
Just One Lie by Kyra Davis

aboutthatstory's review

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This was so great! An emotional and angsty story filled with self discovery, love, and acceptance.

I really liked Mercy. She was complicated and chaotic but also caring and good. By the end, I was loving her. Reading this I felt like I really experienced her personal journey over the span of times. Sometimes it was edgy and dark, other times it was light and filled with hope.

She had these complicated relationships with two different men, each fulfilling a specific need within her it seemed. I thought those relationships were explained well and balanced out nicely throughout the story. I definitely was rooting for one guy over the other and love how it all played out on the end.

I was really captivated by her life, her way of thinking, and logic. I liked all the details, and it had a good pace though some chapters felt slightly drawn out to me. It did take me a couple of chapters to get into it as everything was laid out but once I was in, I was invested. I did like the overall story but the end itself felt rushed to me. I was really feeling the emotion the entire time and then the end came and I felt more like I was being told as compared to pulled in. I loved the reconnection that was happening but I wish there would have been more of it.

All in all, this was an excellent read. It had this edgy feel, sometimes intense, sometimes emotional but beautiful because it's a story of introspection and really owning who you are.

Complimentary copy received for honest review.

paddlefoot55's review

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Copy received from S & S Australia for an honest review

I have not read book 1, Just One Night, but this in no way detracted from my enjoyment of Just One Lie - but I will be going back to read book 1.

I have not read any Kyra Davis books before, so i was not sure what to expect when I started this book. But once I picked it up, I could not put it down.

Just One Lie should be renamed "How To Have A Toxic Relationship" - because as much as I loved Mercy and adored Ash, boy were these two a beautiful disaster together.

Mercy Raye, formerly known as Melody Fitzgerald, has had a rough go of it, but all you want is for to make it, to succeed, to be happy. And you can't help but love her, warts and all.

Enter Brad, drummer in her band, great friend - but can he be more? He sees her, even when she doesn't want to be seen. He is her anchor, even if she doesn't realise it.

Decisions decisions - who will be the one to truly win Mercy's heart.

This is not a love triangle situation though - so those who don't like those, never fear! it is the story of a confused young lady trying to make her way in the world.

Just One Lie is a story of Mercy's self discovery as much as anything. The trials and tribulations of her life as she grows and learns to finally really love who she is.

Ms Davis has written gritty, complicated characters who can't help but tug at your heartstrings. I wanted to hug them, to kick their butts, but most of all, I wanted them to find their happy.


cocktailsandbooks1's review

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This review was originally posted on Cocktails and Books

I am falling in love with Krya Davis! I can't put her books down until I am done with them. Just one Lie is a great read. Melody aka Mercy is a rebel with a cause. I felt her love, regret, confusion, stubbornness and her pain. My emotions were up and down feeling angry and heart broken for Melody because of all the things she had been through with her family. She had tough things to deal with and she was strong and fought through it all.

The love story was engaging from the start when Mercy's old boyfriend Ash comes back into her life after a year long hiatus. His arrival brings back some feelings she wants to forget but some that she wants to rekindle. As the story progresses Ash is just a typical bad boy making their relationship more about the sex and himself. I wanted to kick his ass out the door and tell him to beat it FOREVER! Meanwhile there is Brad who is so dreamy; he's the perfect guy to fall for and for him to love you unconditionally. I could go on about Brad, but I don't want to spoil the fun. I highly suggest reading this book. It's a fun and easy read.

Reviewer information can be found under the Tags section of the post on our site.

maria_nanci's review

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One of the most beautifully emotional romances I've ever read!

Mercy (formerly Melody) has dealt with a lot of heartbreak in her young life. Her parents are baffled by her outrageous behavior and rely on tough love to deal with her. However, their tough love actually crosses the border into insanity. Mercy's worsening depression and resulting antics lead her parents to declare her "dead". From that point on, she's on her own.

The story starts in 1999 while Mercy is singing with an indie band, surviving on odd jobs and trying to make it through each day unscathed. She's torn between two men, Ash and Brad. Ash, an aspiring actor, battles some of the same demons as Mercy and is the first guy to want an actual relationship with her. Brad is her band's drummer and seems a little too clean-cut, but there's more to him than meets the eye. The story will eventually progress in the timeline and a lot of upheaval happens in all of the characters' lives.

What I loved about this book is that it made me FEEL. Mercy isn't your typical heroine. She's clueless, destructive and makes mistakes. Yet, through all of the obstacles and devastation, she comes out stronger and you can't help but admire her tenacity. My heart hurt for her through so much of this book and I couldn't put it down because I needed her to find a happy ending. Obviously, based on my 5-star rating, the author gave her exactly what I wanted. LOVED IT!!!

Received from Sullivan & Partners in exchange for an honest review.

bookbae96's review

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Doing everything she can to bury her past, Mercy Raye is on a quest to find herself, to define who she truly is. Because her old self is dead, but Mercy is alive, and taking no prisoners.

I am a fan of angsty books. I mean, I really like a book that's not necessarily a straight shot to the HEA. Let me tell you, JUST ONE LIE by Kyra Davis fills the bill and then some.

Mercy is all about the now. She has been through more than any 22-year-old should have to, but she's determined to completely reinvent her life. Self-destructive by nature, Mercy is quick to slide back into old bad habits in her desire to love and be loved. The beginning of this book was slow going for me. It took me a while to both appreciate Mercy and to get into the story, but, at the same time, I could not put it down. It was sort of like watching a train wreck, because the choices that Mercy continued to make often led to heartbreak. Ultimately, though, what I really liked about JUST ONE LIE is that Kyra Davis has written a book where redemption is ultimately attainable, available if we're willing to do the work to get there. When Mercy has finally hit bottom, when she realizes that life is hard as hell, but that it's worth fighting for, she's able to make the changes that she needs to to really turn her life around.

And, despite all of the drama and angst, JUST ONE LIE is absolutely a love story. The men in Mercy's life mark her evolution and growth, and, when she's finally at a place where she's who she wants to be, when she loves the person that she is and the life she's living, she's able to finally lay her ghosts to rest and find the love she's looked for her whole life.

I have to admit that I wasn't sure what my final feelings would be for a good deal of this book, but I can honestly say that JUST ONE LIE is a must-read. I give it 4.5 well-earned stars, and a definite recommendation to add it to your TBR.