mjspice's review against another edition

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Pokey is a precious smol bean lol

kittykult's review against another edition

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Grumpy Cat and Pokey!: Grumpus is a series of cute little comics featuring the beloved internet sensation Grumpy Cat and her cheerful little brother Pokey! There are nine standalone comics, covering everything from Grumpy deciding she wants to run away and join the circus to the cats discovering the internet to a rhyming Christmas tale. It features all manner of things grumpy, cat, and Grumpy Cat! It is great for children who are reluctant readers or for adult fans of Grumpy Cat.

Note: I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley. I was not compensated in any other fashion for the review and the opinions reflected below are entirely my own. Special thanks to the publisher and author for providing the copy.

td3's review against another edition

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I have heard so much about Grumpy Cat, but never really learned any intimate details about Grumpy until I read this comic book. I was surprised to find that Grumpy is a female (imagine that) and has a younger brother named Pokey.

Grumpy also hates climbing trees, but she will begrudgingly help another cat out of a tree. Grumpy prefers curling up in a comfy place for a nap and eating treats to any other activity.

The most notable stories in this edition of Grumpy Cat, is a cute Christmas story and a story about the internet. Grumpy learns that the internet is a “cat-a-rama” and that the internet can also be a scary place, so you have to be careful.

Many thanks to Net-Galley and Diamond Book Distributors for allowing me to read this early release in exchange for an honest review.

sweetheart_seer's review

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*I was sent an e-arc from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.*

3.5 stars rounded up.

They say it takes a village and it clearly took quite the impressive creative team to assemble this graphic novel collection of stories.

When I found out that Ms. Tartarsauce had her own graphic novel comic, I knew right away I wanted to review it!

I learned that this is actually book 3. All the stories in here are shorts. One-shots. Not tied in, so we can jump right in. There are, of course, nine tales in this collection.

The cover art on this is of course a nod to the Mona Lisa. The sarcasm is distinguishable and the tone is set from the start. Pretty much anyone that knows of Grumpy Cat recognizes right away what this book will be about. I think the design is not only adorable, but it also does a splendid job of self-advertising. A stunning cover which features the adorable style of the comics inside.

The illustrations are visually appealing and a feast for the eyes while enjoying the words/stories.

Very solid all the way through.

Here's the Breakdown:

In the first tale, "Hide and Eek" we are introduced to Grumpy cat as a character and discover she has a brother, Pokey, who is not as smart as she is. According to her anyway. She lives with her brother, her human, and a dog that loves to bark at the vacuum. Grumpy and her brother go off to play hide-and-seek and meet some fellow felines along the way as they are out adventuring.
The second tale, "Something Grumpy This Way Comes" shows a bored grumpy cat wishing for some change. Lo and behold a traveling circus shows up. All the other kitties think that Grumpy is part of the show with her cynical ways! Will Grumpy run off with the circus, despite how much her brother would miss her? This one is a cute story.

Third story is a Christmas origin tale of "Grumpus", with the "true story" of Santa and with rhyming quite precious.

Story Four "Surfing Cat" shows what Pokey and Grumpycat get up to while their humans are away...the internet! Plans to take over the world occur and not just by them. *dun, dun, dun*

In the fifth tale,"Grump-E", leave it to Grumpy to cause a 'ribbit' to have an existential crisis.

The sixth tale,"Cat-astrophe" reads as a "what if?" scenario. Sure a world without humans may seem great at first, but who will open the cat food? Who will empty the litter box? And who will protect them from their nemesis???

In the seventh tale,"The Genie's Lamp", Dog, Pokey, and Grumpy are playing in the attic and find...a magic lamp! They each get a wish. My favorite part was the Pinterest reference."

The eighth tale,"Every Witch Way" shows Pokey responding to a black cat wanted ad in the newspaper. Grumpy tags along and of course they get into some mischief. Reminded me a little of Fantasia."

Finally in the last tale "Cat Calling" what happens when the not too bright relatives of the humans come to stay? They treat the kitties like they are doggies! No, these cats are not dogs although Pokey seems perfectly content to play doggie. Grumpy of course isn't just gonna roll over.
The book copy is going to come with stickers and who doesn't love those? Besides Grumpycat of course. I didn't get to see the stickers (sad face), however, I did get to see the bonus material/cover alternate ideas. My favorite was the "My Little Pony" reference one. Clever.

I could see getting this as a gift for someone that loves Ms. Tartarsauce.

kristin's review

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I would like to thank netgally and Diamond Book Distributors for a free copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

This is a series of adorable stories featuring Grumpy cat and her brother Pokey. I can't quite work out where this stories come in the grumpy cat and pokey comic book series, but it does mention issues 3, 4,5 and 6. The drawings are refreshingly clean and suit the style of grumpy cat. The writing is hard to read on the computer so I mostly just followed the story through the drawings.
I would love to read a physical version of this and to read the rest of the series.