
Bedlams Playground by C.A. Rene, Story Brooks

kayla_cook's review

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Nick, James, Connor and Mary are ghost hunters and bloggers. They go to an old abandoned asylum for their latest hunt. This asylum was for the completely deranged, down right evil, and unwanted, discarded children. It is rumored to have house an evil man by the name Conroy Davis, who went on a killing spree throughout the asylum during a power outage. Orderlies had no choice but to seal him up in the basement and leave him to rot. 

Now the four ghost hunters are determined to open the sealed room and document what's inside - they just didn't expect to be unleashing hell.

This is can be a very triggering read for some. S.A./Rape. Ghost possessions. Very graphic scenes. Ends on a cliff hanger

offmyredcarpet's review

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Abysmal content warning on the authors website for this. Rectified below.

Four friends who chase ghosts visit an abandoned asylum where patients were tortured and abused, often until death, and then buried out back. The chasers are there specifically to see if the remains of a pedophilic patient who was sealed shut in a room after going on a SA and murder spree are still there. 

Unfortunately unsealing the room frees his ghost which wreaks havoc on the four friends. 

It’s mostly well written, though the author is quick to rush some interactions between the characters. It’s a great story for October but mind the content warnings for: possession, murder (past), patient abuse—both child and adult (past), child abuse by guardian (past), pedophilia, trauma, forced activities by ghost: S*A, rape, brother on brother.

rissa_reads0413's review

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My spooky self loveeed this novella!

Poltergeist, ghost, some MM action, brothers, MF action, a lot of trigger warnings!?? What more could a girl ask for! This is the perfect Halloween novella to add to your October TBR! I cannot wait for book 2!!

kalynn0789's review

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This was a unique take on an asylum ghost story. I definitely couldn’t put it down. All the TW, definitely check them if you have any. A good, quick, spooky read.

rosa_books's review

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Phantom Chaser are 4 best friends who explore haunted place. Mary, James, Nick and Conner spend the night at the insane asylum to find out what truth about Conroy Davies. They will get more than they bargained for after meeting the ghosts in this place. But will all of them make it out alive? Bedlams Playground is one book you will want to pick up for this Halloween season.

kaly_cano's review

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I haveI have decided to give this book 3.5 ✨️ for the simple reason that there was no trigger warning list at all at the beginning or anywhere in the book and when I looked at the the authors pages I only found just 5 trigger warnings. This why choose book gets VERY dark from the start.

So here's your warning! This book includes mentions of childhood r4p£, ch¡ld @büse, brother on brother, poss£ssions, smurd€r, decap¡tat¡0n(off page), vi0lence, mentions of p€d0ph¡l¡a(off page), mentions of electrocshock therapy(off page), N0n C0n by poss€ssion, r4p£ by ghost, Dùb Con, degr4d4t¡on, and abúse of forcibly admitted lgbtq+ and mentally ill patients in an asylum (including children and off page). Apologies if I missed a few, but those are the ones that came to mind immediately.

Now onto the actual book review. I will admit the overall plot was good, even if the novella was short, I got a bit of the characters background to be able to connect with them enough to enjoy and understand some of their actions and mindsets. The ghost chasing was entertaining and creepy at times. I found it entertaining when Billy was involved and when the actual ghost hunting was occuring. Or when I would get glimpses of the asylum and Conroy, the spirit of a serial k¡ller's  history, as disturbing as they were. I honestly still don't know what to think of Conroy yet, but I hope to figure it out throughout the series.

Now my problem is that even if I was able to connnect with Mary, Nick, and Connor, I can't really say the same for James. At times I felt he was a tad selfish and cold, to the point I felt completely disconnected from his character at the end, which I hope will change, as this is a new series. This would be a great read for people who don't have any triggers and want that Halloween creepy vibe with some ghost hunting thrown in the mix. This book does have a slight cliffhanger at the end though.

pleaseofferthesalt's review

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Ghosts and Weird Smut

I’m not sure how to feel about this. I’m not a horror reader but loved the parts with the ghosts. The “smut” felt weird and I truly believe that the book either need no smut or to be longer to make it work better. The POVs were hard to follow, it seems like the author didn’t always announce when it changed. I may or may not try the next book since this one ends in a cliff hanger.

sarahs_reading's review

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Was an interesting and fast read, about a group who visit an asylum whilst chasing ghosts. We get ghost activities, possession and lots of spice.

If you are going to read please be aware of all the triggers that are at play, such as SA, childhood abuse and trauma and dub/non con. 

The story takes off quite quickly and progresses through towards the end. We got to see the characters relationship blossom between friendship to them becoming romantically involved, as the 3 males all wanted the female and 2 of the males also wanted each other. So this then could open up the possibility for a reverse harem in the next book. 

There are scenes of a sexual nature and others are watching, in fact all the time as you find out the ghosts watch too. Some scenes are MF and some are MM and MMF so we get a variety. These spicy scenes are also varied so it's something new to experience every time to keep it interesting and not samey.

I did find the end to be predictable, but I'm not complaining. I enjoyed it for a short, smutty paranormal read.

delff17's review

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Dnf after that first scene

Not for me, I should have checked all the tw.

kianamcgowan's review

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This was an overall good book. The copy that I received did not have an extensive trigger warning list but 100% look at and understand the triggers this is a dark themed book with sexual situations hauntings possessions and can 100% be triggering for someone. A group of four Mary Connor Nick and James go to an insane asylum for their YouTube their video grouping that they do and they are all about haunted places. Just with Bedlam’s they bit off a little bit more than they can chew. They each play a part in getting out of this haunting and there is a interesting plot twist/cliffhanger at the end of the book which I am excited to read book 2 to see what happens.