
Illegal Aliens, by Phil Foglio, Nick Pollotta

corvus_corone's review

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This book was a lot of fun and I thoroughly enjoyed Phil Foglio's illustrations (also the artist for Girl Genius). The story concerns Dirt's first contact, the snafus made by The Great Golden Ones, the galactic police force, and the determination to join the Galactic League and prove The Great Golden Ones wrong.

Some of the humor dates itself a little but I still chuckled at the Cold War jokes.

tin_squid's review

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Definitely fun. Definitely an airplane book. (You only need the time on a long flight to get through it.) I really enjoyed the satire and abundance of word-play and puns. It may be an old joke, but its a good one... I LOVE the save-the-world-by-accident idea. Makes it that much more likely I'll get my chance, right?
An added bonus 'my' copy of this book has been passed through many people with the stipulation that when you're done with it you pass it on to another person who will enjoy it. Considering that it's fun, and I adore Pollotta and Foglio's other works, I look forward to finding the next victim, uh erm hmm, reader...