
Shut Out by Kody Keplinger

danoreading's review against another edition

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I was looking for a break from the cancer books I'm reading, and this fit the bill perfectly. A fast read with some serious discussions about sex, but had enough romance in it to keep it light and fluffy.

mxharriet's review against another edition

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*Received from Publisher in exchange for an honest review*

My expectations of this novel were high as I have never read a Kody Keplinger book before, though I know everyone loves them. However sadly, this was just not my cup-of-tea. The cover is brilliant, being really bright it stands out clearly though I felt the war stripes were, to me, misleading.

At Hamilton High, there has been a war between the American Football players and the Football players for as long as anyone can remember, though no-one knows 'why?'. When Lissa alongside the other girlfriends of both the sport teams can't take the rivalry anymore, they decide to go on a strike. As their relationships are put to the ultimate test, can they really end the rivalry for once-and-for-all or is it now a lost cause?

Lissa was a character whom I was unable to connect with, at first she really thought about everything and appeared intelligent but she soon became selfish and did not seem to contemplate other peoples feelings; she appeared to become very sorry for herself half-way through the novel. The character, for her personality, who I enjoyed reading about most was Lissa's best friend Chloe. Chloe was bubbly, said-it-how-it-is, and did not hold back. She added some humour to the novel.

Now the plot. The plot. I think the idea was brilliant, how they stood their ground really sends a message to readers of how you have a choice. Though I, from the cover and synopsis, was expecting a St Trinians style war which meant I was disappointed, especially as they only seemed to communicate with one another and not with their boyfriends; it felt as though something else needed to happen. But, I do think the message that is conveyed was very important.

Sadly I was unable to connect with our protagonist and I felt the plot was too slow paced; it had no 'WOW' factor and the ending, though cute, was predictable. However, despite my disappointment from this novel, I definitely want have another go and read another Kody Keplinger novel, especially The DUFF.

diaryofabookahloic's review against another edition

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this is A cute, fun read that I really enjoy reading.

hobiwater_254's review against another edition

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Cash gave me butterflies ngl. Girl pissed me off fr but I like that they got to discover themselves and share their experiences and overcome their insecurities. But that's just it.

hobiwater's review against another edition

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Cash gave me butterflies ngl. Girl pissed me off fr but I like that they got to discover themselves and share their experiences and overcome their insecurities. But that's just it.

chicaderosa16's review against another edition

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loved it! kody, you're the boss!!

mehsi's review against another edition

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Decided to do a reread of this one during my vacation and I ENJOYED IT SO MUCH. It is funny how my views changed, as I don't mind the sex, even read books with plenty of sex in them. Mehsi 2013 would have been shocked if she knew. :P
I loved what the our girl thought of and what her plan was. I loved seeing the various perspectives on sex. From being a virgin to not liking sex that much to loving sex a lot. I am glad everyone could talk about it, though it took some time.
Randy... I don't know something was just off about him and I wondered how he never knew why his girlfriend is pissed. I mean... after so many times you would think something would enter that thick skull of his?
The ending was fabulous. I loved seeing the romance spark between Cash and our MC.


Really funny and wonderful book. :)

Normally I would avoid books that talk about sex to much. But this book had just the right amount of it. I really liked that it is based on a greek play and I like how that is also said numerous times in the book.

lobo1tomia's review against another edition

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Arisztophanész vígjátékának, a Lüszisztraténak átértelmezése (a regényben is hivatkoznak rá, s párhuzamot vonnak a lányok indította nemek harca és az athéni nők sztrájkja között) igazából arról szól, milyen nehéz is egy középiskolásnak megbirkózni a szexualitás kérdésével. Lissa például bár hangoztatja, hogy a szex nem fegyver, mégis elvakultságában végül megszegi a saját szabályait, méghozzá pont azért, mert nem igazán érzi, hogy is kéne viselkednie az intim dolgokban. Persze nehéz neki, mert édesanyja meghalt és nincs kihez fordulnia útmutatásért, a kortársai pedig bár kifelé másképp tűnik, legalább annyira tanácstalanok a kérdésben mint ő. Mert megbélyegzik azt a a lányt, aki bevallja, hogy szereti a szexet, de azt is, aki még sose csinálta, s furán néznek arra, aki meg csinálja, de nem élvezi. Lissa pedig olyan ember, aki – pont félárvasága miatt is –, szereti kontrollálni a dolgokat és frusztrálja ha valami nem működik jól, úgy ahogy elvárható és ha ő nincs kellőképpen informálva és felkészülve minden eshetőségre.

A regény az első mondatoktól kezdve friss volt, izgalmas és érdekes, nagyon jól eltalálva a középiskolások hangulatát. Imádtam Chloe-t, Lissa barátnőjét, akinek a legjobb és persze legtalálóbb beszólásai voltak, s ellensúlyozta a főszereplő konok komolyságát, s bár tűz és víz voltak temperamentumban, igazán jól kiegészítették egymást. Keplinger kiválóan megmutatta a középiskolák dinamikáját és hogy mi mozgatja a barátságokat, szerelmeket, családokat. Jó volt, hogy a felnőttek, ha nem is sokat szerepeltek a regényben szintén nem csak sablonok voltak, hanem majd minden családnak más-más volt a dinamikája, a története és nem csinált úgy a regény, mintha nem számítana, hogy kik vannak a főszereplők környezetében, csak az érdekes és valós, ami a suliban történik velük. Kicsit talán az utolsó harmadban volt egy kis gyengülés, ahol Lissa túlságosan is átesik a ló túloldalára, s Cash-sel való konfliktusa eléggé bénára sikerült, de amúgy kiváló könyv volt.


rakishabpl's review against another edition

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I really wanted to fall in love with this book at first site, but I was having some trouble getting past the first 50 pages for I am all about my romance novels lately. However, I will get back to this book because I think there are some important conversations about sexuality and self esteem that could spring from it. I also loved The DUFF. When I met Kody at BEA11, I went into total fan girl mode. It took all my engery not to squeal. I think she is a YA author with a lot of potential, and she will continue to grow in her craft.

queenoflexis's review against another edition

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This is the fabulous second novel by Kody Keplinger. Shut Out is a total girl power story based on the Greek play Lysistrata.

Shut Out is about the 10 year old rivalry between Hamilton High’s football and soccer team. Lissa, who is dating quarterback, Randy, is fed up of coming second best to his hatred of the soccer team. She finds out that she is not alone, all of the girlfriends of the football team are sick of the constant hatred between the two teams. Lissa come up with a plan. Her and the girlfriends of both teams decide to go on a strike. Not just any strike but a sex strike. They make a pact to withhold any sexual activity until the boys end the rivalry.

When the boys discover what the girls are up to, Randy starts to act differently towards Lissa. Throughout this, Lissa finds herself becoming increasingly attracted to Cash, the guys who flirts with everyone but won’t ever take things any further. Cash decides that the boys need someone to guide them into overcoming the strike and takes on a leadership role that brings both teams together. Soon, the strike becomes much more for the girls and Lissa starts to forget the reason that they started it in the first place. Things end up going further than the girls ever expected, and before long, there is full blown battle of the sexes going on.

The characters in Shut Out are just fabulous! Lissa’s best friend, Chloe, is a really powerful character who always speaks her mind. She takes part in the strike even though she doesn’t have a boyfriend. I also loved Cash. He is just adorable! I really liked all of the female bonding session’s during the sleepover’s held by the girls. I loved the fact that they started to accept the truths about each other and realise that everyone is free to make their own decisions about their personal lives and that they shouldn’t feel pressured into changing that.

Shut Out is a fantastically funny read with a unique storyline and plenty of girl-power!