
The Slaughter of Leith Hall by Lexie Conyngham

reviews_musings's review

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The Slaughter of Leith Hall is a very interesting historic novel filled with mystery and suspense. I am a huge fan of outlander, and this book grabbed my interest as it is set in Scotland shortly after the Jacobites fight with the British.
John Leith is trying to gain social status by fighting for the British army shortly after the war between the Jacobites and the British. He is back in Scotland, and takes a fiercely determined and intuitive young man Charlie Rob under his wing. Charlie learns a lot shadowing Leith wherever he goes, and is content with his job, until one day, he is thrown in the middle of a murder mystery.
Charlie’s strong sense of justice urges him to get to the roots of the mystery and he finds himself obsessed with the murder.
It is a very gripping read and transports you into a different world. As I was turning one page after another, I could visualize Scotland and outlander before my eyes. It is a very interesting read which mixes fiction with historic facts together. The reader learns a lot about the Scottish history in this book.
A very good read, do not miss it.

littlemissmaudlin's review

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I didn't like this book as much as I'd hoped, as I have a little bit of a love affair with Scotland. However, the murder mystery itself was well-woven and detailed. The plot was a bit slow due to the imbalance between dialogue and narration. I still enjoyed the historical aspects and descriptions of Scotland. The accuracy and attention paid to the language and accents of the time also added to the realness of the story.

piperkitty's review

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Leith Hall or Captain Dilley’s
Death has sturck some as strange. It took me a little bit of time to get into this book the start was slow for me. Charlie character I really liked. It took me time to get use to the period setting in which the book took place. Charlie finds himself in the middle of a murder mystery and then tries to find justice for Lexi.

dimples87's review

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This story leaves you hooked on what is mysterious about it. In a story of justice, mystery and suspense this story will have you hooked from page to page. I thoroughly enjoyed it! This original page-turner is very entertaining and unpredictable. I love how my imagination gets to roam free through history with this book. Pick up this book and you won’t be disappointed!

arthistorygirl's review

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The Slaughter of Leith Hall Paperback by Lexie Conyngham is a historical, crime fiction novel. I always enjoy a good crime novel or a good historical fiction, and this book didn't disappoint. There are twists and turns and trying to figure out who to trust. Also, this set in time when Culloden is not a distant memory and the Jacobites are feeling the pain of their losses. The characters are very interesting and I enjoyed Charlie and the changes taking place in his life. Are the changes for the best or do they benefit others more?
The author sets up a delightful mystery and in such a beautiful location, Scotland. The story swept me away and left me wanting more. I definitely look forward to reading more from this author in the future.

carabellacullen's review

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The Slaughter of Leith Hall by Lexie Conyngham
4 Stars!!!!

I really do love books set in period. I don't care if they are romance, mystery, or whatever. I love being drawn into the past and able to fantasise that I am in that time period. This book was very well written and kept my attention from the first page to the last. I love how there is just enough intrigue and drama to keep the reader going.

I could really feel the emotions Charlie felt as the drama unfolded. I was on the edge of my seat to see who was actually guilty. I really like how the author grabs the reader and you are transported into the very colourful past. I enjoyed this book and look forward to reading more from this author in the future.

katie_83's review

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The Slaughter of Leith Hall
By Lexie Conyngham
4 stars

I really like historical romance so I thought I would go out of my comfort zone and try a historical mystery book and I have to say I really enjoyed it. Whilst it did take a little time to get into the story was richly detailed and well written. I have read work by the author previously so it was good to read something by her again. I really enjoyed the setting of the story and enjoyed the history that the author brought to the book. The characters were great to read about; in fact it was an enjoyable read overall and definitely one that I would recommend.

fish3718's review

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I found myself inside the story with the characters. The mystery and historical story is one of twists and turns. I loved the detailed writing of Lexie Conyngham She kept my interest and I was turning the pages fast because I wanted to see if I was on the right side of the story. The characters are complex and well written. I followed along with Charlie. He has set out on a journey as he is in the middle of a murder-mystery. All he wants is justice. He is determined to solve this mystery and get home. I highly recommend this story. You will want to see if Charlie solves the mystery or get lost in the process.

bwagner's review

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This is a new author for me, I enjoyed it from beginning to end. I look forward to reading more from this series and author in the future. This is a historical mystery-murder story that kept me engaged. I enjoyed the characters as I had no problem connecting to them as they made the story come alive. I also enjoyed how the characters were supportive of each other which made it easy to read. This is a story that took me back to this time in history and made me feel as if I was there. This is a story about Charlie. He finds himself far away from home and Leith has taken him under his wing and changed his life. He also finds himself in the middle of a murder-mystery case in which he is determined to find justice. This is a little different story for me than what I normally read but I enjoyed it. I had no problems turning page after page wondering what would happen next. I am happy I picked up this book and I highly recommend reading it.

angelahayes's review

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4 Stars

The Slaughter of Leith Hall is a well woven historical murder mystery by Lexie Conyngham. It took me a little bit to get into the story and get my head around the period language/speak that is in keeping with the times, but was somewhat heavy, time consuming, and confusing to read. The story was slow to get going and lagged a little at times throughout the book- but the mystery was quite intriguing and I did feel compelled to finish the story so I could find out how everything played out in the end.

Thank you, Lexie Conyngham!