
Storia naturale della distruzione by W.G. Sebald

sambailey's review against another edition

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I have no background knowledge on the literature Sebald is discussing, but he remains an amazing essayist.

opl's review against another edition

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challenging dark informative reflective medium-paced


marmarta's review against another edition

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Oh I loved it. It also made me realize that we know very little about post-war Germany, to a large degree because Germany does not want to know much about that time. It's a shocking and thought-provoking book.

denizerkaradag's review against another edition

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Hava Savaşı, Müttefik Devletler'in kolektif tarihten silinen saldırısı ve on yıllarca edebiyatta dahi zuhur edememesi üzerinden işlenen çok etkili bir ders.
Alfred Andersch makalesi de bir yazarı en iyi yine bir yazarın kaleminden okumak gerektiğinin kanıtı sanki.

amalgamemnon's review against another edition

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On the Allied bombings of the Second World War and their lack of impact in the German cultural consciousness. Excellent, concise prose and clear arguments. There could perhaps have been more on the differences across East and West Germany, and the conclusion - which emphasises Nazi culpability in bombings - is a little forced and lacking in nuance. Overall though very interesting. Accompanying three essays on Andersch, Amery and Weiss are also good.

bookhouseboi's review against another edition

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funny informative reflective medium-paced

bmctrustery's review against another edition

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Amazing. Has so many avenues of thought it can lead you down.

cristinabessa's review against another edition

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Gostei muito da primeira metade do livro. Os dois últimos ensaios, também interessantes, empolgaram-me menos enquanto leitora.
A questão colocada por Sebald, de que forma retrataram os autores alemães a destruição das cidades, no pós II Guerra Mundial, coloca-nos também outras reflexões. Os estudos não mencionam apenas questões da literatura, mas também da botânica, saúde, e ética.
Quando os livros nos fazem reflectir e questionar 'certezas' de toda a vida tornam-se um marco importante.

montagves's review against another edition

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La verdad es que Sebald se está convirtiendo a pasos agigantados en mi descubrimiento del año. Entre lo incisivo —tal vez rozando lo polémico, pero siempre con un gran punto de razón— y lo desgarrador de sus reflexiones sobre un periodo que apenas llegó a vivir he encontrado un reflejo casi perfecto de todas las inquietudes que he sentido alguna vez sobre la Segunda Guerra Mundial, Alemania y la herida que provocó en esta la imparable maquinaria del Tercer Reich.

cathrinecortes's review against another edition

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s. 23-54