
King of Lies by Whitney G.

laura_devouring_books_crumpets's review against another edition

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Read this In an Hour Couldn't Put it down... And there i was suspecting the Aunt..........

filthylittlereader's review

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Whitney G...maam you have left me speechless with this.
I just had to close and open up my kindle to make sure I read that last sentence right!

King of Lies is a departure from the usual stories I’ve come to know and love from Miss G. Oh trust, there’s plenty of the steam and romance but that underlying darkness and hit of dangerous thrill is new but I love it!
Meredith has met the man of her dreams in Michael but she’s going to learn nothing is as it seems. I was left on the edge during this story and was completely enraptured by every word forgoing sleep to finish but the loss was worth especially with that bombshell dropped at the end that makes you scramble fast for volume two!

bookgramsaga_'s review against another edition

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''This woman is definitely going to be a problem..''

Safety warnings:
- H 39 / h 25
- No cheating
- No OW drama
- Small OM drama
- Mention of su*cide
- Violence
- Mention of child p*rn
- Cliffhanger





We are told right off from the start that Michael our MMC is not your prince charming, and he is more messed up than we believe. I was intrigued from the start about the premise of this book as it is a bit vague and how we also start it off with Meredith being KIDNAPPED and kept hidden from the world by her new husband Michael.

What the hell? He seems cold towards her and tells her she doesn't understand but she will. She is obviously distraught and feels duped into thinking her marriage and love was real.

We also find out she has been missing for almost a month and her friends and her father (even Michael) are giving interviews to find her.

But before we can even find out what the hell is happening, we are put into the ''before'' and find out how these two met each other. At first you think it's random but slowly get to find out that Michael was contracted to find her and do something for her. Though in the meantime before he is to complete the job, he ends up becoming her boyfriend lol not part of the plan and he even knows it and so does his twin brother who is basically like his handler and middle guy with contracts.

First, he was tasked to kidnap her and take her away for a month but then things changed, more money was put on the table, and he was tasked to kill her. Who demanded this?

I had my suspicions that it was her Aunt since she seemed like a complete bitch while her father was trying to build back up their relationship after years of issues and he seemed genuine so to find out that her FATHER was the one who contracted the whole thing was insane, but it makes sense. Pretend to rebuild their relationship so he isn't suspected of anything.

So why? He is mega rich and is running for politics. He abandoned her and her mother, so his feelings are obviously not of love, and he is a good actor. The complete 180 change makes more sense the more you think about it.

Either he does not want her to be his sole inherit after he dies, or he wants her death to push his political agenda? We do not know as the book ends with the father reveal.

You can sense how much Michael struggled to do his job since he fell for her, they start a casual relationship and basically spend every day together. She is even falling for him while he needs to come up with a plan to get what he wants but not harm her.

It's a lot of mystery to be honest and we get more questions than answers by the end of this book which btw is just over 100 pages!

allibruns's review

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Oh my god, this was so good. It is so different from Whitney G's usual work. All the typical marks of Whitney G. are present; hilarious banter and MC I adore but this is dark and full of twits that kept me guessing. I can't wait to read the rest of the series.

alexsandra1219's review against another edition

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Extremely short but a good read. Part of a series but seems unnecessarily broken up .

pirra's review against another edition

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Antes de leer esta novela tal vez te interese saber que se tratan algunos temas delicados, los dejo bajo spoiler por si no quieres saber nada de la trama:
Spoilerabusos físicos, sexuales (no detallado pero se deja ver), psicológicos... situación de abandono familiar, asesinatos, peleas, tiroteos

La novela está dividida en tres partes creo que en inglés si se publicaron por separado como noveletes cortas de 100 páginas cada una pero en castellano está la historia completa. Al principio hay un capítulo desde el punto de vista del protagonista masculino interpelando a la lectora directamente diciendo que no es buena gente.

Al principio es algo que me llamó bastante la atención y me pareció muy original porque el punto de vista de los personajes masculinos no suele ser al que se le da más importancia en las novelas románticas o eróticas.

El problema es que al final la expectativa que ha creado no se corresponde con lo que ocurre. Para que un personaje sea realmente malo y nos guste, nos acabemos enamorando de él con la protagonista y nos de igual el motivo por el que es malo tiene que haber un desarrollo. En este caso se explican los motivos de las acciones pero llegados al final esos motivos no sustentan que siga en esas actividades ilegales porque la motivación que lo dirigía ha terminado y económicamente no lo necesita así que nos deja un poco fuera de juego el giro que da al final del todo.

Las escenas eróticas de la primera parte me parecieron interesantes y bien hechas pero después en la segunda y tercera parte me parecen forzadas y no me encajan. Entiendo que se puede sentir atracción sexual por alguien que no te cae bien o que odias pero parece como si ella estuviera colocada de alguna droga :/

La narración está bien, en general como libro no le pongo pegas y la historia en la primera parte tiene muchas cosas buenas e interesantes pero luego va perdiendo fuelle y se queda en tres estrellas que significa que es disfrutable sin más.

timitra's review

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Rated 4.5 Stars

King of Lies was fantastic. It kept my attention from beginning to end and left me wanting more. It contains my fave things in this author's books, cocky hero and strong heroine who gives as good as she gets plus it's a bit dark and twisty. I can't wait to see what happens next and yes I highly recommend it.

maferg01's review

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A deviation from Whitney G's steamy romances, this thrilling trilogy is all things amazing. Suspenseful, steamy, dark, heart racing, I could go on! It's one of those stories that makes you go "Holy S#!t" and turn the pages faster and faster. I did NOT see that coming and I am HERE for it!
I loved every minute of this trilogy. From the start, as stated, the story is not what it seems. It's not a romance, it's so much more! Dark and intense, steamy and seductive. It kept me on my toes and I enjoyed it from start to finish. I'm actually REALLY glad I waited until the Legacy of Lies was getting ready to release because I might have had a meltdown if I hadn't been able to pick up the next one and find out what happens!

marureviere's review

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2.5 stars

I loved Meredith on Turbulence, and I wasn't aware that this was her story until Gillian was mentioned.

I'm not sure how I feel about her in her own series, though. I felt like this book didn't do her justice.

I just felt disconnected, and the romance was too insta for me. The story progressesion was too fast for my liking, too. I'm not really sold with Michael, either.

Not sure how I feel about this series yet. I'm mostly ambivalent about it.

I think I have to read the next two books to formulate a solid opinion.

loopy_83's review

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