
Barbarian Prince by Michelle M. Pillow

whitney0498's review

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Barbarian Prince is the first book in the Dragon Lords series and this was just a great way to start off a new series. This is the first book I’ve read by this author and it will definitely not be the last. I’ve never read anything quite like this before. I was just drawn into this new world with its new characters and I just couldn’t get enough of it. I can’t wait to read more wonderful stories in this series.

raven168's review against another edition

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I read a few reviews before diving into this one so I kind of expected to hate Morrigan from the start. What I didn't count on was just how much I was going to hate her. Holy crap was this woman an arrogant, condescending bitch! Practically everything out of her mouth was how this planet was so backward, primitive, and terrible. Oh my gawd, they have toilets! Oh my gawd, they cook their own food! The audacity!! She always refers to the one who is her mate as either a caveman or a barbarian, when he is so clearly more educated and respectful than she is. How she has managed to survive when the idiot doesn't even know how to wash a goddamn floor is beyond me. When Ualan takes her to his house, she behaves like a petulant child purposely making the biggest mess she can and destroying as much as possible with no regard for the ones who would have to clean it up. There was absolutely nothing endearing about her character.

Morrigan is a reporter looking for the next big article to really get her name out there. She's tired of working on fluff pieces and romance articles so she's latched onto this company that takes willing brides to other worlds where they are needed. So she signs up as one of the brides and off she goes. Mind you, she has had months (I believe) on this space ship to study up on the culture and planet that she is heading to. And it's not like she even has to actually study, it's all downloaded into her brain!! But does she? NO. Because she's fucking stupid. And because of that, from the moment the ship lands and the ceremony starts, she has absolutely no clue about what is going on, what she's supposed to do (or not do), or anything. And when she's claimed as a bride she's all like, 'oh I didn't come here to be a bride...sorry not sorry' to the guy. Forget Ualan, I wanted to beat the crap out of her. She signed the contract, I just didn't understand how she could possibly think it'd be okay to say she didn't mean it. Also, I'm fairly certain that all of her picture taking and video recording couldn't possibly have been legal.

I give Ualan mad props for even trying to deal with Rigan. Poor guy gets one chance and only one chance to find his mate and he's stuck with a bitch like her. I did find this world and their customs interesting though. Although, if you're going to sell this as a dragon shifter book, they damn well better shift into actual dragons. {not}Spoiler: They do NOT here. Each child is given a crystal when they are born and it lights up when their mate is found. Then when the bride breaks the crystal, the two are bound forever. Ualan was so excited when his crystal started glowing and he was blessed with a bride. He just never thought that it would be such a difficult one that had no intention of actually being his bride.

Most of the book was Rigan talking down to Ualan and saying she wasn't staying while doing all she could to make a pain of herself. When she accidentally indentures herself as a slave it looked like maybe she would be getting off her high horse....but no. It's insane what Ualan puts up with with her when all he wants is to have a happy relationship. When an enemy clan attacks one of the princes and kidnaps one of the new princesses, things finally start getting better with the story. But Rigan's compounding lies serve to spoil anything good happening. It is not until the last few paragraphs of the book when Ualan and Rigan finally get on the same page. Which is good in one way, but it ended with them not actually working anything out. Ualan knew of all of Rigan's treasonous actions and everything she said about why she was really on his planet, but when she abruptly says she loves him and is staying, all is forgiven? He's not even going to confront her about it or ask about it?

I have the first four books of this series. I'll be heading on to the next one now, but it better be a lot better for me to read more. And damn it, the bride better not think she can get out of what she literally signed up for again.

cr6zym0nkeyiz's review against another edition

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A big fucking DNF @ 37%
I couldn't finish this one b/c the hero turns into a jackass.
Turning the women you claim to be your wife into a fucking slave. Fuck you, caveman!

book_lover_97's review against another edition

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Morrigan and Ualan have an interesting story. It is well written with great action, steam, intrigue, and chemistry. This has great world building and characterization. This is a great read.

squishies's review against another edition

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Writing and plot was ok. Main female character, Rigan, was super annoying. Ugh!

There's having pride and being sassy, but there is a limit! Why was she so extreme!? Bah.

jennifergoodall's review against another edition

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azure_mood's review against another edition

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It took a gazillion tries to finish this book. Full side eye.

tarana's review against another edition

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I liked the original version. This rewrite has lost a lot of charm and has a lot of unnecessary references to future books. I gave it two stars only because the narrator, Mason Lloyd was excellent.
For those who have not read but want to, be aware that this is mommie porn.

thenia's review against another edition

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The heroine is the worst!


izziede's review against another edition

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This is the first book in the series.
Other characters are mentioned who feature in future books in the series.
Once the Hero meets the heroine in this series there is no-one else.
No intimate scenes with anyone other than the Hero and heroine.
No cheating.