
Dark Lessons by Julia Sykes

the_sassy_bookworm's review against another edition

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descriptionThis cover is just OK. I am not sure ANY cover would be a good representation of this book to be honest. The composition isn't that great either. The text at the top and bottom is stretched too much giving it a skewed look.description

descriptionThe first half of this book was really good. It was well-written. Nicely pace. Was smokin' hot. Had likable characters. Everything was just going so well. It was looking to be a 4-4.5 Star book. Then at 50%, it took the most unbelievably BIZARRE turn that left me going...uh what?!

Next thing I know we have skipped five years in the future, and it turns into an entirely different book. I honestly don't even know what to say. The whole plot of the second half was just...WIERD. It also wasn't very fleshed out. AND there were some plotholes large enough to drive a semi through (IMO.) Unfortunately, the author completely lost me at that point.


That said I am still giving this one 3-Stars because the first half was excellent. This author writes great BDSM scenes and I will most likely continue on and read the next book when it is released.description



kodom251999's review against another edition

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ARC for honest review. I loved this book! Jason was swoon worthy dominant. Natalie had training to kick butt but was also submissive. It was filled with twists and turns that I didn't see coming.

raven168's review

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This started out really good, and I got completely sucked into the story. Jason's life is falling apart when he tries to deal with his PTSD on his own and starts self medicating. Because his father is in charge of the FBI he refuses to let Jason embarrass him and tarnish his reputation. So instead of being fired, Jason is punished by being sent to train the new recruits at Quantico. The shame of his weakness burns thru Jason and when he finds out that he can get back into the field if cleared by a psychologist, he's more than determined to do what it takes. Until one blissful night with a beautiful stranger changes everything.

Natalie's dream is to be an FBI agent out in the field and she has worked hard to get there. The night before her training begins at Quantico, she ends up taking a guy back to her motel room when she simply can't deny the magnetism between them and how his domination of her lights her up inside. It was supposed to be a one night stand, a night that she will remember forever. Until she sees that handsome face again after the new recruit orientation...and finds out he's an instructor.

I loved the relationship that formed between these two. Neither could deny how desperately they wanted the other, but they each would loose everything they have worked so hard to achieve if caught. I really looked forward to seeing how they worked everything out and finally would be able to be together. But that didn't happen. Unfortunately, instead we get a 17 week time skip right up to Natalie's graduation. And the tragic turn their love story takes.

I agree with other reviews about this book feeling disconnected from itself. It's two parts, pretty much 50/50 of the book. But the second half was so completely different from the first and took such a hard turn into left field that it was more like a WTF is going on thing. Plus, we get another time skip of 5 years this time.

Honestly, I didn't like the second half of the book. It didn't work for me in any way, shape, or form. Natalie has become some super agent running around killing people all over the world after being horrifically tortured and remolded into the pliant agent desired. Jason is a shell of a man who never got over hearing and seeing his beloved die. He has managed to get back into the field and continues to live on, but he suffers each night with nightmares of Natalie. Imagine his shock when he finds out she's been alive this whole time. Jason refuses to loose her again and that drives him in all of his actions after their brief encounter. Which leads to an end that was predictable and kind of meh. Although, Jason really got revenge on the guy that hurt Natalie. Seriously...ouch.

It would have been nice if this book had stayed on track instead of going off into black-ops, drug smuggling rings, and shady organizations. But it didn't. And I don't think I'll be reading the next book.

daisybox's review

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Everything was fine until
Spoiler the heroine got kidnapped by a psycho (coming from nowhere I might add) who brainwashed her to transform her into a killer machine and then poof a 5 years gap and the hero still thinks she's dead

What. The. Actual. Fuck ?

The author said that the reader doesn't need to read the Impossible Series to understand. Can I say I seriously disagree ? What a mess.

kodom251999's review

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ARC for honest review. I loved this book! Jason was swoon worthy dominant. Natalie had training to kick butt but was also submissive. It was filled with twists and turns that I didn't see coming.

books4dayswithrobyn's review

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I wanted to like this book i really did.
To me the blurb had me really interested but when i read it, i don't know if i was in a weird mood and just wasn't feeling it but i just couldn't get on with it.
I found myself skim reading and then regretting it because how can i give a honest review if i don't have a clue what I'm reading so i went back and read it.

It started off pretty well and still i was looking forward to it but i don't know what changed but i found myself putting it down and having no interest to pick it back up.

Then there seemed to be a second half and it was like a completely different book.
I had to keep checking to make sure i was reading the same book, the names was the same but the story was like whoa.

I hate giving these sort of reviews and i have nothing against the author, maybe i just wasn't feeling the story?
Either way I'm still interested in giving the author and her work another chance.

thesassybookworm's review

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descriptionThis cover is just OK. I am not sure ANY cover would be a good representation of this book to be honest. The composition isn't that great either. The text at the top and bottom is stretched too much giving it a skewed look.description

descriptionThe first half of this book was really good. It was well-written. Nicely pace. Was smokin' hot. Had likable characters. Everything was just going so well. It was looking to be a 4-4.5 Star book. Then at 50%, it took the most unbelievably BIZARRE turn that left me going...uh what?!

Next thing I know we have skipped five years in the future, and it turns into an entirely different book. I honestly don't even know what to say. The whole plot of the second half was just...WIERD. It also wasn't very fleshed out. AND there were some plotholes large enough to drive a semi through (IMO.) Unfortunately, the author completely lost me at that point.


That said I am still giving this one 3-Stars because the first half was excellent. This author writes great BDSM scenes and I will most likely continue on and read the next book when it is released.description



nmevr's review

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⭐️3 i did not like the twist but i did keep me engaged to keep reading

si0bhan's review against another edition

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Dark Lessons was my first Julia Sykes read, and it’s certainly left me excited to read more of her work. In fact, I already plan to pick up her Impossible series to see whether it’s as addictive as this one.

You see, Dark Lessons is one of those reads where you’re sucked right in. As soon as you start the story, you’re pulled into the world. It was a one-sit read, every time I told myself I’d be putting it aside at the end of a chapter, I was hit by something that left me wanting more. Whether it was a dramatic moment in the romance or a new twist to the suspense, every chapter left me wanting to read more. Every single chapter left me with questions of how things would play out.

Don’t get me wrong, the book wasn’t perfect. It was merely the perfect level of addition to ensure I kept reading. I had some ups and downs with this one, certain things left me unsure, but I was always curious about what would come next. The one thing I cannot fault is the level of addition created by the story.

As I’ve already stated, you’re pulled in from the very first page. The prologue introduces us to our broken lead, and then we’re thrown into the steamy stuff. It’s wonderful, and instantly I was left wanting more. It’s over quickly, though, and we’re thrown into what the super interesting synopsis promised us.

I’ve yet to mention that, actually. The synopsis. By gosh, that synopsis pulled me in. Honestly, I cannot begin to explain how excited the synopsis made me. A devilishly handsome FBI agent and dark bedroom antics – sign me right up. There was no way for me to ignore the synopsis. The book screamed out to me – it’s two of my favourite things thrown together. It was impossible to ignore.

Although, in all honesty, I was quite surprised by how little of the story was actually taken up by the whole teacher-student aspect. I was really enjoying the way it played out, but once we get part way through the story chances and requires us to suspend our belief somewhat. I’m not saying what happens, as I have no wish to be the person who spoils the story, but it changes and it took me a while to really appreciate where things were going. At first, I disliked the shift. By the end, though, I came to like where things went. It wasn’t how I’d wanted the story to play out, it wasn’t quite the story I had expected it to be, but I did enjoy it. Hence the four star rating.

If nothing else, the second part of the story has left me super excited about the next book. Whilst this works perfectly fine as a standalone novel, the ending has left me intrigued to see where the story of other characters will go. I’m fairly certainly I’ll be picking it up when I get a chance – until then, I do plan to read some of the author’s prior work.

As a whole, it was a wonderful read. It wasn’t quite all I’d been hoping for, but it was a thoroughly addictive story.

lkshaw's review against another edition

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4.5 stars. Julia Sykes knows how to write dark romance that sucker punches you right in the gut. She completely nailed it with Dark Lessons. I devoured this book and my mind experienced a gamut of emotions. Kink, angst, and a love so deep even death can't destroy it. This is an absolute must-read!