
Legacy by Jeanne C. Stein

a_novel_ty's review

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*sighs* I honestly don't what the hell. I don't even know what to write. Legacy wasn't bad, not by a long just lacked...soul?

I didn't read the synopsis for this book, so I had no idea what it was going to be about going into it. I wanted to be surprised...It wasn't til I was 61% done with the book that I realized it was about absolutely nothing.

In Legacy, we find Anna Strong, newly turned vampire, in the midst of a murder scandal, a set up, werewolf issues, and the same problems with trying to pass as a human around her human family and friends.

Now...a mysterious murder that's being pinned on someone who had nothing to do with it! That should be fun right?! WRONG! A man is murdered and all fingers are pointing to Anna's friend and partner, David's girlfriend Gloria. Two reasons why this is the weakest plot point in all history of weak plot points.

1. The person who was murdered is of no significance whatsoever. I could not care less about who murdered him and why. So Anna vowing to find out who killed him is boring to me because, I DON'T GIVE A SHIT WHO KILLED HIM! I don't know him and have only just heard anything about him in this very book...and the things I've heard about him and the type of person he is, isn't helping with the whole 'giving a crap about who killed him' thing.

2. Gloria, (David's girlfriend) is being blamed for killing this man. Now I REALLY don't care about that, or about Gloria going to jail for the rest of her life for something she didn't do. Now I admit, that's a harsh thing to say so i'll explain why. The last three novels have been spent with Anna making sure that I HATE Gloria just as much as she does. Guess what? MISSION ACCOMPLISHED ANNA!

So! the two biggest plot points in the book are based on things I care nothing about. BOOORRRRIIINNGGGGGG!

Oh...and then there was the whole ordeal with the random werewolves popping up, one of which Anna was very uncomfortably (for me) sexually attracted to. Now this uncomfortable-ness has nothing to do with the fact that said werewolf was also a female. Trust me, I read slash fanfiction, I have NO problems with same sex pairings. The discomfort came from the complete and utter randomness of it. Like for the longest I didn't understand what was going on or why, and neither did Anna! However when the reason for this attraction is finally revealed...*sighs* smfh *sideeye*

so I guess that just leaves.

Favorite thing about 'Legacy': The writing. I started this book Friday night. It's Monday night and I've been working all weekend. Jeanne C. Stein writes in a way that makes it easy to just keep going and going and quickly at that. I will not take that from her. The entire book is so fluid, it was nothing for me to read the last 50% of this book in the 5 hours that I was awake and lucid enough to read today. It just FLOWS...if only there was some heart and soul and an attractive story arc to go along with that flow....???

Least favorite thing about 'Legacy': See above? lol I don't know. I like this character. She has so much potential. But so much of this book was spent on insignificant BS that no one gives a rats ass about. What a waste of a great character and my time...

Am I going to read the next book? Yes...

When? I have no clue. *shrugs*

sumayyah_t's review

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Books that tie everything up neatly in the last 15 pages annoy me. Overall, decent story, and you do not really need to read the other books first.

suzrae73's review

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Another good installment in the Anna Strong series! I have to say tho that I wish Anna would suck it up and just tell her partner what she is, would make things SOOOO much easier in my opinion! Maybe it's coming who knows, but def looking forward to the next book and glad to see she is coming out with a new book this year....

komet2020's review

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Anna Strong, a bounty hunter and newly formed vampire with attitude, is back. The more she comes into her own as a vampire, the more she resists the expectations being placed upon her to fully embrace her vampiric side. For Anna is not like any other vampire.

In the meantime, Gloria Estrella, a successful model/actress/co-owner of a high class restaurant in San Diego (who is also the girlfriend of her colleague) is implicated in a murder and enliste Anna's help to find the real killer. Anna (who despises Gloria) reluctantly takes on the case. In the process, she will find herself facing an enemy who could destory her and all that she holds dear. This a thrilling story with lots of twists and turns that will hold the reader's attention til the last page.

mitabird's review

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4.5 stars