kefletcher's review against another edition

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Yet another of Susan Hunt's excellent devotionals for the younger set. We've read through this one several times (there just always seem to be little kids around here ;) ) and I'll hold onto it for grandchildren.

ohiosarah's review

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I’m always on the look out for a great devotional that all my children can enjoy, that is quick but yet adds to their knowledge and love for God – enter Big Truths for Little Kids. The short stories, questions, discussion area and Scripture all make for a lively and relevant devotion time for you and your children. I will say this was right on target for my younger children whose ages are almost 6 and almost 8 however my 10 year old was a little too old for the stories but I won’t say she didn’t learn anything – anything that teaches God’s Truths is relevant no matter how it’s done.

The goal of this book is to teach children how to live for God by integrating Scripture, discussion, prayer and memorization. Before you begin, it’s recommended that you, the parent or person leading the devotion memorize the answers to the questions for reading #1 – that is questions like “who made you?” and “how can you glorify God?”. As you go through the book you add in the other questions but only work on having the children memorize reading number one’s, then when you go through the book again add in memorizing of reading number two, and so on. Eventually children will be able to answer questions that relate back to their Faith and the Bible and giving them a good foundation to eventual deeper study of the Word of God.

The 160 page hardback book with it’s black and white illustrations is a lovely addition to your Bible time and your family’s library. My only caution in this devotional is to read the questions ahead of time as some may not align with Scripture or your families belief. Two of the questions that raised issue for me were:

“Who are to be baptized?” “Believers and their children.”
“Why are we baptized, even as infants?” “Because God’s command to Abraham is obeyed in our baptism.”

Again, these have been the only two questions and I would probably skip those two and rework the story or use it to illustrate along side Scripture why infants aren’t to be baptized. Otherwise, this is a great devotional that can be used by Christians who do not believe in infant baptism.

**Disclaimer: I was provided a copy of this book from Crossway in exchange for my honest review, no other compensation was given.