
Backstage Pass by Olivia Cunning

bookwormbetty's review against another edition

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Amazing book, I read it in one go, and couldn't see straight for days.

lachmi's review against another edition

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Be prepared: sex, sex and more sex.

laurenjodi's review against another edition

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Backstage Pass
3 Stars

A professor of human sexuality, Myrna Evans is attending a mundane conference when she encounters the popular rock band, Sinners. Drawn to the group's lead guitarist, Brian Sinclair, Myrna finds herself giving in to her attraction and overriding all of her inhibitions. But can this relationship evolve into something more than simply lust at first sight?

After reading Nalini Singh's wonderful Rock Addiction and Rock Hard books, this pales in comparison. Cunning's debut has potential, but is ultimately more of a sex fest than contemporary romance, and is lacking the in-depth characterization, cohesive plotting and emotional intensity of Singh's romances.

Behind the pages and pages of sex scenes, there is a smidgeon of story that is actually quite engaging. Brian is the perfect beta hero - sexy, caring and a hopeless romantic although his need for Myrna's undying love and devotion is rather tiresome.

Myrna is likable enough, but her past experiences, which make her wary of giving her heart to another, ultimately lead to the main problem with the romance, i.e., her vacillation between embracing new sexual experiences and condemning herself for giving in to her desires. While understandable given the circumstances, her hot/cold tendencies are off-putting.

All in all, not a bad erotic romance, but the plot development could have been better and the sex does become repetitive and monotonous after a while. It is unlikely that I will continue with the series as the secondary characters are simply not appealing or interesting enough.

pattymac61's review against another edition

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Loved it!

geo_ix's review against another edition

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If you’re looking for something hotter than the average erotic novel that’s come out lately, I’d suggest picking this up. Given that I’ve never met anyone from a famous rock band or anything like that, I can’t confirm that this is super realistic in terms of that. But it was a really good book.

Basically, it’s a group of 5 men who like to fuck around, live like slobs on two busses surrounded by guys that work for them. The main character in this book is constantly thinking every girl he sleeps with is his girlfriend, the one, and he’s absolutely in love with them. But of course, they’re groupies and all sleep with his complete man whore band mate, Sed (Book 2 is about him).

The woman in this book is “Professor Sex” as the guys like to call her, as she teaches about all that stuff. She previously was married to a man who belittled her, made her feel her sexual desires made her a ‘slut’ and mentally destroyed her. Anyway, he’s in jail until midway through the book, and when we meet him, we see how super delusional he is, claiming he still loves her, and is her husband even though they divorced before he went to jail. Why was he in jail you ask? Oh yeah, he was okay with the divorce until she started dating again, and that’s when he decided his stalking wasn’t enough and broke into her house to assault her.

So you know, throughout, she thinks she’s a slut (many reviewers claim they dislike her insecurity with her sexuality, but I think in this case it’s important, I mean, someone told her she wasn’t good enough all the time, messed with her mind, and even though she knew exactly how to please a man, from previous experience, she’s used to them going off at her for it. So personally I think it’s not annoying, or naivety, but an honest to god reaction that any normal person would have) and constantly has her ex-husband’s voice in her ear telling her she’s worthless and a whore and all that. Which, really she’s kind of a groupie with this, and they do ‘fall in love’ within like two weeks of being near each other all up (there’s a month in between when she goes back to work) but still, even with his insta-love and her aversion to love, which are both things most people hate and all that, I still somehow felt it was real.

Somehow I just find all of this possible. Not the relationship every person would have, but it feels real. A father whom you joined the same profession as, who doesn’t think you’re good enough because they’re stuck in the old ways? Yeah, real. A rich mother who’s in her midlife crisis and looking for toy boys? Yep, she just wants to feel young again.

This is full of more than the average sex scene and I think that’s why I liked it so much! Each guy has very specific sexual needs, and I think that’s what makes it all the more interesting. I will 100% be reading every book in this series.

diaryofthebookdragon's review against another edition

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This is the best erotic romance novel I have read so far. The character development is so deep and detailed. Every kinky thing and desire is explained. Even if you would never would do some of the things described, you understand the characters and what drives them...
Definitely not for the faint of heart, but if you like your books 'spicy' give this one a try.

ETA: On the second read, this book did not seem like anything special this time around. I lovered the rating to 3 stars.

sandyfrancesca's review against another edition

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AHH! I love this book. I am so glad I've discovered this genre.

oceaninsanity1's review against another edition

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It gets way cringy like to the point where I had to stop reading it.

yvireads's review against another edition

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3.5 Stars

Backstage Pass is the first book in the Sinners on Tour Series by Olivia Cunning.
Myrna Evans teaches human sexuality at an university in Kansas.
Brian Sinclair rocks the guitar like no one else does.

So, the first feeling after finishing? I wanted to bang my head on a table - hard - and I was really close doing so. I'm still not sure what to think. To rate this book I have to slice it in two parts.
Part one: The sex. Holy shit. When I got to the 20% mark my ovaries had a blast and I wished my BOB was nearby. On the end they worked overtime. The sex scenes were HOT!!! So, part one gets 5 no brainer Stars
Now part two: I can't wrap my head around it. It started out pretty good. But soon hero and heroine were annoying the shit outta me. I was sitting here and wanted to shake both of them to get some senses into them.
Yeah, I know, Myrna was emotionally, mentally and physically abused by her ex husband and couldn't let anyone get close to her, BUT - capital letters needed - has she any kind of common sense? I hardly doubt it! She knew almost from the beginning how attached Brian was and she kept him at arms length for 99% of the book. I mean, come on, if I'm in such a deep emotional shit, I don't let the other person get that close and even more attached. In my opinion Myrna was cold and bitchy. End of story...
And that leads us to Brian. I have to say, I kinda liked him but all this whiny shit? Seriously dude, grow a pair! If I'd be him, I'd dumped her at 60% of the book. But nooooo... He'd let himself get hurt every day again and again. He worshipped the ground she was walking on. Maybe dumping her would've got her to her senses.

Well, now I'm having a hard time rating this book and take the easy way out
5 stars for the steam
2 stars for the story
Leaves us at 3.5 stars total.
Maybe an epilogue would've been good...

amandanemer's review against another edition

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congratulations to straight ppl today