
Not a Mistake by Amber Belldene

jackiehorne's review against another edition

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lifeand100books's review against another edition

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Great read. Interesting dynamic between the romantic leads that was handled really well.

sandlynn's review against another edition

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March 25, 2018

What’s unusual about Amber Belldene’s Not a Mistake (Hot Under Her Collar – Book One) published in 2016, is that both the hero and heroine are Episcopal priests. Oh, and its author is also an Episcopal priest! Now, that doesn’t mean the story is an inspirational or even deals with spiritual issues, per se. In fact it’s main focus are moral issues both personal and professional. Also, it has very sexy moments.

This book has a mini-review here on AAR. So, I don’t know that I really need to provide a lot of details about the plot. Basically, however, the heroine has had a crush on one of her professors from seminary school. He’s a handsome man, a priest himself, and somewhat rigid in this beliefs. He also investigates ethical infractions by other priests. After graduation, our heroine, Jordan, is celebrating with her classmates and they invite Professor Dominic Lawrence along. Later that evening, Jordan and Dominic have a romantic hook-up that ends up producing an unexpected consequence — a pregnancy. This pregnancy could torpedo both their careers. Jordan has just gotten a job as a priest to a small congregation in Santa Cruz, California, and Dominic is up for a promotion in the church. How can they reveal their relationship? Should they? Each face their own moral and ethical dilemmas which are impacted by Jordan’s congregants as well as Dominic’s troubled past and his current investigations.

This story feels very genuine. The people here are not morally pristine. But they are good people facing problems. The characters’ professions and situations made this a unique read, but the underlying plot would be recognizable to any romance reader. I have to admit, even though I am not a very religious person, it felt a little weird, at first, reading about the sex lives of two priests written by a priest, but it just reinforced that people who hold such positions also have personal lives and desires and may not always do the right thing. I enjoyed it, would give it a B+, and look forward to Belldene’s other books. (I did want to know exactly what Dominic was doing professionally at the end of story. It wasn’t quite clear to me.)

booklovinmamas's review against another edition

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Full Review posted at Book Lovin' Mamas

Not a Mistake is definitely about realizing not everything is considered bad and could be considered a miracle. Amber gives us a look into world of the men/woman of the church. I really enjoyed reading the first book to Amber's new series. Although, some may be put off with a story involving two characters of the church, you should at least give it a try. Contemporary romance that involves two characters that end up realizing that not everything is a mistake and how much they wanted each other from the beginning.

I give this book 4.5 stars and look forward to reading the next book in the series. Oh and I forgot to mention that Not a Mistake does have some very steamy passionate scenes with the characters. :)

prgchrqltma's review against another edition

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Characters: newly ordained priest, her ethics professor
World Building: Episcopal hierarchy, morality in the priesthood
Plot: accidental pregnancy, ensuing career issues, exploration of black/white/grey issues
Sex: medium
Read another: Always

Of course, this is a well written romance. It's also thoughtful around ways to approach love, ethics and morality. I love Belldene's positive attitude to sexuality and spirituality.

franjessca's review against another edition

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Full Review posted at Book Lovin' Mamas

Not a Mistake is definitely about realizing not everything is considered bad and could be considered a miracle. Amber gives us a look into world of the men/woman of the church. I really enjoyed reading the first book to Amber's new series. Although, some may be put off with a story involving two characters of the church, you should at least give it a try. Contemporary romance that involves two characters that end up realizing that not everything is a mistake and how much they wanted each other from the beginning.

I give this book 4.5 stars and look forward to reading the next book in the series. Oh and I forgot to mention that Not a Mistake does have some very steamy passionate scenes with the characters. :)

nen96's review against another edition

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3.5 stars

tericarol21's review

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This story of a recent seminary graduate (very that day recent) and a professor and their one-night-stand that had unintended consequences is both delicious and adorable. The story is well written and has just enough drama without being ridiculous. There are friends and colleagues along with the two protagonists, and a couple of side plots that make it clear both of them have lives outside this relationship as well. I particularly appreciate the emphasis on Jordan being a priest who loves her people. She is the epitome of a good pastor, even only a few weeks into her first call. The way she handles conflict in the church leadership and offers pastoral care in difficult situations is a joy to see and I am excited that there is a book out there portraying the church the way we are all working for it to be! Plus it makes me beyond happy that the young woman is the authority figure in this instance, and the older men in the story for the most part respect her.

I also really appreciate the healthy ways this story handles sex. It's loving and mutually affirming and beautiful and hot all at the same time. Like we hope adult consensual relationships will be. :-)

The only thing I found frustrating was the one "problem" that Jordan knew and Dominic didn't...not only was it extremely frequently brought up (which makes sense, it would probably be all I could think about too, I suppose), but it was so familiar a trope in romance novels: that the two people involved can't seem to actually be adults and have adult conversations about hard topics and personal issues. Almost every romance novel seems to hinge on the woman not asking or not telling something, and for this one to also rely on that was a little frustrating. But while I was annoyed that first night of reading (yes, I stayed up all night reading), overall I liked this quite a bit--in fact I have already re-read it twice. :-)

**I did receive an advance copy from the author, in exchange for an honest review.**

lutheranjulia's review

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This is the kind of romance that I long for. The sex is hot, the characters are developed, the plot is a little complex, and the faith is real. I always feel frustrated in the sharp divide between romances that are real about the body and romances that are real(ish) about faith practices. Where faith is real, it is embodied. Real, faithful people do have real hot sex. This is a thing.

So I was super-happy to get a review copy of Not a Mistake and to enjoy it as much as I did. Since Jordan and I share a vocation, she was very relatable to me. I like how the book dealt with the realities of ethics, mixed feelings, political issues, and community life.

Romance trope: not using your words (Not my favorite, but it does happen). :)
Sex: nice heat, fun to read

This is a short review because I also reviewed the book here:

Highly recommended

bibliobeka's review

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3.5 rounded up.