
I Hate Everyone... Starting with Me by Joan Rivers

pinkalpaca's review

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As far as I'm concerned, people who call fuck the "f-word" are a-holes.

mimi714's review

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Very funny....

saralynnburnett's review

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I really really love Joan Rivers. Her cynical and sarcastic humor in this book is amazing. These are the types of things I really want to say out loud but don't because I still want to have friends. I've heard that if you've read her other works, you won't like this one as much, or if you watch her a lot on TV, but for the part time fans out there who catch her when they can you'll adore this. Each snippet starts with 'I hate _____' < fill in the blank with you name it: the octomom, extreme sports, subways, rickshaws, the Beetles - she's got it all covered.

blkmymorris's review

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Joan Rivers dusts off many of her jokes to use in this long list of things she hates. It's not PC and cna drift into insult lots of people and groups. Her material is good but you can tell it's just a matter of playing Mad Libs with names. Fat joke? Insert name of fat actress. Sex joke? Insert name of fat actor. Self-deprecating sex joke? Insert name of hot actor. Rinse and repeat. The names can both be old and recent so it's very anything goes.

tagreads's review

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I absolutely love Joan Rivers and hence I had high expectations when reading this book. No matter how mean and rude people think she is, I always laughed out loud at all her jokes. However, this was not the case while reading this book. The first 20% were pretty disappointing, things got a bit better after that and I found some jokes to be truly hilarious (while offensive but hey what did you expect, Joan is amazing when she is being mean) but then the book went back to being disappointing. I still love this woman but for now I will stick to watching her on Fashion Police.

cole_092's review

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Joan Rivers' legendary sense of humor that has kept us laughing for generations translates effortlessly to the written word. Her politically-incorrect humor and wit are left on the pages of this book. While positivity is a great thing, Joan shows that hate is also a universal connector as well.

I found myself laughing at times where I knew I really shouldn't be laughing. One of the things Joan said was that we should be able to laugh at anything and everything as laughter helps us cope with whatever hardship we may be dealing with. There are definite laugh-out-loud moments and sometimes I found myself shaking my head in disbelief as these were the thoughts and feelings of an woman whose was a grandmother! With the uneasiness of the country, being able to laugh in spite of everything has been a blessing.

There is something everyone can relate to and share a common hatred for. Rivers' is unapologetic in sharing all of her thoughts of things she hates and that is what precisely sets this book apart from others in the same genre.

gossamerchild's review

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What a great way to spend a road trip! Gotta admit, this is the type of curmudgeon I see myself turning into in 30 years. Hilarious!

aoutrance's review

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New nicknames for every single state? Boring.