
A Chaotic Courtship by Bethany Swafford

tissas1's review

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DNF at 45%

I just wasn’t enjoying this one and I kept putting it down for months at a time to pick it back up and still not be interested. I rarely DNF books but I just don’t care to finish this one.

elylibrarysec's review

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Rating: 3.5 Stars

Diana Forester shows us how awkward going to soirees can be. John Richfield is seen as a means to an end by Diana’s aunt. Aren’t you glad this practice has long since died out in this country? Diana’s sister seems to have the petulant child down pat – you want to tell her to get over herself.

One thing that frustrated me was Diana kept apologizing – one thing that wouldn’t fly today. At times she felt way beyond her years and others she showed just how young she is. Her sister was a frustrating character because she kept getting in the way of Diana getting to know John. For me, it seemed the turning point of the story was when her brother James came home. The speed of the story picked up and the scenes seemed to flow better.

This story shows that back in the day sex had its place later in a relationship. People connected on the emotional level first. There were also those people that were looking for a fiscal advantageous relationship. Our author shows how times were simple back then especially how they had to amuse themselves without all the technology we have today.

In this book, I found it difficult to build a romantic relationship when for the first half of the book our two main characters spent very little time together. I was actually glad to see the mystery of the highwayman. The actions of our mystery man helped to get a relationship started that I wanted to see more of.

I loved the idea of reading a clean romance because they just seem so few and far between. And I also enjoyed reading of a time long gone – things seemed so simple back then. But I found myself frustrated in not seeing more of a relationship that should build over time. I got to the point where I wanted to speed read just so I could find our couple together. When I got to the end, I was glad to see a happy ending but I’m not sure that I would read the book again. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed the book but felt that it was kept clean because the couple hardly spent any time together.

I received this book for review from Loving the Book and the author. I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review.