
The King of Bourbon Street by Thea de Salle

thaictaff's review

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Appreciate her, she said. That I can do. Love her? I bet I could do that, too.

There is not one thing about this book that I didn’t love. The story follows hotel chain mogul Sol DuMont and heiress Arianna “Rain” Barrington, after his father’s death Sol has lost interest in the things that usually made him happy—his then-wife, parties, friends—and even though with the help of his best friend Cylan he managed to get out of the black whole he found himself in, he was still apathetic towards the world. Until he meets Rain, that is.

The connection between those two characters is undeniable, Sol is finally excited about something in his life and Rain is just happy to be away from her mother’s manipulating hands. It’s so sweet to see their relationship develop, their dynamic is fantastic and the bdsm is just right for me, nothing too dark and with humiliation, etc. but if dom/sub relationships aren’t your thing, maybe rethink reading this. BUT IT’S HONESTLY SO INCREDIBLE PLEASE READ IT.

Rain is adorable, quirky, beautiful in every way, and she’s also the most relatable protagonist I’ve ever read, I found myself identifying with her words and thoughts, and it made me love the story even more than I already did. I also loved how she’s unapologetic about her size and what others might think of her body, she never sees her body in a negative light. It was exhilarating to see a fat protagonist who’s truly happy with herself.

“I like how you are. So you have quirks. All the most interesting people do.”

Not only the main characters are incredible, but the secondary characters are so important as well. I loved Maddy and I’m so glad she got her own book so we could see more of her, I do want to see more of Cylan and Vaughn though, like can we pretty please have a book for them? Individually *whispers* or maybe together? I DON’T KNOW I JUST REALLY LOVE THESE CHARACTERS! I need a book for each one of them!

Overall if you’re looking for an erotica you should definitely pick this up, it’s literally the best one I’ve ever read; it has great characters, amazing fat rep (whoever tells me it’s fetishizing to call fat women beautiful can choke), hot as hell sex scenes, and incredible writing. I am so in love with this book, please do yourself a favor and pick this up.

Review also posted at Read. Breathe. Repeat.

henriklukee's review

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I feel that this set the bar so high on erotic novels that it might be hard to find something as good as this. It had good characters and a real plot, not just sex.

iggyebab's review

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Man I wanted to love this book. We have a heroine who is fat and although she has a few moments of self doubt, loves herself. The hero had been partying his rich ass through life until his father died. Now he’s attempting to be a grown up but...
I loved that her weight was not an issue. The words “chubby chaser” were never used. Sol loved her body.
Now why did I give it a 2? This story is all surface with little depth. I know the characters are extremely wealthy and ones mom is a completely cold bitch. I know they love to have sex with one another, how many siblings each has, and that Sol owns hotels. But there was no real substance to the story. I love be a light fun read as much as the next girl but this book was flat and I was disappointed.

andreacaro's review

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I might have 4-starred this for some minor flaws, but tbh I read it in the middle of Hurricane Florence and it distracted me from how stressed and scared I was, so 5-stars all day.

bookswithzaya's review

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Firstly I'm not big on the whole rich bitch vibes. Rain's actions are not something I would consider realistic for someone of her social standing.

"Are we done apologizing?" He croaked it, his nostrils flaring at the smell of sex in the air.

"Your noises are mine."

I didn't care enough about them as a couple to feel invested in their love story.

Read on the Kindle

aboutthatstory's review

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I loved every single thing about this! The King of Bourbon Street was a fantastic introduction to a seriously smoking hot new series. Loved all the dirty, kinky naughtiness. Add in the fact that it was fun and entertaining (seriously! so funny with the best internal dialogue!), I couldn't get enough!

Sol and Rain were such a great characters. Sol, my oh my, this man is one dirty gentleman. I was crushing on him big time. I loved his history and the visual I got of him. He was so full of life! Rain was so sweet and a bit naïve but somehow bold and open. I loved their chemistry together, it was electric! They did have a very instant connection but somehow it worked perfectly for me.

The hot factor is off the charts! Like, I had to out my Kindle down and take a break because I'm pretty sure the darn thing was going to catch fire. Loved the light BDSM elements and how Sol introduced Rain to so many things and how accepting and willing she was. Besides the heat, it had such a fun vibe happening. It was light and steamy. Seriously with the humorous one liners. I laughed and chuckled my way through this story. It was seriously funny! It was entertaining and witty and it was full of so much charm.

I loved the friendship that Sol had with Cylan and the relationship he had with his brothers. It was good natured ribbing and fun, I love that male bickering and banter. I also liked the relationships Rain had with her brothers. They were so protective of her. I thought Sol’s ex wife Maddy was fantastic and I loved her style. She's just so fresh and bold and confident. She’s up next in book two, The Queen of Dauphine Street (yay!). There were just so many great details and elements introduced. I loved it all.

I loved the writing and the form of story telling. The author painted a beautiful and vibrant picture of New Orleans. This story was just so full of life, heat, trust and openness. This was pure, hot entertainment. There is some drama mixed in but for the most part it was an light read. There was an excellent story with interesting characters combined with a seriously smut-fest of a read. And I mean that in a good way!

This is a series not to be missed! I am completely fascinated by the mystery that is Thea De Salle and can't wait for more!

Complimentary copy received for honest review.

kirstyreadsblog's review

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Arianna Barrington needs to get away from her mother after a sex tape leaks of her, so she flies with her brother to New Orleans where she meets Sol DuMont, hotel mogul. Sol is still getting over the loss of his dad, the breakdown of his marriage and his complete lack of interest in life. The pair instantly click and begin a wild affair.

As a chubby girl this book meant so much to me. The MC is fat and I've read a fair few romance books in my life but this was such a breath of fresh air and it didn't make me feel like an absolute mess who could never get a man because I'm not thin enough. And to add to that the love interest is a bi male, and it's not just like a stated fact either, he references his past relationships with men and flirts with other guys a lot. You don't read a lot of bi men in books. I think the biggest thing that I loved was just how casual everything was, from Arianna's weight to Sol's sexuality. Arianna is fat and it's not made out to be a bad thing, it's not made out that she's beautiful despite being fat. She's beautiful and she's fat, it felt quite empowering for me to read.

Continue my review here:

breadedbookpages's review

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One of the best romances I've read all year long. Yes, that's solely because of the positive fat rep. Read my review, I'm more eloquent there.

sonni89's review

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I wish this had worked better for me, but it just clearly wasn't for me - there were just too many things I wasn't here for, I feel like - the age difference and the insta-love most of all, but also the drama with Rain's mother was so stupid and convoluted. I also thought a lot of the sex scenes were used in place of character development and I didn't actually know who either of these people were by the end of the book. Which is too bad, because I think I could've really liked these people if I had any idea who they actually were outside of their sex life.

I might still try the next one in the series, though, because I liked what we saw of Maddy, but sadly this just wasn't for me. Which is honestly too bad because bi dude and fat heroine? Could have been amazing.

love_katie's review

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Fellas, I'm gonna need a cold shower after that one.

I'm thinking about 60-70% of this was sex, which, to be honest, is what I'm looking for in smut. I'm not here for the character development or the setting. I'm here for the sexytimes.

Speaking of the characters and setting, both were fine. Some of the relationships between different characters felt a little stilted, but that's fine. I liked New Orleans as a backdrop for the story, and it helped the atmosphere without overwhelming it too much.

Be warned, if heavy dom/sub dynamics are a yuck for you, then you will not like this book. I think maybe when I first heard about this book I knew that's what it was, and that's why it got on my radar, because I enjoy reading about that. I definitely had forgotten by the time I actually started reading, so when I got to those scenes, I was like OH. OKAY.

I loved the focus on consent and making sure both parties were getting what they wanted and needed out of the relationship. I think that is something that, traditionally, the romance/erotica genre has been notorious for not including, but there's a ton of that here. Lots of communication amidst the sex and angst.