
Aliens, Smith and Jones by Blaine D. Arden

siclarke's review

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For my tastes, there was too much on the romance rather than the action or even the characters. It’s a shame, as I’d been really looking forward to this one. No shade, I’m just not quite the target audience.

Technically, this one is science fiction … but the vibe is more urban fantasy / paranormal. Closest comparisons would be Torchwood or Rivers of London.

michaeljpdx's review

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A full review of Aliens, Smith and Jones can be found on my blog.

reviewerlarissa's review

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**Review for Rarely Dusty Books**

4.5 stars

It’s no secret that I enjoy books by this author and I couldn’t wait to pick this one up. My only regret is that the review is very very late. *hangs head in shame*

Aliens, Smith & Jones is a step away from the fantasy that we’re used to from this author, but it’s certainly not less than any of her previous books. Aliens, Smith & Jones is a thrilling read with exquisite attention to detail and a well developed plot.

It would be a shame to give away more of the plot than the blurb, which gives a nice indication of what the story is about. All I’ll tell you is that the plot is well crafted, there were many things that worked well for me, such as the aliens and science (fiction) and technology aspects of the story and the attention to detail of the cases Connor is working on and Primrose as an organization. Also Noah’s character was nicely done. He is very original, but more on that later.

However, the ‘relationship’ between Noah and Connor didn’t quite sell me. It felt a little too easy as they spent most of the book apart. The same goes for the role Jason plays as a whole. It’s clear from the beginning that Noah and Connor are ‘meant’ to be together, so it didn’t quite sound believable to me. However, it wasn’t overly disturbing as it is part of the story as a whole.

Along with the plot, the characterizations are well done. Thought is put in each character and the author gave them their unique quirks so they are their own persons and stand apart. Especially the character of Noah is well worked out. As an alien who has lived a long time he doesn’t act like a love-struck teen. He actually acts his age. He is smart, thoughtful and caring. He is also very much an alien. While human (sort of) he has the mind of an alien and is way more advanced than us measly humans. There are quite a few features connected to his character, but those are all spoilers.

Connor is also a very well done character and very British. He made me laugh quite a few times. Along with the main characters there are a host of other characters. They are not fillers, but have their own voice and bring unique parts to the story. Like Connor’s best friend and his boss.

I believe that Aliens, Smith & Jones is definitely a book worth picking up. So my advice is, get to it if you haven’t done so already.

see_sadie_read's review

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I suppose this was ok. It was just painfully predictable, with basic, unexciting writing. The characters were cute, but one of the main characters spent half the book in a relationship with someone else and I barely felt any spark between him and the second main character. Further, there was just too much assuming and non-communicating going on. In fact, a lot of the book is predicated on it and it didn't make any sense to me. All in all, I found the whole thing uninspiring, even if not quite bad.

fleurette's review

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I have rather mixed feelings. I think the general idea is very good. But its execution not much.

I couldn't get into this story. The beginning did not really intrigue me and I was not entirely sure if I wanted to continue. Then it got a little better, but for such an original idea, this book is pretty plain. There were also some things that I don't like about my books.

Noah and Connor get to know each other quickly and deeply using the exchange of memories and feelings through their bond. Unfortunately, I couldn't find these feelings between them. I mean, they were a good start to a relationship, but they are described in the book as much deeper. I haven't seen this connection between the main characters. It also mattered that Connor was in a relationship with someone else at the time. By the way, this other relationship of his didn't seem real to me either.

On top, this second relationship irritated me. It's more a matter of personal preference, since I really don't like when the main character has sex in the book with another person than the one with whom s/he ends up in the end. And here the plot of Janson and Connor's romance is very extensive. In fact, Janson and Connor spend more time with each other than Connor and Noah. There is a terrible imbalance in this. I wish it had been written somehow differently.

This is the first book in the series. Though it doesn't seem like more are planned for now. But I don't think I will continue this series. The idea was good, but I didn't get attached to these characters and I don't think the style of writing work me.

poultrymunitions's review against another edition

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annoyances started piling up, and then it was just a matter of time before i grew too irritated to continue.

it's a pity. some good elements here, but i have a vile temper and zero tolerance for books who posit that a hundred year old men-in-black style agency would employ a man dumb enough to suspect that an alien disguised as a bookseller and living peacefully on our planet since the 17th century was the vanguard of a super-crafty invasion.

because, you know, after nearly four hundred years, e.t. has lulled us into a false sense of security.

he's got us right where he wants us.