
Avoiding Commitment by K.A. Linde

kingsqueen27's review

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I cannot remember the last time I got so pissed off by a book. Jack is the biggest jackass I've ever read about. I've never had so much hatred for a male lead character before. I actually had to create a "guys I hate" shelf to classify him. And it doesn't help matters that Lexi is completely useless, stupid, and weak. I've never been more frustrated. If there is any justice, jack will die a slow and painful death, and maybe Lexi or Chyna will be the one to kill him. I'm definitely gonna need a break before starting the next one.

eternalcities's review

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WARNING BEFORE YOU READ THIS: SPOILER DOWN THERE!! (avert your eyes if you plan on reading this later)

This book was Fifty Shades of Jacked Up. See what I did there?



Other than that, this book was a complete waste of my time. I decided to go ahead and read it because of all the high ratings it has. How people even like this book strikes me as unbelievable. I strongly disliked almost all the characters. They were all self centered and egocentric and I couldn’t feel emotionally connected to any of them.

Meet Jack. Actually, it’s more like Jack and Jackass. He is an immature, lying, selfish, cheating, bastard. He constantly used women and dragged them along while lying to them about his feelings. He manipulated Lexi for over 6 years and made her dream about a future he would never give her. He and Lexi had one of the most dysfunctional, painful, messed up, deranged relationships I’ve ever read about. He told her he loved her, wanted her, and needed her while having other girls by his side. What an ass.


Lexi has no self-respect. She lets herself get strung along like a puppet every time Jack is there. She gives into everything he says and screws him whenever he’s near. I’m actually shocked this girl let herself get brainwashed by this guy for over half a decade and never once realized that her screwed up non-relationship wasn’t heading anywhere and never will.

Worst part was, she actually believed that this guy truly cared about her enough to be with her.


The only people with any form of logic in them were Ramsey and Chyna. I just wish they were there for more of the story. When they made their appearances, it was usually Lexi going off into her own world thinking about the bastard that occupies her mind 24/7.

Ramsey’s sister also has no self-respect either cause if she did, why would she get engaged to a guy who screwed some other girl and proposed to her just hours later? Pity. Lexi and her could’ve been bffs.

That being said, I absolutely hated Jack. I don’t care if he looked like a sex god. He was still an ass. Any smart, self-respecting girl should be able to see past his blue eyes and sexy jawline or whatever. I’m glad that on like the last page, Lexi finally realized what was happening and left him. Bless you girl. Who gave you the new pair of eyes? I found myself skipping chapters and pages just because of all the endless dramatic clichés. So done with this series!


loribelle3's review

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I kept reading and reading and reading, expecting something to change. It didn't. Be warned, this book deals with cheating boyfriends/girlfriends. I wanted to get into the story, but it seemed to drag on.

kayla_llbr's review

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I remember reading this back when it was on fiction press. I remember sitting at my computer for HOURS so engrossed into the story of Jack and Lexi I refused to go to bed that night. I also remember telling EVERYONE about this book. It came as no shock to anyone us when both Avoiding Commitment and Avoiding Responsibility were pulled for publishing. I remember being so emotionally distraught the first time I read it thinking that the second time around couldn’t be that bad. I was wrong.

Let me just say that Jack is sexy as all get out. He is a very bad bad boy. I’m sure it says something about me that regardless of Jack’s actions that I still get that ‘weak in the knees’ feeling when I think about him. He is a douche. He is a jerk. He is at times so selfish and heartless it’s shocking that their are two woman (quantity may fluctuate) that are helplessly in love with him. But I believe there is a difference between possessive love (Beckah) and obsessive love (Lexi). The difference is one is freaking crazy, and the other heartbreaking.

“You were the only one I saw when I closed my eyes,” he said bringing his hand up to her chin and tilting her head up to look into his crystal clear blue eyes.”Then why wasn’t I enough when they were open?” she asked another tear welling in her eyes.”

Lexi has been in love with Jack from pretty much the beginning. When you read about the memories the two of them created you understand the chemistry and attraction they share. They both have a ‘pull’ towards one another that nor time/distance or others can interfere with.

“I did those things because of my lack of control. When you touch me Jack, I completely succumb to you. I give into your every whim.”

With that said, this book is devastating. There were moments where I wanted to pull Lexi out of the book and hug the hell out of her. Her heartbreak was so real I felt as if someone broke my heart along the way too.

“I’m not sure what I’m going to do.”Lexi gasped. “You mean…”"Look, I don’t know what to do yet. I just knew that’s what you wanted,” he saying eyeing her mussed appearance.”That’s not what I wanted.”"If it wasn’t, you wouldn’t have let me do it,” he told her simply.”I wanted answers.”"And I don’t have any.”

You and me both Jack. You and me both…

Thankfully we have others that make this journey of regrets and sadness easier to deal with. Lexi’s best friend Chyna is amazing. The girl is a headcase with some daddy issues but she is there for Lexi in the ways Jack never was. And then there is Ramsey…Satan’s Beckah’s sexy brother.

I’m not sure how I feel about him at this point. Yes I am blinded for Jack just as badly as Lexi is, but there’s something about Ramsey I can’t quite put my finger on…

5 stars*

freakren's review

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I'm a lover of angst, but it works better for me when I actually want to the main characters together. Realistic story of being blinded by hoping for love though.

shassler82's review

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This book frustrated me to no end!! Can we say obsessed much! This chick is a sucker and Jack is an asshole. I'm not able to rate this yet.. unless someone can promise me the 2nd isn't as back in forth then I will proceed to read it, if not, I'm done!

ashleyderoche's review

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this book drove me insane! but I liked it

gbomb's review against another edition

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I thought about Jack and Lexis all day at work and couldn't wait to get home and read!
Starting Avoiding Responsibility right NOW.

cegleston's review against another edition

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*****Star rating not set in stone*******
I have no idea what rating I really want to give this book. As far as roller coaster of emotions........this book has it ALL!!! I've been angry, sad, happy, bored, enticed, name it I felt it but f@#* how stupid can some people be. Lexi is so infuriating that I literally had to put the book down several times because I couldn't deal with how dumb she is!!!! Jack is an asshole...........end of that story. Having said that I know the attraction between them is genuine, they are just too screwed up whores who need to buck up and deal or stay away for ever!!! I must be a glutton for punishment because here I go stright to book number 2!!!

maybeicanbesaved's review against another edition

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This is the worst book I've read in a long time. The only reason it gets two stars is because it wasn't written badly.

The story was completely unbelievable and the two main characters were so entirely unlikable I couldn't stand it. Don't even get me started on their twisted 'relationship'.. Though I think this quote from the book itself sums them up pretty perfectly:

“ "You two deserve each other," he spat.
The words came out like an insult. He meant that they were two of the same kind of people. That no matter where Jack and Lexi ended up, they were destined to hurt someone else. Maybe even continue on a never-ending path of hurting each other. ”

They both were so pathetic and horrible and disgusting, I couldn't decide whether they shouldn't be together because they're completely toxic to one another, or they should be together because they deserve each other - and I mean that in the worst way possible.

The only character I could tolerate was Chyna. She reminded me a bit of my best friend. She just wanted Lexi to get her head out of her ass - Jack's ass, more like it - and find someone to be happy with, in a healthy relationship. Hence, I was almost proud of Lexi at the end. Kinda. I feel like Jack would reappear someday and she'd be stupid enough to take him back. But whatever.

Seriously, the entire time I was reading this I just wanted to bash my head into the wall. Thank god it's finally over and I can hopefully forget I ever even read it.

I do NOT recommend this book.