
Counterpunch by Aleksandr Voinov

foreverbeautifulbooks's review

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I am a somewhat newbie to the whole M/M erotic genre. I used to just turned away from anything that had to do with M/M, I read one story awhile back, and I felt that I was reading about a man and woman. That put me off. Although, I know that is the stereo type to most M/M relationships, for some reason it just doesn’t do it for me when I am reading about intimacy with two males. I want masculine, I want fire, I want heat, I want some dirty talk. I want two sweat, hot, delicious pieces of men getting it on for my wicked reading pleasure. But I need story too. For some reason I have this sick need to read a good plot with my smut. Call me an old fashion kind of girl, but I need meat to my reading. Even if I am reading the genre of fiction most people go “Oh, you read THOSE kinds of books.”

Well, I hate to break it to the haters, but this was one of the best books I have read so far this year. Not only did it give me grit, guts, and passion. It left me wanting to rail at some of the characters in the book. I was engulfed, imprisoned in this pseudo reality where punishment for crimes can mean jail time or to become slaves. I have to say, the men might just have it better than the women in this world. Women seem to be, like always, just breeders or sex objects. And although Brooklyn was subjected to sexual slavery, he was a warrior in his own right. Brooklyn is the type of male I hope to read about in a M/M book. He is strong, clever, witty, and yet he holds a key vulnerability that put me on his side the entire time I was reading this book. It was both impressive and intoxicating to read.

Every inch of this story drew me, consumed me, and I had a hard time putting it down to get other tasks done around the house. The story had a smooth plot that didn’t jerk me or jar my reading. In fact, it was like watching a movie in my mind. I could see this on the big screen or sitting in my room watching it late at night. I feel in love with Brooklyn, if I was in that world he would be my hero. I would also want to free him, which to be honest, I don’t think I would fall into the 1% of that time period. The story had some very light BDSM elements that wetted my appetite for a little D/s. I wouldn’t really call this a ‘romance’, for me the plot was so intricate, so well done that it was just a great story to read.

Nathaniel was a character we all fell in love with. He was masculine and sensitive and we all wanted fall into his arms. Even if he didn’t swing towards the ladies, he was a man you wanted to admire, and at the same time you just couldn’t understand some of his actions, which were all sorted out in the end. The villain element was brilliantly executed. Not only did I want to kill them, but I wanted to subject them to the same torment that Brooklyn was after an incident in the book(trying to not spit out spoilers). I have to say, from beginning to end the book was a very satisfying read, and even if you aren’t sure about a M/M read, I would take a chance on this book. Well written, fantastically executed, I recommend this to all readers!

ezichinny's review

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This wasn’t a light read for me, but it was engaging. I know coming into a Voinov novel, not to expect a simple, shallow read, and I wasn’t disappointed. While this story wasn’t all hearts and flowers, there was light at the end of the tunnel and so the journey was worth it to me. The writing was very visceral and I just felt the emotions from the main characters. I was firmly rooted in Brooklyn’s corner and I was pulling for him to win both in the ring and in his life.

See full review at Oh My Shelves Blog:

*Special Thanks to Riptide Publishing via Netgalley for the reading copy.

zazzilou's review

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4.25 Stars

___tamara___'s review

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Excellent! You can't go wrong with Voinov it seems. I can't for the life of me remember why I've avoided this book for so long.

shazov's review

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I wasn't sure what to expect from this one. I know that Aleksandr Voinov has a very dark style of writing and I was slightly apprehensive to be honest. But while yes, it wasn't what you would call a light or fluffy read, it wasn't as dark as I feared. And boxing is definitely not a sport for me, so that added another layer to what could have been a very difficult book to read.

I love the continuation of the 'slave' theme that started in Anchored. Even though the whole idea of owing slaves is abhorrent to me, the world that has been created here is brilliant. I hope to be able to read more set in this world. Maybe a story where the whole slavery idea gets addressed...

paracosmere's review

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I'm really weak to Aleksandr Voinov's writing style. I can't pinpoint what it is but he always manages to perfectly harmonize erotica, romance, and gore in his books (the ones I've read so far anyway). And Counterpunch is again one of them.

I'd been curious how the story would play out between a slave and a free man but the transition from a situation to the next seemed seamless to me. It's so easy to get swayed and dragged along by the characters' stories and just not question anything, just fully trusting Voinov wherever he wanted the story to go. I wasn't even worried.

This wasn't a full-blown romance but I think it covered enough premises to still give me tingles down to my toes. I might even call it cute. That little twist at the end (though I was not really surprised) was a very welcome addition to the plot. Only that I hoped we could have at least gotten an epilogue to catch a glimpse of their family life. How wholesome would that be?

Anyway, this one is easily a 5-star read for me.

liza5326's review

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Another great book in the Belonging verse, where slavery is legal. Brooklyn was a cop until a huge mistake resulted in a death and him in slavery. He is bought by a boxing company and spends his days training and his nights servicing the people who pay his fee. He has no hope for anything else in life until he meets Nathaniel. The more time he spends with Nathaniel, the more hope he has that his life can actually change and maybe he can be free someday.
I love how this story progressed. There weren't any easy answers and every time you thought you had it figured out, there was another twist. It was dark, with some pretty heavy moments that hurt, but still an underlying hopefulness. You really didn't know what Nathaniel was all about or how he fit into it all.

kaje_harper's review

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This is a bit of a tough read - it is a slave story, with non-con sex and violence implicit in that. But it is beautifully done, with an engaging hero, a plot that moves well and logically, and an intensity that feels very real. The fight sequences are believable and engrossing without being over detailed. The emotion is raw but not angsty. As long as the basic tenets of the story don't cause major problems for you, this one is highly recommended.

reviewerlarissa's review

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I liked this better than I thought I would. The writing was very well done.

The only thing here I keep missing is revenge. Damn, still looking for that one book that has the perfect revenge at the ending. Oh well.

saphirablue's review

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I didn't like this one very much. I wasn't too fond of both main characters and I really couldn't see any attraction between these two. :/