
You're Amazing, Anna Hibiscus! by Atinuke, Lauren Tobia

lynds_dewey's review

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I like that Anna hibiscus's brothers didn't get into trouble anymore. I like Anna Hibiscus. I like that Anna hibiscus got to talk to grandfather in her heart.
-4 yr old

I love Anna Hibiscus -2yr old

leneigh's review

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Delightful like all of the Anna Hibiscus books. This one may be my favourite of the series as it deals with loss, grieving and bullying which are big heavy topics in such a gentle, engaging and heartfelt way. The topics are dealt with in an age appropriate way for younger kids and have lessons of personal growth and resilience. Despite the issues it deals with, this is not a sad or heavy book as the overarching messages are those of the importance of family, memories and the bonds of friendship as well as identifying and recognizing emotions.

My kids also howled at laughter with the antics of the little Double Trouble twins.

I wish there were more Anna Hibiscus because I will miss her but these books but these are worth reading over and over again.

All libraries and book stores should have this series and the books are relatively unknown and can be surprisingly hard to find.

jennybeastie's review

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Oh dear, this one deals with grief at the loss of grandfather -- tear jerker, guys, tear-jerker. Still, lots of funny stories about life in a big big family in amazing Africa.