
Needing Her by Molly McAdams

bookhoarder76's review

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As always I loved it! Ty Molly for another wonderful emotion filled book! Loved all the characters in this book and the brothers drove me absolutely nuts but I do believe that was the point LOL

dontgrumble's review

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as always with Molly McAdams books I am in love! This book had me laughing out loud almost from the start, the pranks are hilarious, Maci is such a feisty character and Conor is just plain adorable!

j_the_bookworm's review

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I absolutely loved getting Connor's story from, From Ashes. I love seeing a  different side of him, Maci brings out a lighter side of him. He has great loyalty to her family,  and her. Maci has a great personality,  and her pranks are the best. This book was fun, love all the pranks.  Grab it now!

echoingbooks's review

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I really loved this book. It was sweet and romantic and fun with all the pranks and stuff.

I loved this this book so much and I am so happy that Conner found love again. Marci brought out the best and worst out of Conner. He was living in a numb life after he lost Cassidy and he thought he will never have happy life again. After one night where Marci played a prank on him he started to get feeling back into him even if it was anger. Later he did not understand his feelings for her because he knows he can’t date her because her 4 older brothers will kill him or keep them apart. I really got over the moon that he chose to start dating her even if he knew that her brothers might stop them. They make each other really happy.

The day he got the courage to tell his two best friends (who happen to be her brothers) about it they both told him to break up with her if he knows what’s good for him. He told them he will be with her even if they don’t like it; they brought up his past against him. That day he broke up with her because he is scared that he might hurt her one day. She was hurt and miserable after that but thank goodness he came to his senses after he thought he nearly lost her by her ex “boyfriend” He told everyone in her family about his past to explain why he broke up with her and why he lied to her, how his two best friends used that against him. Her father was really angry at those to and at least they got together again and this book was a real refreshing book. This is was a real nice novella to read and I would recommend it to everyone to read.

s3c0ndbreakfast's review

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Better than From Ashes.
Her brothers were douches and should have been raised better. She should have put them in their place long ago.
I liked this love story because it wasn't insta-love.

gvharlamert's review

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Okay. Let's talk Connor Green. Last time we saw Connor was in From Ashes . I'm going to be completely honest...I really really really didn't like him in From Ashes I thought his character was awful and while I did feel bad for what he went through as a child, I also didn't like that he was causing more drama between Cassidy and Gage. That being said, I did not pick up this novella for well over a year about him. I was in need of some new reading material so I decided to download it. And boy, am I happy I did.

Let's first discuss my girl crush on Maci. Because I LOVED this spunky, feisty, and obnoxious character. She was absolutely HILARIOUS and had me cracking up the whole time. She puts on this bitch persona but deep down she is possibly the most insecure character I have ever met. And all of it is completely founded. I did want to punch her older brothers in the face. The twins, Dakota and Dylan, were highly annoying with how they treated her and scared of any males who even thought about looking at her. I know they meant well but they really ended up damaging her in the long run. It killed me when she took everything Bryce told her to heart about
Spoiler needing to not look like a mistress. Take the nose ring out, go back to her blonde hair (she had KILLA red hair), cover up her tattoos in public appearances, and work on her foul mouth. So basically, change absolutely everything about Maci
. It really hurt watching her go through all this thinking she was not good enough for anyone and needed to grow up. I love the way Molly McAdams writes her stories. I always feel way too many damn emotions when it comes to her!

Then there is Connor. He seriously redeemed himself in this story. I guess redeemed himself might be a little harsh. We never got to really know him in From Ashes and what little we did see of him he certainly did ruffle some feathers. But I really enjoyed getting to know Connor in this story. I enjoyed getting to know his fears and watching his character really develop into someone I could like. I absolutely loved when Maci's dad stood up for him. Because her dad was 100% absolutely right, he has nothing to be ashamed of and if anything was more of a man by owning up to it. Even though, him yelling at Maci pissed me off a lot of times it was because of that internal war with himself. How does he keep someone like her close without hurting her and becoming the monster he (irrationally yet does make sense) fears to be. His nightmares completely broke my heart as well. It was clear that he would never hurt Maci. But like his sister, Amy, said he was afraid to even get mad. But that he was NOTHING like the man who raised him.

Overall, this novella was fantastic. Especially since I had no expectations going into this. It was funny but touching and heartwarming all at the same time. I highly recommend this is you've read From Ashes !

siobhan27's review

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I am going to preface this by saying that I have not read From Ashes, which is where the character of Connor comes from. But I have read Molly before and I loved her writing, so I knew I had to read this novella. And i am so excited that I did, because this book was amazing.

Needing her is about Connor and Maci, two twenty-something young people who have known each other since they were kids. But Connor is not the same guy Maci knew as a kid, and she will do anything to bring that guy back. Even if it means falling hard for a guy she knows she shouldn't.

This is a young adult novella and it has everything you would want in a NA. It has sexual tension from the very start, and it has a conflict that made me want to punch a wall (which for me is a good thing!) and obviously some very good (and hot!) love scenes. I read this book in one setting and I am so glad I did because I could not put this book down even if I tried.

The characters were amazing because they felt real. They each had their own issues, but unlike some NA out there, those issues did not take over the entire story. Connor and Maci had chemistry right off the bat and I loved them together, they brought out the best in one another and I hope to see them in another story in the future. But I know what I will be reading soon; From Ashes ;)

sj9642's review

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Needing Her is a beautiful love story about friends becoming a lot more to each other. I love, love, love this story. It’s easy to read, uses current language and is just plain awesome. I read it in one sitting and stayed up...check out my full review at Escape by Fiction!!

beasleymomtwo's review against another edition

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What can I say ... you can never go wrong with Molly McAdams, never. Absolutely love her books. This one did not disappoint at all. I am so glad it was the first book I read in 2014, start my year off with a awesome book. Thanks Molly so giving your fans another awesome book!

anabelsbrother's review

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The first quarter was great, but as it went on it got a bit...meh and most of the time my face would go like:

 photo pr-face.gif

and then I ended up skimming through and going

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every other page.

I like Ms McAdam's writing fine, but the story! The characters! GAHHHH. This frustrates me. I really, really want to like this book, but I can't quite connect with any of the characters, and most of them pissed me off (like Maci's goddamn brothers, Maci's best friend, and Connor too when he's being an ass). Too much of unnecessary drama for my liking, and everything could be solved if they could just COMMUNICATE.