
Now a Major Motion Picture by Stacey Wiedower

thejoyfulbookblogger's review

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Review originally posted on my blog

To an outsider, Amelia’s life looks great. She’s a successful novelist, whose first book is about to be made into a major motion picture. What people don’t realize is that she’s falling apart inside. She hasn’t even started writing her third novel of the four contracted in the series, and she’s increasingly anxious that Noah will find out about the books and realize they’re all about him! And just because she hasn’t fully put her past behind her, doesn’t mean she’s not ready for the future…right?

My heart wrenched in sadness for what Noah did to destroy his relationship with Amelia all those years ago. It’s incredible how one bad decision can ruin someone’s entire life, especially when that other person is your whole world and the foundation for your entire future. How do you move past total grief over the ultimate betrayal? Not only did Noah’s betrayal lose him his fiancée and his future, but it made him lose his belief in his ability to love.

Noah and Amelia are both finally moving on in loving relationships with other people, but they both keep getting distracted by the other. They’re not fully over their shared history, and I’m not sure if they ever will be. They both are ‘in love’ with their current flame, but is that love as great as the love they had with one another all those years ago? Will anyone else ever be as perfect for them, or feel as right?

The biggest theme in this novel was the idea that communication is so incredibly important. Often times things aren’t the way they first appear on the surface and you have to dig deeper to find the truth. Sometimes uncovering the truth can lead to happiness about knowing the truth about a situation and being on the same page. On the same token, not communicating can lead to a world of hurt and pain. The twist of events in this novel was completely unexpected on my part and I enjoyed every minute of the journey! I thoroughly enjoyed the story with all of its twists and turns, and I really connected with the author’s writing. I can’t wait to read her other novels and I highly recommend you get a copy of all of them for yourself too!
