
Appreciated, by Karen Nappa

deanie's review

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The thing I love about the Club Indigo series is the realism of the characters. They're not billionaire sugar daddies and innocent waifs (which have their place, but aren't usually my cup of tea). Instead we get police officer Paula, whose divorce from another cop led to her moving to another state to escape the fallout. Her refusal to go out with her fellow officers have led many to speculate that she's either frigid or a lesbian. She limits herself to one night stands and under NO circumstances will she ever, ever date another cop.

Police officer Jim Cagney has liked Paula for a while, and when they hook up after their friends' wedding, he's hoping for more. But Paula doesn't understand about BDSM (which he practices), won't date another cop, and doesn't want to date a younger man. These are all the kinds of real-life dilemmas that a woman in Paula's situation would have. He's persistent, but not overly pushy, trying to overcome her resolves. However, when Jim is hurt, she abandons her resolve to stay by his side.