
Shadow and Light by Peter Sartucci

qwordyq's review

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I wish I could endorse this book but I’m very very disappointed in it. The synopsis for the back of the book deceives the reader in think this will be about two men thrust together and fighting alongside each other battling fate but they don’t even have a conversation or truly meet until the last 100 pages. This book fridges women. It’s characters are one dimensional and all kind of blend in. There are so many pointless POVs that do nothing for the story and the TELLING so much TELLING. The writing style in this just does not work for me being in everyone’s thoughts all the time and they’re just spelling out the story that it almost insults the intelligence of the reader. The timeline also just didn’t work and felt convenient and rushed or unnecessarily extended for no real reason. The women in this book really served no purpose other than to be used for sex or childbirth and then only to die once given a small POV. There is like two exceptions to this rule but considering they don’t do much except serve the men in other ways, I’m counting it.

This book was so all over the place I can’t even concisely or coherently explain my feelings towards this.

I wished so much for this book to be good but find myself utterly disappointment in more ways than one.
