying to save her and the ones she loved. She did what she had to do in order to make sure everyone was ok. I also liked Ethan. I felt bad for him every time Allison blew him off. I liked the way he handled himself, he kind of made it into a game so that Allison would go out with him. But I have to say my favourite character would be Aodhan. He seems badass and I sensed he has some feelings for Allison and that’s one of the reasons he helped her. I liked how he doesn’t conform to anyone, especially not the king and queen of the Fae. He will do what he wants on his own terms. There is also this rare intensity about him. I hope we see him more in the second book.

The second half of the book is faster paced. Allison has to go the Tir Na Nog. The Fae she meets are definitely interesting to say the least. I would like to learn more about the history of some of the characters and how they got to be the way they are now. I would also like to learn more about the Fae customs and mentality. I thought the book was a little short and I found just when I was getting hooked, it ended abruptly for me. When meeting the fae, the names were hard to remember and I couldn’t remember who was who. I found I had to skip over most of the names.

The Forgotten Ones is an adventurous read with some romance. I would recommend this story to anyone who loves fantasy novels.

**This book was given to me for an honest review**

postitsandpens's review

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I am always interested in books dealing with faerie lore, so was very intrigued when I first read the synopsis for The Forgotten Ones. It's not often that you find a book that uses faeries in a slightly different way - most really tend to focus on the two courts, for example - so this book was very unique because it has the faeries as descendants of the pre-Christian deities of Ireland. (This is actually a "real" mythological group of beings; Google Tuatha Dé Danann if you want more information.) And actually, I very much enjoyed this glimpse into these mythological faeries; for me, the lore behind them, their abilities, and the ways they interact with humans was the main draw of this book for me personally.

One thing I want to state upfront is that this was a very fast read. The e-book is listed at 197 pages, but it felt much shorter than that. Because of the length, I found that I never really connected with any of the main characters. Allison, our narrator, is sympathetic to the reader, because her mother is mentally ill and obviously Allison has had to endure a lot with that. She also has a crush on the very attractive Ethan, but for reasons she explains but I sort of eye-rolled at, she keeps pushing him away, even after he makes it clear he's interested in her as well. While I felt for her at times, I never really felt drawn into her narrative or like I cared one way or the other about her. It was sort of just a surface interest, and I found myself more intrigued by the mysteries of the story - and the revelation regarding Aoife at the end - than Allison herself. One character I am definitely interested in, though, is Aodhan. He really seems to have an interesting past, and not just because of what happened to him upon entering the Fae world. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing more of him in book two.

This book was also very well written in terms of grammar and construction. I was extremely impressed with some of the turns of phrase and the solid narration provided by Allison. You can tell that the author has a firm grasp of language and nuance, and definitely knows how to tell an interesting story. While I didn't love Allison, I found her well-constructed, and liked how she was headstrong and stubborn, and also willing to fight for those she cares about. I also liked the way the story was slowly revealed, and truths and facts were brought to Allison's (and the reader's) attention. While the book isn't very long, and things happened at a quick pace, I felt like the way the story was written was done in an un-rushed way that kept the reader interested and focused on what came next. While I would have loved a bit more character development and a slower introduction to the plot and characters - particularly once all the rather unpronounceable names started getting thrown about - I still found the book very readable and entertaining.

The Forgotten Ones is a good book for folks who like faeries but want something a little different. While there were certainly things I would have liked to see more of - like the reason Allison likes Ethan and he her, and a bit more insight into Allison's character to make her more relatable to the reader - overall I found this to be a very quick read and definitely a good way to spend an afternoon. I'm also extremely curious as to what's going to happen next, particularly since the book ends on a bit of a cliffhanger. I will certainly be tuning in to check it out!

A copy of this book was provided via Xpresso Book Tours in exchange for an honest review.


To see more of my reviews, please visit me @ Read and Reviewed!

susanthebookbag's review

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Love, love, love this cover! Yep, that's what drew me in. And then I read a sample of the first chapter and just knew I had to read more. I have to admit that the taste I got from chapter one did not prepare me for what was to come. The Forgotten Ones took me to a world I was not expecting.

I immediately connected with Allison. She is a young woman, trying to get through school while also trying to deal with her mother's schizophrenia. And then things start to change when the father she never knew shows up. There is so much she doesn't understand.

The reader is swept away right along with Allison to another place to try to find out the truth about her past. Can she get her mother back? This is the part of the story that I was not expecting, to be carried away on this adventure. What a great ride!

And..... I discovered, after the fact, that this is book one of The Danaan Trilogy! How did I miss that? I am so excited to read more of this series to see how this story continues.

stella_starstruck's review

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It was okay. I'd have to read further in the series to decide if it was worth it.

I did think it was odd to put the pronunciation of the characters names at the back. I would have much preferred to have that information at the beginning of the book.

kath12's review

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This book was given to me by My Family's Heart Book Reviews for an honest review.

So lately I have apparently been picking books that are surprisingly chock full of mystery. It seems that lately halfway through them I keep asking myself what in the world? And let me be a little honest, mystery drives me nuts, but I do mean in a good way. And although I was confused through the first half, I ended up really enjoying this book.

Let's start with Allison, gotta love her. This poor girl has so much undeserved guilt on her shoulders that it weighs her down and holds her back from living her life. She seems to live it for everyone else. She believes she is the reason that her mother is so sick and feels it is her need to care for the woman and she devotes her life to it. She puts on a good show of being so strong only to be so weak on the inside. I just wanted to give her a hug and maybe buy her a Hallmark card. But we can not leave out the love interest, sigh Ethan. I really wanted to like him and I did at first but then as the story went on, I just kind of washed my hands of him. He seems at first to want to "reform" his bad boy ways and settle down with Allison. But as the story goes on, you always see him with some girl all over him. He only seemed to want Al when it looked like someone else was interested, ugh. I mean if he really felt the way he claims to, I figured he should put forth more effort after she blew him off. But I guess he just wasn't like the guy I thought. So yay for Al and boooo for Ethan! Lol

The story constantly had me asking questions. What's that? Who's that?How did that happen? How do you pronounce that word? Lol I have read so many books like this lately that I am slowly getting hooked on them. I did truly enjoy this story though. I have read a lot of books that involve the Fae and this was an original take on them.The writing was fantastic and just flowed throughout the story, there was never a dull moment and I could't put the book down. i would like to add that this is slowly becoming one of my favorite series and i so cannot wait for the next book.

My song for this book: Ellie Goulding - Bittersweet

stephaniereaume's review

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I enjoyed the concept of Allison and Ethan being together. Had the auther made this into a love story about the two of them, I would have enjoyed this book very much. But because instead she made it about fairies and love triangles, I am not intrigued. I can't wrap my head around the fact that Allison accepted her father so easily, let alone this crazy reason her mother is schizophrenic. It really makes no sense and anyone in their right mind would have left and never thought about it again. This book leaves on a cliff hanger, but not really. If I ever read more into this series, I will not be spending my own money on it.

nannyf's review

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Allison O'Malley lives with her mum,Beth, and her Gran. Beth has schizophrenia, or so it would appear at the start of the book! All Allison wants to do is get a good job and care for her mum.

Ethan is a local boy who she has fallen for in a big way, but she won't allow herself to start a relationship with him as she needs all her time to look after her mum.

Allison starts to have strange dreams, as well as seeing crows around her garden. She isn't sure what these things mean, but she knows they are related.

Unexpectedly Allison dad, who she has never met, turns up on the doorstep looking for Beth. Allison sends him away, but he quickly manages to ingratiate himself with Ethan, and tries to wangle his way into Allisons life.

She soon discovers that all is not as it seems. It turns out that her dad, Liam, is descended from a clan of Fairies called Danaan. He had fallen in love with Beth years before, but had been banned from seeing her when his partner Aoife found out. Beth hasn't been schizophrenic, she has been suffering from being parted from Liam all those years.

Aoife has been placed in a fairy globe as a way of stopping her from harming Beth and Allison. However she has supporters who would stop at nothing to release her, which means they are looking for Allison and her mum.

Shortly after Liam appears Beth disappears. In the search for her Allison must combine forces with Liam and venture further than she ever thought possible to find Beth.

This is a good, shortish, story involving fairies and magic. It reads well and kept my attention. It certainly got my imagination working. The only thing I found difficult was the Irish names and pronunciations. There is a list of the names and correct way to say them at the start of the book. But I felt as if I'd need to write them down and have them in front of me to understand them properly while reading.

This is the first book in a trilogy, and it ends with a bit of a cliffhanger. I look forward to seeing what happens next.

socorrobaptista's review

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Eu nunca tinho lido sobre mitologia irlandesa, achei interessante.