
After We Fell (Volume 3), by Anna Todd

m0nkeyfeet's review against another edition

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Who could imagine it could get worse but it did again. So nothing happened you could miss this book and be okay. I wasted my time reading these books and regret every second. The basic plait was Hardin jealous. Tessa jealous. They Break up then get together so many times I couldn’t count. A real waste of paper this book

dewi_wel's review against another edition

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krismartin's review against another edition

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This book was such an easy read. I didn’t know that After was a book until I heard some girls talking about it when I randomly decided to go see the movie (which does NO justice to the book, might I add).
I read all 5 books super quick and I’m on my second go round now.
Hardin is a MAJOR asshole, but the more I read the more I hoped he and Tessa would be together. She puts up with WAY too much from him but it’s a story, after all. By the time I was on the 4th book, I understood so much more about Hardin and I actually felt bad for him and coming from a troubled past myself, could understand him and why he was the way that was.
The book is definitely X-rated, just in case you’re wondering. So reader beware. ☺️
I would recommend this book to anyone who like 50 Shades, for sure.

yellwsunglasses's review against another edition

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i physically cringed while reading these series part 3

malaynachang's review against another edition

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It's been a while since I've written a book review and I've been procrastinating so don't expect too much out of me.

I loved this book (as per usual) but again, I felt like there was something missing in it compared to the first one. I realize that they are very problematic but I do believe that there is a character arc going on that allows me to think that Hardin isn't as bad as he once was.

The relationship between Tessa and Hardin is complicated, to say the least. Both of them emotionally abuse the other. I would like to point out that it isn't just Hardin, as many say, but it is in fact both of them. Just because Tessa is the girl doesn't mean she can't be emotionally abusive to Hardin, which she is to a fairly large extent.

Tessa plays with Hardin's feelings way too much. We all know how problematic and broken that boy is and sometimes, it really feels as if Tessa doesn't care. However, we are so quick to judge Hardin's character when Tessa is doing the same thing right back. I'm not making excuses for either of them but I think we shouldn't be so quick to blame.

I do love the character maturation in Tessa, though. Before, she was an innocent, naive good girl and I think that now she is stronger and braver. That's important especially in a relationship like the one that she has with Hardin.

Zed. Can I even speak about him? I think the first time I read this series, I genuinely liked him but when rereading, I just had such a strong dislike for him, especially because of his interference with Hessa. It makes no sense as to why he has to go after a girl who is already in a relationship. He's not right for Tessa, even if he thinks he is better than Hardin, and that's a fact.

Tessa's parents need some therapy or something because they really need a reality check.

I love Tessa and Hardin. I'm sorry but it's true. They will forever be one of my favorite couples in that they have such a strong relationship. Yes, it is not the best and yes, it is quite toxic, but I do think that they had a real relationship built on love. They might not do the best things towards each other but they do truly love each other and that's really important.

I hate Steph. I'm sorry. She is the most despicable person I've ever heard of. What is actually wrong with her? Every time I read about her I wanted to barf because of how disgusting of a person she was.

I love Kimberly. She may be annoying but I loved the friendship that she had with Tessa.

I love Landen because of how nice and supportive he was. I want a friend like him in my life.

Note that this was originally a One Direction fanfiction on Wattpad *haha*.

I would recommend this book to readers looking for a romantic, Wattpad-esque love story.

Main Character: Tessa, Hardin
Sidekick(s): Zed?, Ken, Kimberly, etc
Villain(s): Steph, abuse, alcohol, etc
Realistic Fiction Elements: This book was all very real to life (though really it wasn't) :P



I love this series so much and I'm almost done :(

I did enjoy this third book. I felt like it was a nice segue into the upcoming concluding book of the series, but the entire time I was sad that it was ending. I love these books so much, and I know that it's very controversial but I'm on of the people who truly loves this series.

I just want to point out that I do know that these books are very problematic, especially with certain parts of the plot line and I by no means want to glorify the abusive relationship that this book almost seems to promote. I do realize that Hardin and Tessa have a convoluted relationship that is definitely not healthy and should not be something that girls especially should be wishing for.

However, I do love these books and it's because of the passion and intensity behind them. They're so "bad" that they're good and I honestly love everything about them.

This book seemed to be a large step up from the first two books. I do think that the writing has improved, though it is still fairly uniform with the beginning novels. The characters have somewhat matured (sure) and there is a lot less make-up-break-up scenarios going on in this book.

Tessa has learned to become stronger and I really liked that about her. Before, she would have listened to Hardin's every word but I feel like in this book she really fought back and brought her own opinions to light in this book. She's also MUCH less of a good girl than she was in the beginning and while I have nothing against good girls, especially since I'm technically one myself, I did like seeing how she changed from beginning to the present.

Hardin is slowly learning to control his emotions and anger and making better choices, and although he is not perfect at all, I did like the effort he showed. Yes, he's emotionally abusive but does he really mean to be or is his perspective on life and relationships skewed by his messed-up childhood? I don't truly know and I don't want to condone emotional abuse at all but I feel like you can't completely blame him for his actions. He has never been in a relationship like the one that he shares with Tessa and at the very least, he's trying to make an effort to change his ways.

Zed was one of my favorite characters in the beginning and then I lost respect for him by the second book for some unknown reason. Maybe because he was interrupting with Hessa. However, I do understand where he's coming from: when Hardin messes up, he's always there for Tessa and he truly has genuine feelings for her, something that I doubted in the beginning. I didn't love him or anything in this book but I did appreciate his determination and willingness to protect the girl who was, again, being severely emotionally abused.

Tessa's mother is SO annoying. I get that she cares about her daughter or whatever but the way she treats Tessa is not the way to treat any child, especially your own. And Tessa's father... I don't even know what to say about that situation. I didn't like him and I didn't like his ways but at least he was trying to make an effort. Although he is a very problematic character, he seems to help Hardin in a way, which is definitely appreciated.

Steph is a true monster and I don't know what to say about her. I used to actually like her but I suppose I'm just very bad at judging characters because she's the cruelest person I have EVER read about in any contemporary novel and I've read a LOT. **trigger warning; almost-rape; sexual harassment** I was beyond shocked to see everything that unfolded with her character and her actions and I can never see her the same way. If I ever decide to reread the books in the future, which I most definitely will be doing, I will start with an instant dislike unlike this time around.

I really loved getting Hardin's perspective because he's such a complicated character and it was nice to see inside of his head every once in a while.

I loved the waiter. So very much.


Overall, I enjoyed this book and am sad/excited to read the last one. I would recommend this book to readers looking for a long contemporary romance novel full of passion and intensity and a lot of burning love (beware of explicit scenes, younger readers)

Main Character: Tessa, Hardin
Sidekick(s): Zed?, Ken, Kimberly, etc
Villain(s): Steph, abuse, alcohol, etc
Realistic Fiction Elements: This book was all very real to life (though really it wasn't) :P

galesmind's review against another edition

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Plus 3.5/5

J'ai beaucoup aimé les 20 derniers chapitres du livre car on commence à y voir le changement de comportement d'Hardin et tous les efforts qu'il fait pour Tessa.
En revanche, le reste du livre m'a vraiment mise hors de moi et c'est un euphémisme. J'avais envie de gifler Tessa autant qu'Hardin. Avec leur reproches mutuels et leurs indécisions j'avais juste envie de m'arracher les cheveux. J'ai eu l'impression de tourner en rond pendant les trois quarts du livre, et au moment où tout laissait présager que l'histoire allait enfin avancer, y'en avait un des deux qui faisait une connerie ce qui nous faisait retourner au point de départ.
Cette série est vraiment cool, mais elle me frustre énormément.

taliwa's review against another edition

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this series is incredibly toxic, yet for some reason I can't stop reading it lol

yulichka's review against another edition

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I stopped on page 623, and i don’t see myself finishing this. I really enjoyed the first two books, but the third was very repetitive and i got bored.

brgossard's review against another edition

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Hessa’s relationship takes a different turn in this one.